![Path to Self-Love and Fulfillment with Caroline Palmy](https://www.mysticmag.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/MysticMag-Caroline-Palmy.png.webp)
In a world that often seems chaotic and overwhelming, finding inner peace and self-love can feel like an elusive dream. Yet, for Caroline Palmy, Author, Speaker, and Healer, this journey from self-doubt to self-empowerment has been both profound and transformative. As a single mother to three remarkable children, Caroline’s personal odyssey has been shaped by love, resilience, and an unwavering commitment to growth. Hailing from the picturesque landscapes of Switzerland, Caroline’s love affair with nature and spirituality runs deep. Fluent in both Swiss German and English, she has traversed cultural boundaries, living abroad in the UK and the USA, gaining invaluable insights into the human experience and the intricacies of personal growth amidst shifting landscapes. Join Mystic Mag as we delve into Caroline’s inspiring journey, uncovering the keys to self-love, inner peace, and living a life aligned with purpose.
Your journey from feeling unworthy to leading a life of joy and ease is truly inspiring. Can you share a pivotal moment or experience that marked the beginning of this transformation for you?
There are several, as it is so often in life. My first was when my marriage ended, and about 3 months later, I sat in my living room, looking around, and all of a sudden it struck me that I had no idea who I was. I looked around and felt that the furniture, the books, nothing truly represented me, or was aligned to my energy. It was all chosen by my ex. It went deeper, I asked myself, but who am I ? Over 20 years of that relationship I gave myself up, I bent over backwards just to please, and I was left with a sense of having lost myself.
That was the beginning of a journey back to self, back to reconnecting with who I truly am. REconnecting, accepting and belonging.
Later when another relationship ended, I felt so lost, so deeply unlovable, I sat there crying, ‘no one loves me’, ‘everyone is leaving me’ no one likes me. I went deep and realised, that I never truly felt loved in my whole life, that I only ever felt loved when I was in a relationship, needed that outside approval that I am lovable and worthy of love, and I realised that I am needy of love, that I clung to my partners far too long, that I was so desperate to feel loved that I stayed in unhealthy relationships far too long for my own health (mental, emotional and spiritual).
Again a beautiful journey began, a journey within, reconnecting with the love within, accepting, embracing, loving who I truly am. Learning to love me just the way I am, was a deep journey that helped me reconnect with love, joy, fun, playfulness and yes finally feeling worthy. You see, without accepting yourself you can never love yourself, without loving yourself you can never feel worthy.
I realise now (15 years later) that the end of my marriage was not the worst part, it was indeed the start to a new way of living, and thanking the Universe for that turn of events, as I would not be here now, without what I thought was the hardest part of life back then.
Your approach to intuitive energy healing seems deeply rooted in self-love and acceptance. How do you cultivate these qualities within yourself, and how do they inform your healing practice?
Indeed compassion is one of the key ingredients in myself and in my intuitive healing work. Embracing self compassion enabled me to feel even more compassion with my clients. I always was compassionate and empathic and intuitive, I just needed to nurture those qualities. Let me share a little story, for most of my life I felt I am too sensitive, and I was even told several times that I am too sensitive and need to toughen up. I truly felt something was wrong with me.
During one healing course, a group work, I all of a sudden felt deep period pains, I had suffered from Endometriosis and I knew about period pains, so I sat in the course and I felt odd, it wasn’t my time of month, then again one never knows. I even went to the toilet to check, nothing. So I just went on with it. Later that day another participant excused herself, she said she had to get home as she had serious period pains.
I just sat there, and went, how, she has period pain, and I feel it in my body as if it were mine.
So all of a sudden I saw clearly, being sensitive is a gift, a most valuable gift, that I can accept, embrace and treasure. I mean, an intuitive healer who can feel their clients pain, how cool is that?
Again accepting my gifts, instead of feeling not good enough or like I needed to toughen up, has helped me tremendously.
How would you feel if you were just accepted for who you are?
Wonderful, relieved, right? No more pretending, no more trying to fit in, no more awkwardness.
Loving myself for who I am is pivotal.
Self Love is a journey, it never ends, we just get better at it, and we have a little tool kit with self love reminders and tips, that bring us back, when we get back to being a bit harsh with ourselves, or let our boundaries down and overgive. The unlovable times just get shorter and less deep over time, as we know how to come back to self love.
Happy to share 3 with you here
- SMILE,, smile at yourself in the mirror, gift yourself with a smile
- Hug yourself deeply and with compassion
- Ho’opono pono, Self Forgiveness is a huge part in your healing journey
What type of services do you offer?
