A really complicated medical condition made Carol Scheg-Morissette look for alternatives for a cure that traditional medicine couldn’t offer. Reiki, Integrated Energy Therapy, Sound Therapy and more helped Carol improve and she started to help people right away. Know more about her story in this special interview for MysticMag.
Can you please explain when you discovered the power of healthy alternatives and started to study those modalities?
I discovered the power of healthy alternatives in 2003 when my health declined. My health issues and near death experience changed my vibration and led me to my spiritual path. In 1999, I suffered a severe injury that left me with a chronic back and neck issue. I had C3 to C7 cervical disk injury and degenerative condition in my neck. I could not turn my head to the left. My grip strength on the right arm was below normal limits and the left arm was below functional limits. I had developed a lot of digestive problems, difficulty walking, TIA, Upper Cross Syndrome, Arthritis, asthma, fibromyalgia, and Hypoglycemia. I was unable to lift anything over 4 lbs. The injury was a result of domestic violence.
I had a lot of problems with my throat and difficulty eating, and ended up choking on most of my food.
I still had a lot of pain in my back and neck
I had the tonsils removed in the hope that it would solve the problem, but it did not. In late 2003 my esophagus strictured and closed up and I was no longer able to eat or drink normally. I had to elevate my bed and sleep on a wedge pillow. I slept sitting up but would still wake up choking and trying to catch my breath. I ended up in the emergency room twice a week.
I was sent to 3 different ear, nose and throat specialists. The 3rd ENT specialist told my doctor that there was nothing wrong with me and to put me on liquid anxiety medicine and not to send me back to him again. Every cat scan and MRI of my throat was just missing the stricture, it was not in the throat but was in the cervical esophagus. One of the reasons it strictured so badly was due to MSG and my weakened immune system. I had been a cosmetologist for most of my life. I was exposed to chemicals as a hairdresser which contributed to it. By the time the doctors figured out what was wrong with me, my esophagus had gone from 20 mm to 4 mm for 2 inches of the cervical esophagus. It was the size of a thread. From August 2004 to January 2006, I was only able to drink water, apple juice and pulp-less orange juice from a teaspoon because my esophagus couldn’t handle drinking out of a glass. I could not drink milk because it was too thick to drink. I felt hungry all the time and had pain in my head because I could only drink small amounts from a teaspoon.
I also had esonophilic esaphagitis, which is when your white blood cells attack food because they see it as an allergen which causes swelling and inflammation.
Every four weeks when they reopened my esophagus it would shrink back to 6mm it was wearing thin. The doctors had said my esophagus was like a stretched-out rubber band and that if I continued to come in every week to have it reopened eventually it would tear and if I did nothing it would stricture and close up completely leaving me unable to breathe let alone eat. I was told to get my affairs in order because I didn’t have much time left.
I knew it wasn’t my time to die, so I prayed to God for help. I said help me through this one, help me find some answers to fix this problem and I promised I would share it with the world. Everything I offer at Healthy Alternatives Wellness Center are things that helped me to heal.
When I started receiving reiki treatments I felt relief and I was called to learn how to do Reiki. I did Reiki on myself every night to be able to rest and breathe. The Reiki helped me to regain my health. Reiki helped with my digestion issues and soothed my throat.
I had a foot detox done several times when I was sick. which helped to clear my lymph system and the immune system which was struggling.
I went for Integrated Energy Therapy treatments because I knew I had a lot of stored emotional trauma in my body. IET helped to pull out a lot of the emotional trauma that I had dealt with. I saw how the Reiki and the IET helped me and my family. I opened my holistic business in 2007 by doing a Raindrop demonstration and started offering Reiki and Integrated Energy Therapy to others.
I had a lot of inflammation in my body and especially in my throat. I was constantly coughing things up. I mostly drank water, apple juice and orange juice with no pulp. Then I became allergic to citrus. The allergist told me there was nothing they could do. There were no shots or medications for that. I found out about a woman in Buffalo who did pain-free holistic allergy clearings. After the 25-hour cycle of avoiding orange citrus I was able to have citrus again. I had several allergy clearings done. ART stimulates certain acupressure points along with breathing scalar energy and homeopathic vials. It’s a technique to retrain our brain and nervous system to no longer react negatively to an allergen. Using meridians, the allergen may be cleared from the body and the energy pathways. I also found a woman who did Young living raindrop technique which consisted of a combination of vitaflex and therapeutic oils to bring improved circulation to the spine and release the inflammation. It helped to detoxify my body and boost my immune system.
Finally in January 2006 they were able to open my esophagus to 20mm and it stayed open. I still had trouble swallowing food because of scar tissue, swelling, and motility damage. Food was sticking in my throat. The speech pathologist had said there was no way to correct it.
In April 2006 I found out about Young Living Ningxia red juice and how it helps with swelling, motility problems, regulates blood sugar and boosts the immunity. I started drinking Ningxia Red juice because what I had was a motility problem and hypoglycemia. The Ningxia Red antioxidant drink fixed my motility problem. I did Reiki on myself every night to help my digestion and my throat.
I am able to eat normal and swallow normal thanks to prayer, Young Living Oils, Allergy Clearings, Reiki, IET, & Sound Healing.
