MysticMag has the pleasure of chatting with Christine Maunu-Westley from Wisdom Within the Winds, a passionate individual who has always been captivated by the healing properties of crystals, the power of pendulum dowsing, and the messages of oracle cards. Deeply connected to the magic of Mother Earth, Christine’s journey led her to explore the angelic realm, spirit guides, and connecting with loved ones who have passed. After briefly setting aside her spiritual path to pursue a conventional career, she rediscovered her true calling and reignited her connection to crystals and oracle cards. Through extensive studies in various healing modalities and spiritual practices, Christine realized her purpose of providing support through energy healing and spiritual guidance to others on their own life journeys.
Can you tell us about your journey and what inspired you to create Wisdom Within The Winds?
From a young age, I felt a strong calling deep within my heart and soul to support others. It felt like this was what I was meant to do in this world, but I needed to figure out how I could do this or what I had to offer. And so my spiritual journey began.
Over the years, I studied crystal healing, Reiki, angel card readings, pendulum dowsing, the Akashic Records, magic classes, Norse Runes, and psychic development. I also discovered the beautiful and profound healing experiences of participating in ecstatic dances, women’s circles and goddess rituals. And little by little, it felt like I was uncovering my purpose in this world: to provide support through energy healing and spiritual guidance for others as they move through their life journey.
However, as I was uncovering my purpose in this world, I also began struggling with a genetic, progressive and incurable condition I was born with called Neurofibromatosis-Type 1 (NF1 for short). So even though in my soul I knew I was meant to offer energy healing and spiritual guidance, I was scared to put myself out there and let myself be seen. You see, one of the symptoms that NF1 causes is for tumours to grow internally and externally. So externally, I have bumps (the tumours) on my face and body.
In the past, I had experienced extremely hurtful comments from some strangers regarding the tumours on my face and body, which triggered negative thoughts of “Who would want energy healing and spiritual guidance from someone like me? Someone with this incurable genetic condition?” And so, instead of stepping into the calling in my heart and soul with faith, my mind created thoughts of fear which I let hold me back.
And I continued to let fear hold me back until 2019, when I underwent a potential breast cancer scare and had a lumpectomy. Thankfully, my results were benign, but this was a big wake-up call from the Universe. The experience made me realize it was time to let my faith become stronger than my fears and finally move forward with my soul’s calling. It also made me more passionate about wanting to help people see their highest potential and purpose and to help them reconnect to the magic and wisdom deep within their souls.
And so, I finally began planting the seeds for what would become Wisdom Within The Winds.
What kind of services do you offer, and how do they help people reconnect with their inner wisdom and magic?
I currently have two primary services that I offer. The first is Intuitive Channelled Readings. Deep down, our soul usually knows which path to take as we have so much inner magic and wisdom to lead the way. However, as souls having a human experience, it can be easy to forget or mistrust this, causing us to feel uneasy about choosing which path to take. This service involves me connecting to a client’s higher self, spirit guides, the angelic realm and sometimes
loved ones who have crossed over. Using the oracle cards, clairsentience (sensing and feeling) and clairvoyance (seeing colours, visions, and symbols) – I tune into and translate the messages I’m being given to share from the client’s spiritual team (spirit guides, angels and loved ones). Messages to help them remember, (re)connect and trust their inner magic and wisdom.
The second service is Chakra Pendulum Dowsing & Intuitive Guidance. Using a pendulum, I can see my clients’ chakras’ movement and energy flow. When the chakra centers are not balanced, it can create many blockages, especially when connecting to our inner magic and wisdom. So we must be able to recognize what may be happening to them. Like the Intuitive Channelled Reading, I tune into and translate the messages I’m being given to share from the client’s spiritual team (spirit guides, angels and loved ones) so they can receive guidance on balancing any unbalanced chakras.
Can you share any success stories of clients who have worked with you and how it impacted their lives?
To me, all of the clients I have worked with are success stories because they learned to believe in and trust their inner magic and wisdom. Deep within their soul, they already knew the answers they were seeking and which path to choose on their journey. They just needed some spiritual support to help them remember and (re)connect to their inner magic and wisdom to lead the way for them. And once they did that, they could find faith in their choices and move toward their aspirations and goals.
How do you integrate different healing modalities into your work, and what are some of the benefits of this approach?
I integrate different healing modalities into my work by listening to my intuition and spiritual team. I also pay attention to any soul tingles and wiggles that I may get, which is my soul’s way of telling me, “Yes! This is something you should do.”
Life is a vast learning experience. We are constantly growing, developing, and expanding. So I’m always learning and practising different healing modalities, so I can better guide and support my clients wherever they may be on their journey.
How do you help individuals overcome resistance or fear in the process of reconnecting with their inner wisdom and magic?
I try to help individuals overcome resistance or fear in reconnecting with their inner wisdom and magic by reminding them of situations or experiences they overcame in the past. Before they overcame those situations and experiences, they probably felt resistance or fear because they were unsure about what to do (which is okay, it’s a human emotion to feel this way). However, they probably felt more open and free once they overcame it. Maybe even proud of themselves.
As souls having a human experience, there are a lot of things in life that can create resistance and fear within us. However, if we can change our mindset to have trust and faith in our inner magic and wisdom, we can discover and experience more spiritual growth and expansion.
How can one continue to cultivate and nourish one’s inner wisdom and magic beyond the sessions with you?
Implementing spiritual practices and doing exercises to develop intuition can help cultivate and nourish one’s inner wisdom and magic. This can include activities such as spending time in nature for grounding, meditating to connect to your higher self, practising listening to your body and the messages it receives, tracking hunches in a journal to learn how to understand and trust what you feel, and eating healthily to provide a clearer channel to the inner wisdom and magic deep within the soul. And it’s essential that whatever spiritual practices and intuitive exercises one chooses, they are practiced regularly, allowing time for growth and expansion.
If you would like to find out more about Christine, visit https://www.wisdomwithinthewinds.com/