Will your favorite team win the derby match and how will they do in the upcoming season? Who will win the Super Bowl or the NBA Championship? Who wouldn’t want to know that!? Now, there is a way! In the latest edition of MysticMag interviews, Astrologer Crystal Gaze talks about Sports Astrology and how astrology became her calling, among other things. Find out more below.
What sparked your interest in Astrology and how did you become an Astrologer?
I first discovered my passion for Astrology back in 1991 (the year my son was born) when I was at university studying Architecture and a tutor arrived from India. During one of our design tutorials, she asked if I would like her to look at my horoscope. I had never looked into Astrology and I didn’t even know what my sun sign was, let alone my moon and all the other planets! My tutor proceeded to draw on a piece of paper with strange symbols and geometries which I had never seen before. Having no knowledge of my history, she began to talk at great length about things that only my closest family and friends would have known. I was fascinated; geometry and theology all rolled into one! And so began my own personal journey into the ancient art of Astrology.
What’s unique about Horary Astrology?
Horary Astrology is probably the most fascinating and useful branch of all! Made famous by the 17th-century astrologer, William Lilly (1602-1681) it is unique in its ability to answer specific questions (eg. “Will I marry?” “Will I have children?”) or even find missing objects or people. It is subject to many strict rules and as the name Horary (“of the hour”) suggests, interpretation is based on not just the question itself, but precisely when it’s asked. A void of course moon or a late rising chart, for example, can allow us to recognise a fundamental truth; that the Universe does not grant an answer to every question.
Your services include Sports Astrology. How does that work?
My most popular service is Sports Astrology, for which I use the basic principles of Horary Astrology to analyse any competition based on the time and place it occurs, as well as the characteristics of the competitors. For instance, my analysis of the 2023 Super Bowl showed that Patrick Mahomes’ chart, when overlayed with the event itself, revealed planetary alignments in a winning formation and allowed me (amongst other factors) to definitively predict that the Kansas City Chiefs would win. You can read my detailed analysis on astrology.com. Horses are a passion of mine and horse-racing is my favorite sport. I am currently penning a book on how to win at the races, so follow me on my Instagram page www.instagram.com/crystalgazeastrology for all my latest predictions.
What other types of readings and services do you offer?
I offer various personalised readings on my website at www.crystalgaze.com including:
(a) Signature Reading – An empowering and healing reading where I read your stars and gypsy cards. A great introductory reading for those who want to get to know themselves energetically through the lens of the planets and stars;
(b) Individual – In-depth analysis of personality, relationships, home, and career. Soul journey and archetypes;
(c) Relationships – Analysis of the compatibility between two people for a successful business, friendship, or love connection;
(d) Elective Astrology – Set yourself up for success by beginning a venture at an auspicious date and time. Receive guidance on when to embark on a journey, project, or business, buy or sell real estate, commence a partnership, and so forth.
Can you walk us through a typical reading?
The client contacts me through my website and a date and time are arranged for a reading via phone, Zoom, or Skype. The information that I need is their date of birth (and if possible, the time of birth), the location where they were born, and of course what area of their life they are seeking clarity in. I then perform an in-depth chart reading and use that to understand how the energies of the Universe are influencing their lives and empower them to move forwards with confidence.
Is there anything else about your work that you’d like to share with our readers?
With every year I practice the fundamentals of Astrology, I become more convinced of its ability to show us the underlying order of the Universe in even the most chaotic moments of our lives on Earth. As above, so below.