At the same time that I was sick and searching for answers for myself I was also searching for answers for my son’s hydronephrosis of the kidney, allergies and skin condition. He had a lot of problems with severe eczema because of his kidney.
The Reiki and the IET was helping but I felt like there was something more missing in my healing work and that is when I found the amazing benefits of sound healing. I used the tuning forks on my son while he was in his high chair on all his kidney points. We saw improvement. I was then guided by God to do sound healing and Chakra balancing with the 5-inch Tibetan bowls and was then led to the Crystal throat chakra bowl. I was called to choose the throat chakra. All my problems have been with the throat chakra. I had a lot stored in my throat chakra when I went for integrated energy therapy. Because I had suppressed so many things.
I was playing the large bowl in my living room when my son came in doubled up in pain from his kidney. I was ready to stop and do Reiki on him and he said “no, keep playing that.” He laid down right next to the crystal bowl as I played it. Then he got up and said he felt better and that’s when I realized the power of the sound but what would have taken me hours to fix was resolved in a few minutes. I knew I had to start doing sound healing for others. It was not a popular thing at the time. In 2007, I offered guided meditations with sound. I saw it helping people so I started offering it on a regular basis. I saw big improvements in my son’s kidney condition when I started using sound.
What can I treat or help with a more traditional treatment with the healthy alternatives you offer?
A more traditional way to relieve stress and anxiety would be guided meditation with sound healing / sound bath. You will shift into a full body reset which will positively affect your digestion, memory and sleep.A Sound Bath is a deeply -immersive, full body experience that intentionally uses sound to create a powerful therapeutic, restorative process to nurture your mind and body. The Sound takes you down into a deep state of meditation, automatically and that deep state helps dissolve your worries, and sets you up for a day of enhanced focus, creativity and energy. Sound Therapy has many benefits. It can boost immunity and increase oxygen intake. It reduces stress, anxiety, depression & promotes flow of energy or QI
For individuals with long haul covid a great way to get back your sense of taste and smell is by doing the ionic foot detox and the salt room. The Halo therapy Salt room is great for respiratory health and skin conditions. The Ionic Foot Detox removes toxins, free radicals and body waste products that cause health problems. It Inactivate viruses, bacteria, yeast and fungus
The vibrational sound massages is another way to relieve stress and anxiety and PTSD. During VSM the body will absorb waves of vibration into its tissue, allowing the body to relax & repair itself instead of responding to outside concerns. Like meditation, VSM helps us be internally aware, while being more present in the moment and more connected with our surroundings. VSM takes you right into the Theta & Delta brainwave state.
What are the benefits of vibrational reiki?
Vibrational Reiki can reduce anxiety, tension, and sadness as well as diminish pain. I developed a treatment called vibrational Reiki by using tuning forks, crystal and Tibetan bowls and gongs.
The vibration of therapeutic Zen bowls can help us to be internally aware while being more present in the moment and more connected with our surroundings. Sound healing decreases the effects of Tension and stress by using specific frequencies and harmonics that heal the body. Sound can improve your body’s capacity affecting immune strength and brainwave patterns as well as the quality of your daily life.
During Vibrational Reiki you will feel the vibrations traveling through your body as it heals.
What changed since you started to offer your services and now? Do you believe people are more open now?
Reiki and sound are more mainstream now. People are more willing to accept and try new things. A lot of people are tired of the traditional medicine and looking for things to help them heal.
You also offer a sports performance meditation. Can you detail to us what are the benefits and your experience with athletes?
Stress reduction is vital for optimal performance. Stress has been proven to negatively impact athletic performance. Being relaxed and centered increases the ability to remain calm under pressure and also improves focus and concentration. By consistently practicing meditation, your body will learn how to relax in stressful situations, building self-confidence and ultimately achieving a more positive mindset. A mind that is not under control is a mind that makes mistakes. Mistakes that could prevent you from winning. High levels of stress decrease your ability to maintain focus and concentration.
By practicing meditation that utilizes visualizations, athletic endurance can be enhanced. Athletes who visualize accomplishing specific objectives/goals, combined with the regular practice of breathing exercises can train the body to work harder and for a longer period of time in training and competition. Many athletes use the Halo Therapy Salt Booth to get their lungs in shape, detox, improve their oxygen intake, circulation and boost their endurance.
Do you have a specific pattern of clients or is it diverse and all over the place, age-wise, social background and also gender?
I have clients from very young to very old. All genders and diverse backgrounds.
Do you have a special message to our audience in these challenging times?
During these challenging times our stress levels tend to be higher than usual which increases the intensity of cortisol in our bodies, and that in turn depletes our immune system. This is a time when we need to pay particular attention to managing our stress levels. Sound healing and vibrational Reiki energy have been scientifically proven to decrease cortisol levels which in turn benefits the immune system and our overall health. Sound energy healing focuses on creating vibrations which affect overall health and can be a powerful tool in the healing process. I help people keep their vibration high.
My special message is to keep your vibration high and never give up, no problem is too difficult to solve. If we go within and heal ourselves at our heart center we can radiate that self love out to the world. By helping others, we heal ourselves. By healing ourselves and then healing one person at a time we can change the world and heal the world. We need to respect people, animals, and be more in touch with nature. Too many people are lost in electronics and have forgotten who they are.