![Christine Gold - Your Gateway to Unveiling Your Soul's Deepest Desires](https://www.mysticmag.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/MysticMag-Christine-Gold.png.webp)
In a world filled with hustle and bustle, where the noise of everyday life often drowns out the whispers of our innermost selves, the search for purpose and meaning can feel like an endless journey. But fear not, for in the realm of spiritual guidance and self-discovery, there shines a guiding light – Christine Gold, a remarkable Soul Purpose Mentor and Psychic Medium, whose gifts have touched the lives of many, illuminating the path to unlocking one’s true destiny. Christine Gold stands as a beacon of hope and clarity, helping individuals connect with their innermost desires and uncover the unique purpose that resides within each of us. With her extraordinary intuitive abilities and deep spiritual wisdom, she serves as a trusted guide for those seeking a deeper understanding of themselves and the world around them. In this Mystic Mag‘s article, we will delve into the fascinating world of Christine Gold, exploring her unique gifts, her journey towards becoming a Soul Purpose Mentor and Psychic Medium, and how she can assist you in unveiling your soul’s deepest desires. Join us on this enlightening journey to discover the transformative power of Christine Gold’s extraordinary talents.
As a Soul Purpose Mentor and Psychic Medium, can you share a bit about your own spiritual journey and how you discovered your unique path in this field?
Through the dark night of the soul, which many are going through right now or have gone through, or have gone through multiple times, I was working in corporate sales. I experienced complete burnout. I didn’t enjoy what I was doing. I was drinking excessively, smoking too much, and eating unhealthy foods. I simply wasn’t taking care of myself. I struggled with anxiety and depression and even had two suicide attempts. I’m very open about my journey because I know many others have experienced something similar. It wasn’t until I tried medication and hit a plateau, realizing it wasn’t working anymore, or attempted various diets, and even engaged in talk therapy with a psychologist for years.
In this video I found on YouTube, my mentor explained that my anxiety and depression were closely linked to my intuition, which had been suppressed. I had been pushing myself down and not living my purpose or expressing my soul. No one had ever said that to me before. She encouraged me to reach out and invited me to a six-month mediumship certification program to work with her. I thought, “Okay, I’m going to do this,” and the rest, as they say, is history.
People often ask me, “Did you always know you were a medium?” The truth is, as a child, how can you truly know? I had conversations with loved ones who had passed away, like my grandma, grandpa, and animals, especially. But I think the most significant sign as a child is that you pick up on things quickly. You hear it, you feel it, you have conversations and play intuitively. Unfortunately, many kids, although it’s improving, have to shut down their intuition to protect themselves.
How do you help individuals uncover their soul’s purpose, and what common challenges do they face in this journey?
How can people begin their journey with me? Well, they have several options. A personal session, course or mentorship. They can watch my content, I have over 600 videos on YouTube, which serves as a great starting point. These videos include a series of meditations that can help individuals tune into themselves and peel back the layers of their being, much like peeling an onion. I view healing as an upward spiral, a process that involves awakening various aspects of your life, such as your chakras and Kundalini energy. This journey entails shedding the heavy baggage that’s been weighing you down. Many individuals mistakenly believe that their purpose is defined by a title, certification, or job. In reality, it’s about reconnecting with your authentic self at a soul level, whether you call it God, Source, or Buddha. You must believe in something, and most importantly, believe in yourself, to realize that there was never anything wrong with you.
Often, people have given their power away through past lives and karma. We enter into soul contracts and come here to learn valuable lessons. Some of my clients humorously ask, “Where are my glasses?” because they feel like they didn’t read the fine print when signing up for certain relationships, jobs, or family dynamics. However, they chose these experiences to learn from them and break the cycle.
Reincarnation is a fascinating concept. I’ve personally experienced it 44 times, and people often wonder how I know. My knowledge comes from the work I’ve done with past and future life regressions, Akashic records, and guiding others through these experiences. I offer a one-year course that mirrors my own journey, where individuals can explore various paths, from becoming a card reader, Reiki master, medium, intuitive healer, or simply the best version of themselves. The key is transformation, and everyone’s experience is unique.
What type of services do you offer?
I offer limited one-on-one readings because I spend more of my time writing, teaching, speaking, and group sessions.
You can call it a gift, but it’s not something that you acquire; it’s already within you. Think of it like a computer program that’s pre-installed. You just need to find it and access your inner light. When it comes to the ego, you need to uninstall that program. The ego isn’t the enemy; it’s just a construct influenced by society, the external world, and its illusions. This influence comes from various sources like science, religion, and politics. We all come here to learn, and in my perspective, the primary lesson is love. It’s that simple.
Your work involves helping people tap into their intuition and psychic abilities. What techniques or exercises do you recommend for individuals looking to develop their own spiritual gifts?
The first prayer is a powerful practice because prayer and meditation take you on an inner journey. It’s about going deep inside yourself while believing in the limitless possibilities. One of my mentors, Sylvia Brown, emphasized the significance of prayer. I follow her closely, just as I do with Wayne Dyer, whom I believe I have a connection with from a past life.
