As the founder of “Gateway To The Limitless” transformational workshops and programs, Christopher empowers participants to break free from the shackles of self-doubt and reconnect with their True Self. Through powerful hypnotherapeutic techniques and experiential learning, he facilitates a journey of self-discovery, guiding individuals to unearth their deepest desires and manifest their true destiny. Christopher’s mission is rooted in the belief that each individual possesses inherent value and worthiness, yet these truths can often be obscured by societal conditioning and negative self-perceptions. With compassion and insight, he gently guides participants toward a profound reconnection with their essence, unlocking the door to limitless potential and possibility. Join Mystic Mag as we embark on a transformative conversation with Christopher Lemig, where self-limiting beliefs are shattered, and the path to authentic self-realization is illuminated.
Can you share a personal anecdote or experience where you witnessed someone break free from a deeply held, self-limiting belief about their worthiness? How did that transformation unfold, and what role did hypnotherapy play in it?
Early in my career as a hypnotherapist, I was working with someone on a food-related issue. The first time they showed up at my office they came up riding a Harley Davidson motorcycle, wearing a worn leather jacket, ripped jeans and big, black boots. Basically not the kind of person who you would normally think seeks out hypnosis.
Looks aside, I could tell they were motivated to change, which is the only quality that really matters anyway. As we went deeper into hypnosis exploring the food issue, I could see they were beginning to tap into a deeper, wiser, and more loving part of themselves. At one point, I saw them totally relax, take a deep breath, and then quietly begin to cry and sob. I’d seen this kind of thing before so I knew they weren’t tears of sadness.
When I asked what they were experiencing, they wiped their eyes and said, “I’m just realizing so clearly that I actually really LOVE myself.” From there, the work progressed to understanding that their unhealthy relationship to food was just a dysfunctional attempt at taking care of themselves. Once they understood that they were actually lovable as they were, they realized that they could change their behavior to better reflect and honor their innate worthiness and goodness.
Hypnosis isn’t a magical or mystical state (although magical and mystical things can and do happen while in hypnosis!). It’s really all about becoming open enough so that you can connect with the loving wisdom of your True Self. Some people call it the higher self. Either way, it’s about connecting with that part of your being that knows without a doubt that you are loveable, valuable, and worthy just as you are.
In your view, what distinguishes Gateway To The Limitless from other transformational workshops or programs?
These days, there are more and more great programs out there aimed at transformation and personal change. However, many of them are “gurus” offering solutions on how to “fix” yourself in some way.
Gateway to the Limitless is different because we start from the basis that you have all the solutions you need right there within you. In fact, you are the best guru you’re ever going to find.
Over the course of the workshop, I teach powerful tools and meditation techniques that are built up, step-by-step into a complete daily practice for deep spiritual healing and growth.
By applying these tools and techniques on a daily basis you embark on a journey of discovering who you truly are: a divine being with limitless potential to create a meaningful, joyful life–not only for yourself but for the world.
What type of services do you offer?
I offer in-person and online workshops that help people connect with their True Self, discover their True Desires, and learn how to live and manifest their True Destiny.
In addition, I offer private coaching (which can include hypnosis) to help you develop and maintain consistent habits that foster long-term spiritual healing, growth, and evolution.
I also produce powerful guided meditations that can be used on their own or as support for my workshops.
As a True Self Matchmaker, how do you help individuals identify their True Desires and manifest their True Destiny?
A lot of times we think we know what we want. We want what we think is the perfect job, relationship, or financial situation. But oftentimes, these are things we were told we should want by our families, culture, and other social forces. On the other hand, even when we do know what we truly want, we might be blocked from manifesting those desires by negative beliefs about our basic value and worthiness.
The first step is to begin to heal and transform whatever may be blocking your connection to the wisdom, love, and guidance of your True Self. Once that connection is reestablished (you’re never actually separate from your True Self in the first place), you begin to see more clearly what it is that you truly want in life. Because you are now connected to your True Self, these desires are always in alignment with your True Destiny, which is none other than the highest good for yourself and others.
From there, you simply start to tap into your natural powers of creativity to begin to manifest your reality in accordance with your truest nature. Again, as you become more and more aligned with who you really are, this becomes easier and more joyful with each step you take.
What role does self-awareness play in the journey of removing self-limiting beliefs and reconnecting with one’s True Self?
Self-awareness is crucial. Without it, we can’t even begin the journey of reconnecting with our True Self.
The bad news is, even though everyone is capable of it, you can’t teach self-awareness. It has to develop naturally, usually spurred on by some kind of intense suffering.
The good news is, if you’ve made it this far in this interview, then you almost certainly have enough self-awareness to begin the work–if you haven’t already.
Once you have that shift into becoming more self-aware, it’s then a matter of fine-tuning your inner awareness. The most powerful way to do this is with some kind of mindfulness or meditation practice that trains your inner perception. Watch your thoughts. Watch your emotions. Feel into your body. Get to know who you are right now. As you do this more and more, you will easily start to recognize anything that’s getting in the way of you connecting with and expressing your True Self.
What advice would you give to someone who is struggling to recognize or acknowledge their own self-limiting beliefs?
First of all, start with the recognition that the very fact that you’re struggling means that some part of you loves you enough that it wants you to be free of all unnecessary limitations. So you can begin to recognize that an essential part of yourself is, in fact, loving you unconditionally right now at this moment.
So always start with that: the love that you have for yourself. This allows you to be more patient with yourself, more kind, more encouraging. This is a big part of the work of our lives, so embrace the practice of self-love more and more.
From there you can begin to do simple self-awareness practices. Start to notice your feelings and your thoughts. Do you feel good or bad? Are your thoughts helpful and encouraging or is it a lot of negative self-talk and self-deprecation? Write these down. Look at them. Question them. Don’t let them just slip by and drone on unconsciously.
As you do this two things will happen: first, you’ll start to see thought-feeling patterns and connections. This will help you to understand yourself better and how your mind and body are connected. Second, you will start to see that thoughts and feelings are all impermanent and fleeting. They don’t last. More importantly, they don’t define who you are. They’re just thoughts and feelings. The more you understand this, the less power they will have over you and the more agency you will be able to exercise over the quality and direction of your life.