MysticMag has the opportunity to chat with Claudia Wenning, an experienced Holistic Health Consultant, Naturopath, Functional Medicine Practitioner, and Counselor with over 30 years of experience. She’s dedicated to assisting clients globally in overcoming physical and emotional challenges. Claudia offers naturopathic and functional medicine health protocols, including her unique “Energy Balancing” method. She’s deeply passionate about empowering women and has developed transformative, therapeutic approaches like “Quantum Level Therapy™.” With a diverse range of certifications, including Functional Medicine Health Coach and others, Claudia brings a holistic and comprehensive approach to her work.
Your holistic approach combines elements of Naturopathy, Functional Medicine, Counseling, and more. How do you tailor your services to meet the unique needs of each client, considering their physical and emotional well-being?
What we call today Naturopathy, while not widely enough recognized, is almost identical to the original way of providing natural medicine, healing disease with natural remedies, herbs, nutrition and natural applications. It’s essentially the traditional way of treating the state of health of individuals. Back in the day, doctors would make house calls too, and apply natural remedies before pharmaceuticals became the standard in medical practice. Naturopathy is now seen as complementary, I actually see it as an essential part of health care.
To address your question, I’d like to dive deeper into the holistic approach because that’s what ties everything together. It all begins with a complimentary call with me. When someone asks why they should consider a naturopathic treatment we explore whether my holistic, natural and functional medicine approach could help address their most pressing concerns. I am also certified as Counselor, from a naturopathic perspective, so in essence when you work with me, we will care for your body, mind and soul. Every individual has a unique story, and when someone contacts me I want to hear their story. Based on that story, I offer everything I believe can be done at that time. This marks the beginning of our collaboration.
I have a wide range of tools, techniques and testing at my disposal, and the specific approach depends on what’s needed for the client. We’ll develop a protocol, it’s highly individualized and customized to ensure it’s the right approach for the particular issues. And I stay with the client until everything is implemented.
“Energy Balancing” and “Quantum Level Therapy” are intriguing modalities you’ve developed. Could you explain how these approaches work and the benefits they bring to your clients seeking transformation in their health and life?
Let’s start with “Energy Balancing”. I’ll take a bit of a leap here suggesting that, in some way or another, we are all imbalanced. Without delving into politics, it’s safe to say that the whole world seems to be in a state of imbalance. Just being aware of the fact that we might not be in an optimal state of balance is the initial step. This intrinsic awareness happens also on a cellular level, that sense that something doesn’t feel quite right, that sparks a desire to understand what’s happening.
Most of the time, when people come to me, they already sense that something has manifested in their lives,that clearly diminishes their quality of life. This manifestation could be physical, mental, or emotional. And we embark on a journey to pinpoint where the imbalances lie. It’s a moment where we allow ourselves to listen to the messengers within – where do we feel most imbalanced, and what steps can we take to return to our center, to feel balanced and whole again? What I offer is a somatic experience, highly energetic, that softens and resolves energetic blocks which keep us disassociated, And then we use these insights to connect to the new narrative which we’re going to create together.
The old narrative might be filled with statements like “things are really off,” “I feel terrible,” “I can’t sleep well,” or “I have digestive issues.” We are going to transform this story into a new one. This transformation involves various experiences with me, creating an awareness that leads to energetic shifts, which are relaxing and liberating, leading to deep inquiry, which we can also call reflection. This process ultimately results in a personalized protocol. The process also has a meditative aspect, and I know it is inherently therapeutic. By examining the underlying reasons, patterns, and beliefs that make us feel out of sorts, we allow them to come to the surface, through gentle inquiry and deep reflection we expand our consciousness and presentness. It is transformational, and it is therapeutic, and that’s why I call this process “Quantum Level Therapy”.