Sylvia Browne once said, and I’ll quote her directly, “Prayer is a way of speaking to your angels, guides, and your Creator, be it God or any other form. Meditation, on the other hand, creates a sacred space for you to receive this divine information.” This is crucial because many times our minds are so cluttered with anxiety and stress that we can’t discern or fully absorb the information that’s available to us. When we are anxious or overwhelmed, we start questioning ourselves, doubting if it’s our own ego speaking, or if we’re losing our minds.
A significant portion of us are empaths; in fact, it’s estimated that about 20% of the population possesses high sensitivity. I belong to this group, and many of my clients do too. I guide them in understanding their chakras and energy centers, which forms an essential part of practical spirituality. This practice involves having a meaningful conversation with yourself, finding a quiet space within, and realizing that the answers you seek have always been within you – it’s an inside-out journey.
I also share information with my clients about the different Clairs, such as clairvoyance and clairaudience. I recently conducted a free workshop on the 8 Clairs. When I first started, I was aware of only six, but as I delved deeper into this field, I discovered eight. Similarly, there’s more to chakras than just the traditional seven, but it’s best to begin with these before exploring further, to prevent overwhelming oneself with too much information.
Psychic mediumship often involves communicating with spirits or guides. How do you approach this communication, and how do you ensure that it’s a positive and meaningful experience for your clients?
Hmm, what do I mean by “getting out of it”? It’s about setting the table for spirit by taking care of yourself. This involves practicing self-care and self-love, as well as engaging in prayers and meditations. Personally, I make sure to do this before any reading or any type of work, as it helps me clear my mind and be open as a channel. We are all channels, and the information I receive always comes from a place of love and light. If someone claims it comes from darkness or the devil, there may be a wound tied to religion that needs healing.
Journaling is also significant, especially keeping a gratitude journal. Reflect on what you’re grateful for, as many people have no idea. Additionally, pay attention to your dreams, as they hold a wealth of information, including signs, symbols, synchronicities, and messages from loved ones, angels, and guides. I’ve curated a gratitude journal and a dream journal because dreams are a powerful source of insight and guidance.
I offer a one-year course, with group coaching which is quite extensive and transformational. There’s an eight-week program for those who want to dip their toes into this journey. Some may initially crave all the details, and that can lead to feeling stuck when things don’t happen on their timeline. It’s essential to recognize the daily miracles and be open to them. Asking for more will bring more into your life. I have a friend who created “heart cards,” and one of the affirmations from it is: “Be grateful for what you have, and more will come.”
Manifestation and affirmations are closely connected. When you align with the energy of abundance, love, and joy, and truly believe it with every fiber of your being, you’ll start attracting people, places, and things that align with that energy. I work exclusively with energies that come from love and light. I’m also passionate about photography and capturing images that involve light, especially sunlight. I’ve noticed interesting blue beings in my light shots, which some might attribute to refraction, but I strongly believe in my connection to the Faye Realm and ancestral realms. I wholeheartedly believe in the presence of angels and other beings, and I even consider ourselves as potentially extraterrestrial in nature.
The field of spirituality and metaphysics is often met with skepticism. How do you address skepticism and misconceptions when working with clients or writing about your experiences?
I don’t set up high expectations because that would be a way of dismissing who you truly are and sabotaging yourself. Instead, I encourage people to be themselves, and I mirror their beliefs back to them. I often ask them why they hold these beliefs and even challenge those beliefs when necessary. It’s crucial to discover where these beliefs come from, and most often, they stem from fear and judgment, possibly influenced by their family or their upbringing.
Reframing is an essential aspect of my work. For example, one of my clients recently told me, “You always ask the best questions.” I took that as a compliment because, as someone who often has strangers confide in them, I’ve realized the value of asking reflective questions. These questions cannot be answered with a simple “yes” or “no”; they require deep thought, journaling, or introspection. It’s a way of gently nudging them to reconsider their perspectives, leading to moments of realization and personal growth.
Your work involves energy, and sometimes it can be draining. You work with people and with energy. How do you maintain your self-care? How do you practice self-care to sustain your own well-being?
Spending time outside every day is important to me. Just look at the sun behind me; even as little as 10 minutes of sunshine can significantly improve your state of mind and help you feel grounded and connected to the earth, nature, animals, and crystals that resonate with your energy. For instance, I have a dragon crystal that I particularly identify with because dragons are part of my power animal spirits. People often inquire about spirit animals and power animals, which is another interesting aspect of spirituality.
Taking care of your energy involves practices like opening and closing your chakras, boundaries, enjoying Epsom salt baths, using essential oils or sprays, and consuming grounding foods. Additionally, I’ve recently been exploring cold plunges and have experienced noticeable improvements such as increased energy and reduced discomfort. I find yoga to be a wonderful practice as it combines meditation, stretching, exercise, and breathwork into one holistic experience.
I also want to mention that I’m an author, and I’ve written a book called “Intuition Saved My Life.” The book reflects my journey leading up to 2020 when I made significant life changes. In 2020, I left an eight-year relationship, packed everything I could fit into my car, and headed west. A year later, I left Canada and sold all my belongings, choosing a nomadic lifestyle that allows me to travel and explore different parts of the world. I’m releasing my first Oracle card deck Dec 2023 “The Empaths Journey”