Cynthia Thinnes discovered her passion for astrology through her mother’s teachings and began casting charts by hand at a young age. With years of experience and a deep spiritual connection to the cosmos, Cynthia offers personalized astrological readings and guidance to help individuals understand and navigate their lives. Learn more in her exclusive MysticMag interview below.
How did you get into astrology and what sparked your interest in it?
My mother began to study astrology when she was pregnant with me, and she taught me my zodiac along with my alphabet. As I was growing up, she and I would have many long conversations about astrology along with topics of a spiritual and metaphysical nature.
My mother allowed me to read her textbooks, and I started to cast charts by hand when I was around 12. At that time, personal computers were in their infancy, and it was rare for anyone to have one.
When I was 12, I probably could not have articulated what it was about astrology that appealed to me so much. It was just something that had been a part of my life from the time that I was born.
Looking back, though, I think that it was a part of my spiritual journey. For astrology to “work,” and I have seen that it does, there must be an Intelligence governing the Cosmos that loves and cares for each one of us and the entire Cosmos must be ordered to give each of us as individuals help and guidance for the most minute details of our everyday life.
I have been honored and privileged to see a small glimpse of that in the work that I do. There are many times when I have worked on charts that I have sat in awe at the beautiful harmony of the Cosmos. Even in my darkest moments in this life, this has been a source of deep faith. From doing charts, I have seen in action that there is a Loving God who cares about each and every one of us.
What is a computerized natal report and how does it work?
The computerized natal report is a project I did for another site for which I have written articles. This report calculates a person’s natal chart and gives interpretations for the various planetary placements. This natal report can be obtained here:
Most people know their Sun Sign, or their “Sign,” but that is only one part of a person’s astrological make-up. Indeed, for people born at night, the Sun Sign is not even the most important part. If someone was born at night, their Moon Sign will be a much stronger influence than their Sun Sign will.
There are many computerized natal reports available, and many of them are free. One of the ways that the one that I wrote is different is that it will tell you whether you were born during the day or at night. I also explain how to interpret one’s Sun and Moon signs from the perspective of having a day chart or a night chart.
Most computerized natal reports just give a listing of all of the planetary placements and aspects in a sort of cookbook fashion. They will contain a lot of information, much of which will be contradictory. Some of that is because of the limitations of the technology involved. In the report that I wrote, I tried to give some guidance as to how to read each of the planetary placements with consideration of other factors involved.
A computerized natal report is not a substitute for an individualized reading, but it can give some important information. It is also a way to see how I go about looking at charts as a sort of “free sample” of my services.
In modern media, the words “Mercury retrograde” are often mentioned. Can you tell me a bit more about what the Mercury retrograde cycle really represents?
All of the planets except the Luminaries (the Sun and the Moon) go retrograde from time to time. The Mercury retrograde cycle has gained popularity in modern media, and many are afraid of it. On a practical level, it can create problems with communication in all forms, which is why it has a bad reputation.
Really, though, the time during a Mercury retrograde is a time to slow down and reflect. The reason problems occur during this time is that our modern world moves very fast, and it is hard to be able to slow down when necessary.
Mercury retrogrades do not need to be scary. The main thing to remember is that anything done in the area of writing and communication may need to be done over. Take extra care when it comes to proofreading and the like. It is also good to be forgiving of yourself and others, as mistakes are likely to occur no matter how careful everyone is. Also, practice care and forgiveness with interpersonal communication. If a conflict arises during this time, it is very often a case of misunderstanding rather than a true difference.
A more detailed explanation of the meaning of a Mercury retrograde is in this article: starsintheircourses.com/2019/03/10/the-mercury-retrograde-cycle
What other astrological services do you offer?
I offer personalized readings, which can be given in either a video conference or as a written report. The most basic would be a natal reading, which would look at your birth chart in depth. I also offer forecast charts which are usually for the year ahead.
Another service I offer is a compatibility reading between two people to help them understand the dynamics of their relationship.
Additionally, I offer horary readings, which are a form of divination about a specific question, and electional work, which is finding a fortuitous time for an event, such as a wedding or starting a new business.
A detailed description of my services can be found at starsintheircourses.com/astrological-services
What are some common misconceptions about astrology that you came across?
I think that one of the most common, and I think damaging, misconceptions about astrology is that it can or should be able to be explained using modern scientific ideas or methodology. Astrology is both a science in the Traditional sense of knowledge, deriving from the Latin word and concept of scientia, and a craft.
While the planets move in an orderly and predictable manner, the deeper meaning of them is much more complicated. They do not control us. The reason astrology “works” is not that is some measurable force that the planets have, but that they are signs and symbols of the workings of the Divine. The axiom that teaches this is “as above, so below.”
This axiom is often interpreted as the movements on Earth are a reflection of the movements of the heavenly bodies, which is part of the meaning. There is a deeper meaning as well, though, which is that the movements of the heavenly bodies themselves are a reflection of an even higher Reality.
There is not just one type of astrology, there are many. Many people are aware that Western Astrology and Vedic Astrology are different, but there are many, many more astrological systems, and Western Astrology and Vedic Astrology are both truly a collection of many different systems. Even astrologers will get caught up in arguments with each other about which is the “right” astrology.
In truth, though, astrology is more like a collection of many different languages. The science is knowing what the symbols mean, and the craft is interpreting and understanding them. Many astrologers will use more than one system in their work. While one cannot mix and match systems any more than one can mix and match words and grammar from several different languages, one can learn and use several different systems, just as one can read and write in several different languages.
To learn more about Cynthia and her work, you can visit starsintheircourses.com