Many things from her dreams become reality in the everyday world. Through her honesty and authentic approach, she now helps people thrive in their lives. We bring you an exclusive interview with Chantel Cooke from Dream Infinity Brand 88, a Psychic Medium who is thriving herself in the fields of Tarot, Astrology, Numerology, and Dream Interpretation. We discuss TarotScope, the Oracle cards she designs, how she helps people find their soulmates and more. Only on MysticMag!
Can you tell me a bit about the beginnings of your spiritual journey and how you became interested in the field of Astrology and Numerology?
My spiritual journey started at the age of 4, and then again at the age of 12 when I started with my clair abilities – Within dreams, I started to realize a similarity to life events and it started to evolve from there. I am also an intuitive, empathic person, towards the earth, animals, and people, which had an impact on the path I chose in life.
In my 20’s, I started reading the horoscopes in magazines, and I felt it was a type of guideline in my life, pointing me in a certain direction, which later became my passion. I knew there was something more to experience, explore, and know. I just started with Tarot and Astrology readings 4 years ago. It might have been a type of awakening towards my life path and passion. It has always been my passion and to be able to help in many ways and forms, to be there for people, to listen, to understand to the best of my capability. My purpose became a clear indicator and I saw the bigger picture unfolding in many ways and forms from the spiritual world and I started to connect the dots.
What is TarotScope? How does it mix Tarot and Astrology?
I started reading a lot of astrology books and watched videos to have a better understanding of how every human being has an astrological birth chart just as unique as their fingerprint.
Astrology is not just the stars and planets involved, I tried to see how numerology, astrology, and Tarot might affect all our lives differently, how these numbers play a fundamental role in your life, and how to make use of these writings and energies to propel you ahead on your purpose and life path. We are all placed on earth to learn, grow, evolve, and have teachings of daily life. I have taught myself most of these experiences and have had a few mentors who I connected with along my current life path.
The more I found out about all of these things, it became so intriguing just getting to know all of these different aspects we have that make us all connected in a sense. However, we all still have our unique fingerprints.
What do your Astrology reports include?
When I do an Astrology report the aim is to help a person to better understand themselves, their situation, career, and love life. I require each person’s astrology profile, their date of birth, when they were born, what time they were born, and how that might affect their outlook and lifepath, in which time zone, country, and city they were born, and planetary placements, to show them sweet positive points, salty challenging points, they might need to look at, and how they can overcome that. We all have many attributes that we can correct, and change. We all have daily life challenges and with the right guidance, it can assist us, for example making better choices and decisions in our daily life. That is why I make use of a few things to be able to guide and help.
You design unique Oracle cards yourself. Can you tell us a bit about that?
I have designed an online shop (https://www.makeplayingcards.com/sell/httpswwwyoutubecomresult) where I have created oracle cards by expressing my creativity, to explore a creativity field, and help people reach their own intuition and inner Godly guidance. If you would like to become a reader, I have done Numerology Angel numbers, and descriptions, and then I have done the Dream Kipper, all of these oracle cards are basically to assist you, to tap into your own divine life, and to supply guidance. These cards are for spiritual enhancements, in a sense.
I have created 15 Oracle, Numerology, Astrology, and Lenormand Card Decks, in different packaging options. I have also ordered some of these decks for personal use. This was just another expression of creativity. I did not include booklets in my card decks yet, because I would like to look for creative assistance in that department.
The Lernormand decks I have created are in 3 options, the Lenormand Infinite, Vintage Lenormand, and Lenormand Dream 88.
Lenormand cards were named after Marie Anne Lenormand, a French fortune teller and cartomancer active in the 18th & 19th centuries. A normal Petit Lenormand deck has 36 cards, each with a specific symbol, and usually with a playing card associated.
The Lenormand cards aid us with the Tarot in the truth-telling of the current situation that might be happening in your current life experience: How can you bring in change and progression moving ahead?
Lenormand Vintage was a Lenormand card deck I created with vintage décor on the cards to get a rustic feel for the cards.
Wealth affirmations have been created to assist you daily in positive wealth affirmations, to be able to create a mental scope in the sense of knowing that you can do this, knowing that you can make this happen for yourself. Just be and believe in yourself and your God/Divine/Universe-given talents.
Kipper Cards deck dates back to 19th Century Germany. Each card shows a situation in which the reader can find themselves and easily identify and interpret what the future holds.
Dream Kipper I have created in black and white and with wording on them. There is a sense of honesty and truth that if you ask a question, it may assist you to understand a situation better that might be playing a role in your life right now, again guidance.
Angels Answers Numbers I have created with signs and synchronicities that happen daily in our life: some signs are butterflies, coins, feathers, and digital clock displays. For example, if there is a number that keeps on repeating in your life 11:11, I would suggest you look it up under Angel number 11:11 or Numerology Number 11:11, which represents an alert from the angelic energies that you are supported by forces you cannot see.
Infinity Love Oracle Deck was created to assist in love readings for clients, in the sense of what their person of interest would like to say to them now. The reason why I created this Infinite Love oracle deck is because of a personal experience I had in my life and I felt the need to dedicate this deck to my son. We all tend to struggle in relationships and marriage with the right communication and getting the necessary information through to our person, because we all are different when it comes to expressing our feelings and thoughts, and some of us struggle to say what we need and what we mean.
