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Power of Healing with Love with Daniel the Healer

Power of Healing with Love with Daniel the Healer

In the realm of holistic healing, where the intangible meets the tangible, there exists a profound force that transcends conventional understanding. At the forefront of this metaphysical frontier stands Daniel the Healer, a luminary figure renowned for his transformative gifts and unparalleled expertise. As an Intuitive Holistic Energy Healer, Body Whisperer, Psychic Energy “Chiropractor,” Psychic Surgeon, Medical Intuitive, and Spiritual Counselor, Daniel embodies a fusion of ancient wisdom and modern insight, offering profound healing experiences to those who seek his guidance. For decades, Daniel has immersed himself in the study and application of Quantum Healing, a discipline that delves into the deepest layers of human consciousness and energy fields. In this exclusive interview, Daniel unveils the essence of his remarkable journey, offering profound insights into the art of healing with love. Join Mystic Mag as we delve into the depths of consciousness, exploring the boundless potential of the human spirit under the guidance of a true master of the metaphysical arts.

What inspired you to pursue a path of holistic healing and integrate spirituality into your practice?

This journey began over time, gradually incorporating more spirituality. I commenced my healing practice as a hypnotist. Having been raised in Switzerland, by extremely left-brained parents, emotions were seldom addressed, and the concept of an energy field was foreign to me. Everything was categorized as either physical or mental.

Now, in my current practice, I embrace a holistic approach, addressing the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of my clients, recognizing their interconnections. My background was originally in hotel administration, where I worked at Princess Hotels in Bermuda and the Bahamas. Eventually, I found myself drawn to the United States, seeking new experiences.

One such experience led me to encounter a coffee grounds reader. Despite my initial skepticism, the accuracy of her predictions astounded me. This event opened my eyes to the unseen and sparked my curiosity for the mystical.

As my journey unfolded, I pursued various paths, including training to become a private pilot. However, I struggled with comprehension until a friend suggested hypnotherapy. A single session with a hypnotist transformed my ability to learn, leading to a significant improvement in my pilot training.

Subsequently, I received an invitation to attend a weekend class in hypnotism, which piqued my interest further. Despite having pursued various careers, my inclination towards healing remained constant. Upon learning hypnosis, I began practicing with friends, yielding intriguing results.

Reflecting on my journey, I realized my innate inclination towards healing, unbeknownst to me initially. This realization deepened as I met my wife, who shared an interest in alternative therapies. Together, we explored various healing modalities, including MariEl and Lazaris teachings, accumulating over 40 years of combined study.

Through these experiences, I gained insight into the intricacies of consciousness, intuition, and the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit. This understanding led me to integrate spirituality into my practice, recognizing its pivotal role in holistic healing. Recently, I collaborated with a chiropractor in Los Angeles, observing the importance of addressing spiritual well-being as a precursor to physical healing.

In conclusion, my journey has been a tapestry of diverse experiences, culminating in a holistic approach to healing that acknowledges the primacy of spiritual well-being in achieving overall health and wellness.

How do you define “healing with love” and how does it manifest in your practice as an Intuitive Holistic Energy Healer?

With my spiritual teacher, I also learned about the energy body, you know, and how you have an aura, and the aura has a boundary. It has a placement where you are in. Right outside of that aura. Sometimes, when people are very stressed, they push their aura away from them so they don’t have to feel their own energies. So, in my healing practice, I work with auras and chakras, and I work with the 12-chakra system.

There’s also this saying, “love heals everything.” I learned to activate my heart chakra. When I actually do healing work in my practice, I overlay a program onto that love. It’s like frequency modulation, like FM radio. There’s the basic frequency that you tune into, and then on top of that frequency goes the music. Or the talk show. That’s called frequency modulation. I do that mentally. People tell me what doesn’t work well, and then, for example, “My hips are out of alignment.” Okay, so let me visualize your hips in good alignment. I hold that image, and I superimpose it onto my heart chakra love stream. And I will send it to you. On your end, as you receive this information, you interpret it through your chakras, your endocrine system, your nervous system, and your emotional fields. Then your body responds, understanding what needs to be done, because often when something happens, your body may forget how to correct it. Then your cells go into action, and your hips align. So that’s what I call healing with love.

As a “Body Whisperer,” how do you communicate with clients’ bodies to understand their needs and facilitate healing?

I’m also a medical intuitive. That means if you sense something’s wrong with you and you go to the emergency room, but it’s not immediately apparent to the doctor, they might suggest various tests to figure out what’s wrong. However, I have an enormous group of helpers on the other side who assist me. I’ve also learned a technique called kinesiology or muscle testing. It’s similar to what a chiropractor might do when they test your muscle strength at different points along your spine. By connecting with my spirit helpers, I can perceive what’s going on with you. I assess your systems, organs, and energy field, and if there’s weakness, it gives me an impression of what’s not right.