I have my gorgeous Circle of Love, a membership group program, where we meet twice a month for a gathering (being heard, accepted and bathed in love and compassion) and we dive into a deep healing meditation, with recordings. A wonderful experience, and I treasurer the women in my circle deeply.
I offer one off Intuitive Healing Session for one issue that needs to be looked at, good also if you just love to get a good cleanse of your energy system and return to who you truly are. Feeling into it.
Plus my Self Love Journey, a 12 session 1 on 1 program, where we apply my HOPE approach H Heal your past
O OPen your heart
P Prioritize yourself
E Evolve Emerge and Empower yourself
A gorgeous rounded journey, where you learn so much about yourself and get all the tools you need and reminders to keep going on your journey, of leading a joyful life where you truly feel worthy from within.
“Conversations With Me” delves into your personal stories of rediscovery and self-reconnection. What prompted you to share these intimate experiences in a book, and what do you hope readers will take away from it?
Both my books are Memoirs, and it was a deep healing journey writing it and then yes sharing it with the world to see.
When I kept sharing my stories with my friends, they all said, you should write a book
Back then I never felt good enough to share those, who would read my stories, who am I to even think I had something to share.
Later I met other women struggling with rediscovering who they are after an emotionally abusive relationship, and so I felt this is my time, this is my time to help and inspire other women.
And off I went writing my memoirs, I kept telling myself, ‘if I could only reach ONE heart with my books, one heart that feels the compassion and inspiration from my books, then it was all worth it.
I feel I was able to touch many hearts. I had great feedback and I know books keep on giving, especially the healing exercises at the end of each chapter. One woman told me she opens up my book like an oracle card deck and then does that exercise, as she knows it is what she needs.
My aim is to inspire others, remind them, that there is always light at the end of the tunnel, and that they are NEVER ALONE,
When we go through our experiences, we so often feel alone, like we are the only one with problems, or hardship, reading someone else’s story that has gone through something similar can be so uplifting and encouraging. Touching their hearts with my honest writing, so they feel inspired and like they can go on too.
Many people struggle with the idea of letting go of past traumas and pain. How do you help individuals navigate this process without feeling overwhelmed or retraumatized?
Holding people in love, surrounding them with angelic help, and letting my soothing voice guide them is truly helpful.
I know many people fear like they are pushed back into trauma, my gentle approach is just about breathing, and holding that safe space for them. GEntly guiding them to hugging their inner child, or clearing a past relationship, healing their heart with the help of Angel mary, is so deeply touching. Yes there might be tears, releasing stuck pain and hurt, but it is never painful.
It is more like an outside look, a new perspective of things that are so deeply nurturing and healing.
My intuitive approach can help women to clear away events, they did not even remember, but are holding them back now.
For example, when you were about 5 years old, something happened and your parents were a bit cross with you, ……, what would you love to share with your 5 year old self.
Or when you were a teenager you had a hard time at school and you wanted to be part of a group, …, you felt lonely and like a misfit. What would you love to share with your teenage self now?
We always hug that younger version of ourselves, and share with them how our life evolved, and where we are now. We share the love and compassion for our younger self and then take her into our heart.
We all have so many parts of us we left behind, because we were hurt, it is time to re-integrate all or our parts again, so we can feel whole and truly loved again.
In your experience, what role do self-compassion and forgiveness play in the healing journey?
Self compassion and self forgiveness play a huge role on our healing journey.
Without forgiveness there is no healing.
When we hear forgiveness we always think about having to forgive someone else, but actually more important is to forgive ourselves.
You see we are our worst critic, we can talk down on ourselves, and we are so harsh to ourselves.
We often blame ourselves for having something happen to us
We say things like ‘I should have known better’ ‘ I should have said no, why could I not stand up for myself ‘ ‘why did I let that person talk me into this again, I am so weak, everyone takes advantage of me, I am just so stupi’ etc.
So forgiveness, like everything else, always starts within, even if we blame someone else, deep down we blame ourselves for letting it happen to us.
Without self forgiveness there is never self compassion.
Being compassionate with ourselves, treating us like we do our best friend or our children, is so important. Listen to your own self talk, just notice how you speak to yourself, do you do it with compassion and encouragement? Most probably not. So imagine, what would happen if you told those words to your friend going through something, or your child toppling, …
So why do you speak to yourself like this?
Isn’t it time to apply some self compassion?
You are worthy of compassion and love, always.