N. Brooke Lieb’s journey is a compelling blend of performing arts, energy healing, and teaching. In her exclusive MysticMag interview, she shares her transformative experiences with Alexander Technique, Crystal Energy Healing, and her passion for helping others find balance and healing in their lives.
Can you share a few details about yourself and your professional journey?
One of my earliest memories as a small child was how excited I was to start life’s journey and experience all the love here. As it turned out, childhood was a disappointing, slow, and frustrating process. I was not a popular or pretty kid, though I was smart and had musical and theatrical talent. I couldn’t wait to mature into adulthood, knowing things would be easier then. I feel deeply connected to The Universe and trust that opportunities and miracles will show up. I had always been tuned into the invisible energy around us and also knew how to read people and their bodies. I studied and loved all the performing arts, but knew I didn’t have the kind of talent or drive to break into the ranks of working performing artists.
What I did have was the ability to teach and connect, and the fact that Alexander Technique was widely taught to performing artists guided me to study and train as a teacher right after completing my Bachelors in Musical Theater Performance. My ability to connect through touch was a perfect match for the Alexander Technique, which led me to add CranioSacral Therapy, energy healing tools, and specifically Crystal Surgery, to my professional offerings.
In addition to my private practice as an Alexander Teacher, I joined the teacher training faculty at The American Center for the Alexander Technique, where I received my teaching certificate and was eventually appointed Director of Teacher Training for the final 10 years of the school. After the course closed, I was asked to cover for a colleague who was teaching group Alexander Classes at Manhattan School of Music. She eventually left the position and I inherited this wonderful opportunity to work with actors, dancers, vocalists, and instrumentalists from all the disciplines including Musical Theater, Jazz, Opera, and Classical Music.
What is Alexander Technique and what are its benefits?
Known as “The Work” by its creator, F. M. Alexander, the Alexander Technique is a method that teaches people how to shift from habitual, unconscious automatic muscular and cognitive behaviour to directed, specific, and refined action. Alexander recognized that our felt sense of what we are doing and how we are doing it is subjective and often inaccurate. We tend to “freeze and squeeze”, using excess tension and force to carry out daily and specialized activities. Many of us brace our knees and tighten our hips and low back to stand. Many of us hold tension in the ribs or abdomen resulting in shallow or even held breath when we are focusing or concentrating. This overwork causes compression and wear and tear on our tissues (cartilage, tendons, muscles) and is often paired with hyperarousal of our sympathetic nervous system. Students learn how to down-regulate to a calmer state through direct intention. This translates into reduced tension and stiffness in our bodies, and a more productive, calmer mind. This video (youtube.com/watch?v=YZaUgt8wyoY) gives a good explanation of how we think Alexander Technique helps students manage physical and psychological tension, discomfort, stress and pain.
Lessons are typically taught with Hands On guidance. Students learn a set of guiding instructions to reduce harmful postural and behavioural habits. Students often report feeling lighter, calmer and more buoyant in their upright posture.
What are the benefits of Crystal Energy Healing?
Some of the benefits and improvements my clients have reported include:
- Reduction in side effects from radiation and chemotherapy
- Greater intuition
- Improved circulation in lower legs and feet
- Improved digestion
- Improved mood
- Clarity in decision-making
- Restored hope and optimism
- Metabolic Detox and weight loss
I am helping them balance the energetic components of how they respond to a variety of conditions and circumstances to deepen their own capacity for healing, connecting with their guides and working with the energetics of life.
Clients who receive Crystal Energy report that sessions offer support and calmness. I have worked with clients for a variety of reasons:
- Treatment for Cancer
- Relationship difficulties
- Restless leg syndrome
- Auto-immune condition
- Cognitive impairmentAnxiety, depression, and PTSD
- Chronic Inflammation
- Sleep Disturbances
- Career challenges
- Spiritual Development
- Repeating life patterns
Can you walk me through one of your Crystal Energy Healing sessions?
During in-person sessions, I often start with some upright work in Alexander Technique to get my client into a physically expanded and balanced state, then help them release more tension with hands-on work once they lay down on the table. This hands-on work gives me information and insights into how my client has been literally shaped by their life. I often get pictures, and information and pick up energetic disruptions and injuries from this and past lives through my hands.
When we shift over to Crystal Energy Healing, I read elements of their energy anatomy and based on what we find, I may work to create greater flow, drain stress off their system, clear imprints that keep habitual behavior in place, detox their energy system or work with energy body systems to allow that healing to filter down to their physical body. My guides and my client’s guides, and the crystals themselves, are integral team members in these sessions. While I do not consider myself a psychic, or a medium, I do receive information during these sessions. Sometimes the information guides me to healing techniques, and sometimes it’s meant to be delivered to the client to give them guidance.
When working remotely, I use a proxy crystal to connect to my client’s energy system in the etheric realm and use the same techniques I would in person.
Over the years, I have seen how versatile the techniques and procedures of Crystal Energy Healing are. They can be adapted to work with things that manifest in physical, spiritual or psychological ways. We can work with past life material, specific situations such as a professional dynamics or family history, or in a more general way with a person’s constitutional energy or their relationships to the world and the universe.
Can you share a memorable success story?
I was working with a client and was unable to find her chakras. It was very odd, like nothing I had experienced before. She shared that she had been hit by a car and she flew many feet through the air before hitting the pavement. She had been dealing with symptoms and challenges ever since this accident, which was many years before our session. This prompted me to see where her chakras were, and I found them tilted far off from her midline. Her lower chakras were off the one side of her body and her upper chakras were off to the other side. I knew I needed to assess the relationship of her energy body to her physical body. What I saw was that her energy body was rotated and angled differently from her physical body, the two were out of alignment.
I was able to reseat and realign her energy body with her physical body, and her chakras were now where I would typically find them in relation to her midline. We were able to balance them. After the realignment of her energy body, she reported much of the discomfort and strange symptoms she had experienced for years after her accident improved significantly after the session.
I did a procedure to stimulate cellular metabolism on a practice partner during one of my training classes. She went on to drop 25 pounds after that procedure without any other changes to her lifestyle.
There is a procedure to energize a person’s Money Spot – youtube.com/watch?v=XXu9AtkGmWg. I tend to do this procedure at most sessions. One client returned the week after I had energized her money spot and told me she found $3000 cash in her dresser drawer. She has no memory of putting it there, had no sense that she was missing any significant sum of money, did not recall being paid in cash for any projects, and no one in her family put it there. I would say that’s a pretty amazing result!
Is there anything else about your work that you’d like to share that we haven’t covered?
I call myself the reluctant crystal energy healer. Before Covid, I did all my work in person. I have dedicated myself to my hands-on work and refining those skills, and I still love working in this way. Since starting to work remotely by necessity, I feel all my skills have deepened and I have had the opportunity to work with people all over the world. I am able to pick up information about my clients’ physical bodies as well as their energy systems whether we are in the same room or not, and can now deliver energetic bodywork as well as energy healing. My remote clients feel as much, sometimes more, of the work as my in-person clients do.
To learn more about Brooke’s work, you can visit www.brookelieb.com