For example, if there’s an issue with your heart, I can tap into that connection, much like when you intuitively know who’s calling you before you pick up the phone. From there, a dialogue unfolds where I communicate with your organs or systems to understand why they’re not functioning properly. This communication often reveals underlying issues, such as past traumas or unresolved experiences. I offer healing love to address these issues, even extending back in time to heal past traumas, thus altering the course of your life moving forward. Though the effects may not be immediate, changes often manifest in the days following the healing session.

What type of services do you offer?

Because my practice is holistic and addresses all four levels, I offer a variety of services. One of the most frequent services I provide is called Life Essence Reading. During this hour-long session, I examine approximately 250 components in your energy field. I can determine where you are in your spiritual evolution, identifying strengths and weaknesses, as well as offering insights into your origins. Additionally, I am currently studying how to read the Akashic Records, a service I plan to offer in the future.

Another service I offer is what I term “Align the Body,” essentially a form of psychic chiropractic. This involves realigning the skeletal structure for those unable to access traditional chiropractic care. Additionally, I provide medical intuition services for individuals who have sought answers from various doctors without success. Through a comprehensive analysis of the physical body, I can identify areas of concern and explore deeper causes, whether they are mental, emotional, or spiritual in nature.

Many of my clients also seek assistance with clearing past traumas and emotional healing. I specialize in trauma and shock release, addressing issues stemming from upbringing or other life experiences. In addition to these services, I offer psychic surgery, where I intervene in the psyche to address issues such as broken chakras, misplaced auras, or curses.

Soul retrievals are another aspect of my practice, aimed at reuniting fragmented aspects of one’s soul following traumatic experiences. I also provide space clearing services for living environments that may harbor negative energies, allowing individuals to thrive in harmonious surroundings. These services are not limited to humans; I also offer animal healing for our beloved pets.

Cellular memory release is another vital service I provide, addressing the lingering effects of trauma stored within the cells themselves. Finally, I offer assistance in the death process through what I call psychic hospice. This service is tailored to individuals who are struggling to let go as they approach the end of life, helping them find peace and resolution before transitioning into the next phase of existence.

How do you ensure ethical and responsible use of your psychic abilities when working with clients’ energy fields?

When working with clients’ energy fields, first and foremost, I operate under the assumption of permission, given by the fact that they have come to see me. However, I do not engage in examining anyone’s energy field randomly on the street. With strangers, I consciously refrain from tuning into their energy, as the psyche of one individual is already intricate and potentially overwhelming; tuning into the energies of billions would be too much to handle. Therefore, I shut down this awareness.

Yet, with permission, certain experiences may arise that serve as messages from one’s soul and higher self, guiding them towards addressing particular aspects of their life. Individuals come into existence with a purpose, transitioning from their spiritual state into physical existence for a set agenda within time. Pain, for instance, often carries a message. Before addressing it, I ensure that the message has been received by communicating with the client’s higher self. If it is deemed necessary to intervene, I delve into deciphering the underlying message.

However, there are times when I decline to intervene. If healing the pain would disrupt the message delivery process, I inform the client accordingly. The universe communicates in whispers, gradually escalating until the message becomes unmistakable. Removing the pain without acknowledging the message could lead to its return with greater intensity, as the universe attempts to convey its significance.

In every interaction, I strive to respect and honor the client’s purpose in life. This entails listening attentively to their needs and concerns. Even when perceiving the presence of protective shields, known as armor, within their energy field, I approach with caution. Rather than simply removing the shield, I engage in a dialogue with the client, explaining the potential consequences of dismantling their protective barriers and allowing them to make an informed decision.

Read more at: danielthehealer.com


We rank vendors based on rigorous testing and research, but also take into account your feedback and our commercial agreements with providers. This page contains affiliate links. Advertising Disclosure
MysticMag contains reviews that were written by our experts and follow the strict reviewing standards, including ethical standards, that we have adopted. Such standards require that each review will take into consideration independent, honest and professional examination of the reviewer. That being said, we may earn a commission when a user completes an action using our links, at no additional cost to them. On listicle pages, we rank vendors based on a system that prioritizes the reviewer’s examination of each service but also considers feedback received from our readers and our commercial agreements with providers.This site may not review all available service providers, and information is believed to be accurate as of the date of each article.
About the author
Katarina is a Content Editor at Mystic Mag She is a Reiki practitioner who believes in spiritual healing, self-consciousness, healing with music. Mystical things inspire her to always look for deeper answers. She enjoys to be in nature, meditation, discover new things every day. Interviewing people from this area is her passion and space where she can professionaly evolve, and try to connect people in needs with professionals that can help them on their journey. Before joining Mystic Mag, she was involved in corporate world where she thought that she cannot express herself that much and develop as a person.