I talk quite often about “taking people to the quantum level”, and this was originally based on my personal journey. While quantum is quite a buzzword these days, quantum this and that, studying quantum physics has significantly helped me to connect the pieces of my own life’s puzzle, find a reference frame that works, and open the road to how I want to move forward in processing life itself.
When I speak of “going to the quantum level” in a therapeutic way, I mean that we are opening ourselves up to new approaches we may not have tried before. We’re also allowing ourselves to let go, and accept that some beliefs may no longer serve us. We question our existing patterns and beliefs, asking if and how they’re still relevant. This journey involves deep self-inquiry, and the beautiful aspect is that it opens us up to unlimited possibilities. While this approach has been practiced in various ways for millennia, but was often shrouded in mystery, I believe we need it more than ever to navigate the intensity of life, to find ways to stay centered and calm in the midst of the energetically intense atmosphere that prevails globally. And I have found very practical ways to “go there”, in the here and now, it is exciting, invigorating, inspirational and truly transformational. Yes, we can call that mystical, but it does not have to be a mystery anymore…
Your journey of self-discovery and transformation is inspiring. What personal experiences or turning points led you to dedicate your life to meditation, consciousness-expanding processes, and holistic health practices?
I’m going to open up a bit about something I don’t usually talk about, since it’s quite personal. I’ve experienced extensive childhood trauma, and that’s a fact. Alongside that, I’ve had to confront deep ancestral trauma, and I grew up in an environment that I perceived then entirely devoid of emotions. These early imprints are very relevant, for all of us. I can get into the details of the ancestral trauma later, but for now, let’s keep going.
All these factors, earlier in my life – I’m 65 now – led to a profound depression. I began accumulating physical disorders, which, by conventional medical understanding, were quickly labeled as chronic. But one day, through what I can only describe as a very strong energetic impulse, truly life saving, I decided, “enough is enough.” I refused to accept a life defined by chronic diseases and ongoing depression.
I dropped everything I was doing and embarked on a journey of meditation. I want to emphasize that meditation is not a one-time practice; it’s a continuous, evolving process. If you’re truly committed, it becomes a lifestyle, not just an hour in the morning or a specific time of day. This was 40 years ago, and meditation is since the ever-present indispensable “undercurrent” of my life.
A very important, quite critical part for me in this transformation involved meeting guides along the way. And I will briefly talk about one of them. For some mystical reason, by the gift of grace, I recognized this individual on a profound level. It felt almost transcendental, yet also deeply unsettling. I knew that this person held the answers to what I had longed to understand – the essence of my life’s quest.
The unsettling part was that he was willing to share this knowledge with me, and it was challenging to convey this verbally. So, we embarked on a journey together that, at times, shook me to my core. It pushed me so far beyond my comfort zone, and there were moments when I desperately wanted to run away. However, I didn’t run because what he was doing was precisely what I had been waiting for all along – to support me in questioning my beliefs, to disassemble my identifications, and ultimately to arrive at a completely new, transcended, understanding of life.
It’s difficult for me too to put into words because language only touches the surface. How do you talk about transcending? The mentoring I received has taken me to a place of perception where I felt stable and clear enough to invite and accept liberation, and years later I recognized that I could use the term “quantum level” to point towards it. It’s a realm of unlimited possibilities, and it’s not some vague concept; it’s the purest way to approach reality.
And since I have gone through these years of self-realization, it is my offer to share it with anyone who is ready. By grace alone I was gifted these experiences and I want to help others to experience transformative, eye opening insights as well. Life will never be the same, and much better than we have ever hoped for. It is a process, and it may not happen overnight either, but If I have been able to drop the veils of my perception of reality, everyone can. I have walked the walk, I know the itinerary, and I will be the guide to who is ready. I assist my clients to take the straight route rather than to get stuck on the way.
You mention working with individuals and groups. Could you share an example of a particularly rewarding or transformative experience you’ve had while guiding a group through the process of healing, self-empowerment, or transformation?
