Kelsie Nation from Cosmic Occult Astrology is a traditional astrologer incorporating modern astrology when needed and offers insight based on client experience, her own experience, and her 12+ years of knowledge on astrology. In this feature Kelsie shares her approach to astrology and what astrology can teach us about self-acceptance and self-improvement.
How did you initially become interested in astrology and what inspired you to use this as a tool to help guide others?
That’s a great question! I started my astrology journey at a really young age (middle school era). I was obsessed with cutting out the horoscopes from my favorite magazines that were mailed to me and would pin them to a collage board next to my bed. That was my gateway I believe. As I grew a little older, I was placed in an advanced astronomy class my freshman year of high school. I remember my astronomy teacher teaching us about the constellations and I especially remembered when he mentioned the zodiac constellations. From there, I practically dove deep into astrology trying to learn all I could about it. Due to the several years of being fascinated by astrology, it became a special interest of mine, and I created my blog in 2016 to talk more about it. Throughout that time, a lot of my friends became interested in what I was writing about and would tell me how I easily break astrology down in a way that’s meaningful and understood. From there, I realized how powerful this divination tool was to not only understand myself, but the people around me as well. I like to use astrology in a way that shows how the cosmic universe aligns with our own psychological makeup. I think everybody likes to feel understood and I feel astrology offers that type of acceptance.
How would you describe your approach to astrology?
I generally practice under a traditional system because I genuinely respect the ancient astrologers. However, I do apply a modern twist to my interpretations just to keep it simplified and easy for others to understand. I mostly use the modern system when it comes to mundane (predictive) astrology but for digging into the psyche, my practice is rooted in the traditional approach.
What is the one thing about astrology that intrigues you the most?
I can think of so many things that intrigue me when it comes to astrology, but the absolute most would be the clarity it can provide. As somebody who enjoys the practical and routine side of life, I enjoy how astrology gives me predictability. I’m most fascinated by predictive astrology because of this very reason. I also really enjoy studying history and historical data from previous astrological occurrences. I find the timing and repetitive nature to it all especially intriguing.
What can astrology teach us about self-acceptance and self-improvement?
Since my whole practice is geared towards learning self-acceptance through astrology, I really like this question! When I first started studying astrology, I remember becoming obsessed over the challenges my chart showed me and actively tried to “fix” them. It took me a long time to realize that nothing needed fixed because it’s my blueprint written in the stars. I think astrology can dig into areas of the subconscious and bring out the shadow self that many of us try to hide from. Seeing your areas of weaknesses and strengths laid out in a single chart presents you with a choice of acknowledging and accepting both sides of the coin. I don’t think anybody should gloss over their areas of strengths in the chart because those talents shown are what strengthens the weaker parts of the chart. By understanding that, I think it provides an opportunity towards a journey of self-love.
Are there any significant upcoming astrological events that we should be aware of?
I think one of the biggest ones to look for is the separation of the Saturn-Uranus square. As soon as Saturn stations direct in Aquarius on October 23rd, it begins to weaken the square to Uranus. These two planets have been bouncing back and forth with squares since The Great Conjunction in December 2020. Once they separate for good on December 12th, they will not square each other again for another 67 years. This brings a radical change to societal structures and it’s true that all over the world, people are seeing things in a new light, causing disruption for change, and testing the status quo. Another important thing about Uranus is that it will soon be stationing into Gemini. Even with it being further out, Uranus will transit Gemini, Pluto will be in Aquarius, and Chiron will have moved into Taurus in the year 2029. These planets haven’t been stationed all together in these signs since 1779. It’ll be interesting to see what’s in store for our future.