Carolyn Goldfarb is a compassionate guide for those seeking to reconnect with their inner voice and live authentically in their full Soul Expression. Drawing on her own journey from feeling out of touch to fully embracing her True Self, Carolyn helps you uncover your purpose and express your truest self. She combines her intuitive gifts with a deep love for nature, creativity, and heartfelt connections, offering transformative guidance for those ready to listen to their inner voice. Based in California, but with a heart that never left New York City, Carolyn is dedicated to empowering others to live joyfully and purposefully. MysticMag has the pleasure of chatting with Carolyn.
Carolyn, what inspired you to create ‘Journey to Self-Love,’ and how has your own healing journey influenced the way you guide others?
My journey to Self-Love feels like living a series of micro-lifetimes, each one distinct and intense. I’ve always sensed that there’s more to life than what we’re told. Even as a child, I felt like the “adult in the room,” acutely aware of what was happening around me, knowing who was honest and who wasn’t. By the age of seven, I remember thinking, “There’s so much to learn in this lifetime—it can’t all just end.” I knew in that moment that life continued beyond this existence.
As I grew older, I faced profound challenges. I lost my father at 20 and my mother to breast cancer at 32. When I, too, was diagnosed with breast cancer in my early forties, it marked a pivotal moment. I’d always been curious about metaphysics, and the nature of intuition and avidly pursued developing my psychic abilities, communicating with my spirit guides, and deepening my intuition beginning in college. However, I didn’t know how my gifts would become my life purpose. It turned out that my curiosity turned out to be my life purpose all along.
When I faced cancer at 42, I recognized I wasn’t fully aligned with that purpose. In that moment, I prayed, “Send me the teachers, the right people. Show me the way.” I felt an urgency as if my body was signaling that it was time to realign. One teacher led to another until I found Debra Sky King, President of Soul Therapy School International™ whose Soul Therapist training program profoundly transformed me and my life. She introduced me to Soul Therapy work, and I knew instantly that this was what I was meant to do.
Self-Love, to me, isn’t about waking up and declaring “I love myself” in the mirror. It’s about a deep, unshakeable trust in my soul, my purpose, and my unique mission. It’s knowing that I’m guided by forces greater than myself and that I have within me the same creative power as the Universe. True Self-Love is understanding that I have the ability to shape my life—and trusting in that power. This connection to my essence is what I aim to help others rediscover as well.
When we all understand that we create our reality, we step onto the path of Self-Love, leading to the fullest expression of who we are meant to be. Life, with all its challenges and joys, becomes an experience of “running happy,” a state of underlying contentment even amidst grief, frustration, or loss. I want to help people return to that joy, unburdened by the traumas, negative thoughts, and conditioning that life often imposes on us. Over time, these stories become our reality, shaping the life we live. But by reconnecting with ourselves and choosing joy over those old narratives, we embrace the powerful creators we truly are.
In your experience, what are some common reasons people feel disconnected from their Authentic Self, and how do your services help address this disconnection?
The Authentic Self is about truly living in alignment with your Soul’s desires, connecting deeply to what resides in your heart. For women, especially, staying in touch with this Authentic Self can be challenging. Society often bombards us with “shoulds” and expectations, creating distance from our true selves. Additionally, trauma can drive a wedge between us and our authentic selves, and it’s not always obvious forms like abuse or violence—sometimes it’s subtle. It could be a hurtful comment from a teacher, something simple like, “Oh, you think you’re so smart,” that you internalize. From that point, you might downplay your abilities to avoid judgment or rejection, creating an entire life narrative around not standing out.
In my work, I guide clients to trace back to the root of these stories, to find where the trauma or limiting beliefs began, and to dismantle them. Soul Therapy becomes a container where we work on each one of your bodies —emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual—aligning you with your Soul and its purpose. By reconnecting with each part of yourself, the Authentic Self begins to emerge. Clients quickly start to feel the benefits as they say “Yes” to their true desires. As they grow more aligned with their heart and joy, they naturally manifest a life closer to their Soul’s intent, grounded in self-trust and fulfillment.
Could you explain the role of Past Life Regression and Generational Healing® in your practice?
The core of healing lies in understanding ourselves across all levels of existence, including trauma that may be stored not only from this life but from past lives and generational experiences. Every past and future life we’ve ever had coexists with this moment. When something from a previous life hasn’t been healed or forgiven, it can create a ripple effect in the present. So, exploring these lifetimes can bring profound peace—understanding, for example, that you’ve had lifetimes with peaceful experiences or supportive relationships can ease anxieties that feel out of place in this life.
