Welcome to this fascinating interview with Cole Prots, an astrologer with a unique perspective on the ancient art of astrology. Cole has spent years studying the celestial bodies and their impact on our lives, and has a keen ability to interpret the movements of the stars and planets to provide insight into our individual journeys. In today’s Mystic Mag interview, we’ll explore Cole’s insights into the power of astrology, his approach to chart reading, and how he believes we can use this ancient practice to gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us. So sit back, relax, and prepare to be enlightened by the wisdom of Cole Prots.
What inspired you to become an Astrologer?
My path to becoming an astrologer is sort of like all of my careers I’ve had. I sort of just fell into it. I had been interested in astrology when I was younger & started practicing it more seriously when I went off to college but I never really imagined it was a viable career for myself. It wasn’t until the beginning of the pandemic that I started to be more vocal about my practice over social media. Through my following on TikTok, I started getting DMs & comments if I offered readings and I was truthfully shocked because I never believed that people would want to get a reading from me because my content leans on the satirical side. When I started to realize that I had a real passion for holding space & helping others work through their daily struggles I decided to lean into exploring astrology as a full time profession.
What type of services do you offer?
My main service is natal chart readings with first time clients. I like to approach astrology from a psychological perspective and help people navigate the strengths and challenges in their chart. My primary focus is reframing internal narratives that people might have so that they can use their natural gifts, talents, & energies in a way that works for them as opposed to trying to fit into any predisposed paradigms that might have been imposed on them from society.
What role do you believe astrology plays in the current cultural moment, and how has it evolved over time?
I firmly believe that astrology is a huge reason why so many people are focusing on mental health and wellness as of late. Astrology in the recent past was very kitschy but in recent years the western world is becoming more accustomed to understanding it more deeply. I would say like 5-10 years ago most people would only know their sun sign & now we have found that more and more people are knowing not just their big 3 but other inner planets & aspects. It’s really amazing to see that society is shifting in a way that is more inclusive of spiritual practices.
How do you see astrology and other mystical practices fitting into a modern, scientific worldview?
I think that modern astrology is going to become synonymous with psychology one day. That might be an extreme view but so much of my work & the work of my peers is integrated with psychology principles. It might not ever be viewed as a legit science by those girlies working at NASA but I think the social sciences will grow to accept it.
How do you see the future of astrology unfolding, both as a field of study and as a practical tool for individuals seeking guidance and insight?
I see astrology growing to a widely accepted social science and eventually being taught in higher education institutions. That probably won’t happen in the immediate future, but I believe that as people become more comfortable with it and see it talked about in the media that there will be an increased validity. Astrology has been around since before any of us were even a thought in our parents mind, so it only makes sense that it will continue to permeate culture. Like you can get a college degree in some of the most obscure things, why not a degree in astrology?
What do you love most about your profession?
I love working with my clients. As someone who has always struggled with my identity & mental health, being someone who is able to help alleviate a lot of the tensions that I face but for others is amazing. Nothing is better than working with someone knowing that they feel validated in their existence & have been given a variety of tools to help kick start the rest of their growth journey.