Christian Sundberg is a seasoned project manager with over 15 years of experience managing complex nuclear pump and valve manufacturing projects. In addition to his professional work, Christian is a public speaker who has delivered presentations at over 100 events. As a child, Christian remembered his existence before coming to Earth, a memory that resurfaced at age 30 during a personal awakening spurred by meditation practice. This journey also led him to experience Out of Body Experiences (OBEs). Christian is dedicated to helping others reconnect with their true spiritual nature beyond the human experience. He is the author of A Walk in the Physical, a book that explores the broader spiritual context of our existence and emphasizes the vital role of love in our human journey. MysticMag has the pleasure of connecting with Christian.
Christian, can you share more about your personal awakening journey and how your pre-birth memories resurfaced at the age of 30?
While I had pre-birth memory as a young child up until about the age of five, that memory left me completely for much of my adult life. At the age of 30 I took up a long-term meditation practice, and as I gained increasing familiarity with my own consciousness, I began to spontaneously have Out of Body Experiences (OBEs). The pre-birth memory also returned: I now remember the pre-incarnation state, and I remember choosing this life, and why. We all make a similar choice, even if we don’t remember it at the human level!
How do your experiences with Out of Body Experiences (OBEs) influence your perspective on life and the messages you convey in your public speaking and writing?
Experiencing our deeper nature first-hand, and experiencing higher reality systems within that deeper nature first-hand, allows one to fully recognize that we really are multidimensional beings! That realization is profoundly life-altering! Physical life can be seen and experienced as much more “virtual” (not as dense or serious as it may appear), and much more open to possibility! The physical world is just like a huge, shared simulation that we are all entertaining together. We aren’t actually (just) these human characters.
However, I think the order of causality is meaningful here: It isn’t that OBEs themselves were first, rather I deeply explored my own consciousness, first. As one deepens one’s experiential familiarity with one’s own consciousness- beneath all human thought!- then, I found that OBE states arose naturally on their own. They were even more real and lucid than waking physical human life, which is pale, and dream-like, by comparison.
What is fundamentally real is consciousness itself. As our state of consciousness increases, even the physical world then appears much more full of life! That happens because we are Life, and the world is appearing in us (arising within our consciousness as sensory data, thoughts, and feelings).
As we grow to know our own consciousness beneath all form, we find that our true nature is love, peace, freedom, creativity, and joy- always! The communication of that true nature is my passion: What could be more wonderful to share?
What inspired you to write ‘A Walk in the Physical,’ and what key messages do you hope readers will take away from it?
As I went through my own awakening journey I began to receive clear intuitive “nudges.” These “nudges” were not just to document my own realizations, but rather they had a living and full quality to them. In this way I felt that A Walk in the Physical was “received,” in chunks, over 6 years. Throughout this process I knew this content was to be a book, and I felt deeply in my bones like I just needed to make the message physical! Despite the fact that technically I wrote the book, I do not consider it mine- rather, I consider myself a gatekeeper only. Now that it is in the world, I trust that spirit will do its work. And truly, it has!
A Walk in the Physical is a non-linear reality model that attempts to explain what the human experience is, and why we are on Earth. More than an intellectual model though, I feel it is a tool meant to point the reader towards the portion of themselves that already exists on the other side right now!
I hope that readers will take away that we are, in fact, multidimensional beings of love! We have simply come to have this deep, rich human experience for the purposes of personal and collective expansion. And no matter what arises in this deep, dense Earthly play, there is absolutely nothing to fear! We can, indeed, live our lives more in alignment with the peace, love, joy, and freedom of our true nature.
As a professional project manager who spent more than 16 years in the nuclear industry, and recently on a data consolidation project, how have you balanced the demands of such a technical career with your passion for spirituality and public speaking?
Walking these two paths has indeed been a personal challenge for me at times: Our society on Earth routinely operates in a way that is often not in alignment with the love and freedom of our true nature. I am effective in my professional life, but meanwhile as an energetically sensitive person, and as someone with unique health challenges, there is definitely a personal cost to playing the professional “game.” I’ve chosen to do so in order to provide for my family. But my sense of calling is strong, and thus I’ve also made a personal commitment to move more into the spiritual sharing work over time, even as I never charge for my services.
Personally, I have found it vital to listen to my intuition about how to best manage myself and my energy, so that I can continue to speak publicly and serve in other ways. Meditation is also incredibly important and powerful.
One other comment: I am passionate about bridging the world of the logical thinking intellect, and our higher spiritual nature which transcends all the world of form (including thinking). I am passionate about bridging the local, and the higher. It can feel like a Grand Canyon of vibrational distance at times, but I personally have felt called to have one foot on each side, as I can. The two are of course not at all in conflict with one another.
What advice would you give to someone seeking to explore their spiritual side while managing a busy and demanding professional life?
One piece of advice I would lift up is: Consider committing to a daily meditation practice. Spend time and energy investigating your own consciousness, beneath all thought. Be a consciousness scientist! It hurts to be focused into the demanding world of form and its many stories all the time. We do transcend the stories, and there is tremendous peace and power available to us when we can allow who we really are to arise again. It does take a choice, however. Indeed, meditation is about wielding one’s intention to choose where to focus. Practically speaking, that can take practice. But that process of investigation is well worth the investment.
As the Zen saying goes: “Meditate for one hour a day, unless you don’t have time, and then meditate for two!”
If you wanted our readers to take away one thing from this conversation, what would it be?
Please be reminded that despite the deep appearances on the physical surface, you are in fact a multidimensional being of love, freedom, and joy! You are not a human, you are you- having the experience of being a human.
In knowing who we really are, we find that there is absolutely nothing to fear! There is no death, and we are not actually the limits of these firm physical space suits (bodies) that we seem to be wearing. The truth of that is incredibly freeing! We are free to be ourselves: We can always choose more love, peace, joy, and freedom in our lives, no matter the circumstances.
If you would like to find out more about Christian Sundberg, please visit https://awalkinthephysical.com/