The three healing modalities I work with—Generational Healing®, Past Life Regression, and Soul Therapy— all allow individuals to recognize and take responsibility for their own Soul’s patterns. Sometimes people unknowingly get caught in unhelpful Soul habits, like choosing toxic relationships or repeating specific choices that keep them stuck on a hamster wheel. By seeing these patterns, forgiving themselves, and releasing the past, they often experience immediate relief. For instance, one client who suffered from intense anxiety about being kidnapped or confined discovered two past lives that related directly to these fears. Upon viewing and releasing these memories, along with forgiveness to herself and others, her anxiety completely dissolved.
Generational Healing® works differently as it addresses ancestral trauma held by the Earth, often stored in a lineage pattern, like recurring issues of addiction or suicide. When a person incarnates with the desire to carry certain talents from their lineage, they may also inherit unresolved trauma. In a Generational Healing® session, the ancestor needing the most healing will step forward to share their story, allowing me to clear the energetic imprint. Once healed, that trauma is no longer accessible to the client’s descendants, though it won’t change anything for children already born. The client will feel lighter and free from the burden of that ancestral trauma where it had been showing up in the client’s experience such as mentally, emotionally, or physically in their life.
These three approaches work together to help individuals understand their Soul’s journey, release ancestral wounds, and heal deeply. By grounding more deeply into their body clients step fully into their own creative power, healing layer by layer, becoming more embodied and present in their lives.
Your work emphasizes finding true Self-Love and radical self-responsibility. How do you help clients cultivate these qualities, especially when they face resistance or fear?
That’s a great question. Fear is, at its core, something we’ve built up in our minds based on past experiences. It stems from a story we created about safety, usually because we weren’t fully taken care of in some way. For example, we might believe the world isn’t safe or that we’ll continue to attract negative people. But these beliefs are often rooted in situations that are no longer happening. Our brains, however, tend to latch onto these outdated stories, replaying them as if they were still real.
The only way these old patterns persist is if we keep feeding them. By breaking down the origins of these fears and forgiving those involved, we start to take responsibility for our lives. This process allows us to step into our full potential. I’ve seen people go from being immobilized by a breakup to creating a much fuller life, with bigger career opportunities and a strong sense of purpose. When they understand the root of their fears, they begin to realize they aren’t victims of their circumstances but the creators of their own reality.
The shift out of a victim mindset is crucial because we all start life with this Victim Archetype. It’s a stage we’re meant to grow beyond, and if we don’t, we find ourselves repeating the same lessons. Facing fears, then, becomes essential—it’s better to confront them now than to continually cycle through them in future experiences. Getting support, whether from a therapist or a mentor, can be incredibly valuable because fear can truly be paralyzing. It can prevent us from living joyfully, experiencing love, and finding abundance in all areas of life.
What unique benefits do your Soul Therapy programs offer for individuals seeking a ‘full life transformation’? How does this experience differ from traditional life coaching or counseling?
Soul Therapy is indeed quite distinct from traditional life coaching or counseling. It’s a comprehensive, holistic approach, deeply tailored to women but open to men as well, and it prioritizes a safe container where people can truly dive deep, often into the “shadow” side of themselves. Unlike conventional therapy, which often revolves around emotions and mental processing, Soul Therapy considers the whole self: emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual bodies. It’s about aligning with one’s Soul and its purpose, moving toward a life that feels truly authentic and abundant.
One of the first steps in Soul Therapy involves working on self-responsibility—even at a foundational level, a few people might need to start with small daily tasks like putting away clothes or washing dishes as a form of self-love. These might seem simple, but they’re important because they help clients take responsibility in tangible ways while we dive into deeper life patterns, issues, and traumas. As clients progress and heal, they may enter a more intensive program, like the nine-month Soul Expression, to explore their purpose, abundance, and potential at a higher vibrational level.
Traditional therapy often operates within the mental and emotional bodies, with clients processing feelings and talking about experiences. However, in Soul Therapy, clients are encouraged to view themselves as whole beings, consistently raising their Soul’s vibration. This isn’t just about feeling better temporarily; it’s about transforming every level of being so that even when familiar challenges arise, they don’t pull the client down as before. It’s like peeling layers of an onion—each time a familiar issue comes up, the client is better equipped to handle it from a new, stronger perspective.
This method requires commitment; it’s mutual work, and clients must actively participate rather than just offload their challenges. Soul Therapy becomes a space for genuine transformation, where people can experience real shift quickly. Seeing clients’ lives change so profoundly is humbling, as this approach allows for a high level of personal growth.
All of Carolyn’s work can be done virtually, but for in-person sessions in Past Life Regression and Generational Healing®, she is available in Carlsbad, CA. However, virtual options allow for broader access while maintaining the same depth of transformation.
If you would like to find out more about Carolyn Goldfarb, please visit https://www.carolyngoldfarb.com/