Fortune Cookie Timeline and Answers: This Card deck can be used in your daily affirmations, in love readings. There are possible timelines in that current energy, and we all like fortune cookies. Example: what is next, who might be coming in my life next, each individual person has some sort of expectations in their life, and this deck can help you progress to positive outlooks and your own unique circumstance
Guided Energy Mandalas: The Energy Mandalas is basically an all-in-one combination. Examples: chakras, divine feminine, masculine, and numerology, it also provides you with positive affirmations and words, Numerology numbers, and guidance.
Astrology and Tarot Zodiacs: This Oracle deck I have created for all the Zodiac signs, with the different archetypes and behaviors.
27 Marriage fundamental Oracle deck I have created because of another past experience and felt the need to put it out there in my words. I feel that there are 27 important points to consider before you get married, to know what is a marriage all about, how we can progress and grow within a marriage with our spouse, and what is expected of us when we decide to get married.
Angel Guidance is an oracle deck I have created with possible timelines and possible outcomes that might happen in everyday life scenarios and how we can deviate and work with the daily energies and situations.
Dream Guidance Oracle Deck I have created to involve possible timelines and the angels that assist us in our everyday life, to try to find answers within or to see what your inner Godly/Divinely/Universal guidance wants to show you, where to from here. For example, if you had a dream and you might be looking for an answer to that dream, this Oracle deck might assist you.
Dream Infinity Brand 88 Cards can be used daily for reflection, meditation, or in a tarot-inspired spread, and are meant to help you develop your intuition, self-love, inner beauty, and emotional well-being. To supply guidance, sometimes answer that we might need.
How can you help someone who’s looking for a soulmate?
For me, there are multiple methods to assist a person in finding their soulmate.
1. Astrology Compatibility Report (https://www.astro.com/horoscope)
What I need from a person is the following: When they ask for a reading: I might require their birth name, surname, where were they born and what time of the day they were born in, as well as the month and date they were born. If a person does not know for example what time of the day they were born, I use 12:00pm.
2. I have clients who phone in and then ask for example to check 4 people they might be chatting with (I only then require these people’s names). Among these 4 people, they ask me which one can become a strong connection, for example, a long-term soulmate connection. Then I check those people’s energies, truest intentions and feelings, thoughts and heart space, then I can assist that person and give them guidelines to whom they might have a better strong connection.
3. Soulmates are not always love relationships, we have various soulmates in our lives. It can be friends, family, or animals.
There are 7 signs that guide and assist us in finding our soulmate:
1. There is an instant soul connection and an instant attraction towards that person and a sense of familiarity as if you have known them before your soul recognizes their energy. You will feel aligned with them on many levels, for example, spiritually, mentally, and physically.
2. Strong communication and empathy between you 2, you can finish each other sentences, and have a strong foundation for communication.
3. You are best friends and can be your authentic self. You feel a sense of comfort and familiarity, you share love, respect, and understanding for each other. You can be open and vulnerable to them.
4. The relationship evolves you and your person to sense who you need to be and who you really are, a soulmate relationship can change your life from day to night, this relationship might trigger or awaken new skills and talents you might have felt you did not have.
5. Soulmate relationships are not based on codependency, it happens to 2 people who are complete and whole on their own already. They are powerful creators and can create the life they desire. They will love you the way you are.
6. You are on the same page when it comes to choices and what is your soul purpose.
7. You know in your gut, intuition, and God/Divine/Universe orchestrated your meeting, you guys coming together will feel bigger than the 2 of you, as there is a higher power at play.
Love is a complex emotion that takes many forms throughout our lives. According to popular belief, we only fall in love with three people in our lifetime, each for a specific reason. The first love is often the one that looks right, the second is the hard love, and the third is the love that lasts. However, it’s the third type of love that catches us off guard – it’s usually with someone who seems all wrong for us at first glance.
By understanding these different types of love, we can gain insight into ourselves and our relationships with others. This can be important to keep note of when searching for your soulmate.
What is the key to good meditation? Do you have any advice?
Effective meditation offers a useful technique with numerous ways in achieving mindfulness, tranquility, and calmness – a way to reconnect with oneself, reflect on situations within one’s control, and alleviate the pressures of daily life. Note that not all meditation approaches yield same outcomes for each individual. Personalized methods are often necessary to rediscover themselves and simply exist in their own energy.
Breath work is very important when it comes to meditation because taking deep breaths brings you to a sense of calm, and a clear mind, and you will be able to practice your passion religion in a far better way and hear your own inner Godly/Divinely/Universe Guidance. A test that you can try is to either write down a certain situation that might make you feel uneasy, or give you anxiety before you go to bed. As you become calm and practice breath work and listen to soft calming sounds of meditative music, your body and mind begin to calm down and become clearer, we are sometimes not able to think clearly when we may be experiencing stress.
Do a body scan if you have found a position that will work best for you. Some people sit down, some lie down, some walk, some go into nature, some people do Yoga, and some people walk barefoot, to be able to bring themselves to a sense of groundedness and calmness. It’s also important to listen to your inner, Godly/Divinely, Universal Guidance. Look for signs and synchronicities.
Pick the time that will best fit your schedule during the day and stick to it. Start off with 2 minutes of mental calmness and just be in that moment. Focus on your breath most of the time. I also make use of meditation sound frequencies to assist me in my meditations and sleeping at night. It helps you as a person to just get out of the hustle and bustle of life and just focus for that time space on yourself and get to a sense of a tranquil state of mind.
To find out more about Chantel and her work, you can visit her website at dreaminfinitybrand88.com