One of the most profound realizations that can occur in group settings, and it’s not a new concept but needs to be deeply, viscerally, felt, is that we are not alone. Despite the complex and often dramatic or tragic events that play out in our individual lives, causing dismay, sorrow, depression, and anxiety, we share a common thread. We have emotions, no matter if we are conscious of them or not. The reasons for feeling what we feel are highly individual, as every story is unique.
However, when we come together in a group setting especially, I’ve noticed that women tend to find it easier to open up in this way. There’s a transformative aspect to this shared experience. We can lay our stories bare, and on an emotional level, we connect with others who have also faced dramatic events in their lives. And who hasn’t? Just the realization that “you’ve been through something I can relate to” holds tremendous healing power.
I recall a specific instance where a lady in one of the therapeutic groups shared a very recent and dramatic chapter of her life. It was the first time she felt safe enough to speak about it within the group, which had been ongoing for a while. They had grown to know each other, and for her, the transformative moment was to share that because of this group experience she had channeled her emotions into creating art. Opening up to the others about her experience was a significant step forward for her, and it proved to be an inspiration to everyone.
It became the most potentiating interactive experience I’ve witnessed within a group. It was like a bubble of connection, radiating an iridescent, beautiful, deep, and profoundly supportive energy. Once you have the experience of realizing you’re not alone in your emotions, no matter how excruciating they might be, and that there are people who can look you in the eye and say, “I understand you,” that’s a deeply transformative experience.
Your credentials and certifications span a wide range of health and wellness fields. How do these various disciplines come together to create a comprehensive and effective approach to helping your clients achieve balance, well-being, and self-empowerment in their lives?
I view each of us as an intricate and unique puzzle, which makes the whole concept almost holographic, but certainly holistic. It’s not like you have a finite number of puzzle pieces that, once put together, reveal a clear picture of who you are and where you’re headed. Instead, it’s more like assembling that picture only to discover that each piece of the puzzle is, in itself, another puzzle. So, the learning never truly ends, and it keeps evolving. What I can offer is a collection of tools I’ve gathered to approach the different aspects of these intricate puzzles, to make them come together in a coherent way, yet at the same time leaving plenty room for expansion and transformation.
This approach is “holistic” because the ultimate goal is to give the wholeness of our being the freedom to unfold. This means there are always new strategies and techniques to explore in order to reach that multilayered “level”. It’s not just about adding more tools but sometimes about removing those that no longer serve us. It’s akin to creating a bouquet of flowers – you have a vision of how it could look, and you’ll need various types of flowers to bring that vision and color scheme to life, it is a one of a kind composition.
I’m particularly fascinated by the continual discoveries in self-inquiry and the ever-evolving understanding of physiological changes, such as the significant topic of aging. While we may not be able to halt the aging process, we can approach it with a continually refreshed perspective. What we believed about aging 20 years ago has drastically changed, and I believe in staying updated with these developments, and to integrate further insights.
The idea is to incorporate these insights into a comprehensive approach for the person I’m in communication with. It’s not a one-size-fits-all approach; it’s highly customized and tailored, integrating everything we’ve learned up to this point. The process also leaves ample room for ongoing discovery and evolution from this point onward.
All the approaches, techniques and perspectives come together, serving as “tools in my toolbox,” and I love offering what I believe is the most suitable, sharing those tools. It’s not a singular approach; it’s a multi-layered one, and it’s also influenced by the openness of the clients I work with. Once we establish a connection, it will never cease, there is an energetic component that will last and literally transcends time and space. Last but not least: Change is only effective when we’re open to it.
I would like to close with a quote from my book, “Quantum Level Transformation – The Handbook”:
Our perception can change, and our attention can change,
our attitude can change, and our intention can change,
all this will change the quality of the energy that sustains us.
Once this energy changes, your life changes,
and you can move from unease into ease,
from tension into let go, from restriction into release.
If you would like to find out more about Claudia Wenning, visit https://claudiawenning.com/