Brenda Lott is a certified Chakra and Energy Body Healer, Angel Oracle Card Reader and Angel Energy Healer. In this interview Brenda shares how she assists in the process of helping the angels heal humanity to transform lives for the better.
How did you discover that being a lightworker and starseed was your purpose?
Prior to spiritually awakening, I always had a strong feeling that I was meant to do something big with my life. But, I had no clue what that was, so I started taking a variety of online courses shortly after starting an ascension journey.
The moment that I began the Angel Energy Healers course was when I intuitively knew that my soul purpose is to do lightwork. During the first meditation in the course, there was an instant and strong connection I felt with the angelic realm. Suddenly, the most beautiful feeling appeared with a message that Angel Energy Healing is my soul purpose.
Next, I was reminded about how this natural healing gift has always been shining through me. Without realizing what I was doing as a kid, source light always powerfully flowed through my hands and into pets every time I played with them. At the time, friends and relatives were amazed by how easily I always relaxed their pets. When I started doing Angel Energy Healing, this natural gift immediately began shining vibrantly through me even more.
Discovering that I’m a starseed happened slower over the course of a few months. Learning about starseeds was very helpful in understanding certain aspects of this lifetime. The more I read about the different types of starseeds, the more curious I became and wanted to find out more details. A starseed origin report revealed my soul’s background which led to a deeper understanding about why my soul purpose is to be an energy healer.
What is angel energy healing and how does this vary from other energy healing modalities?
Angel Energy Healing is a beautiful healing modality where powerful healing angels flow their energies through my open heart and toward a person, pet, or situation.
The reason why it’s so powerful is because I act as a bridge between Earth and the higher dimensions. The angels utilize my strong connection with them to more easily transfer their healing energies to other people.
Sometimes people can unknowingly be carrying around energies that block healing especially within the subconscious mind. Therefore, the angels can offer people a deeper energetic cleanse and healing by having me act as an open channel. During a session, I focus the energies based upon the exact types of healing that the client desires. This is in addition to everything that is already included with every session.
Angel Energy Healing is very different from other healing modalities because people do not experience detoxification symptoms. A wonderful thing about working with angels is that as soon as they remove dense energies, the person is then filled up with new light. This process eliminates the detoxification period that is present in other healing modalities.
What can one expect from an angel energy healing session?
You can expect to receive a complete energetic system cleanse plus healing customized to what your mind, body, and spirit needs the most. One session includes deep cleansing for all the major chakras, the body’s meridian system, and the aura. Etheric cords are also removed, karmic cords are detached, and your biggest subconscious mind block is removed. After all these areas are cleansed, then new light is brought in to uplift you.
Your entire home is also cleansed during a session. The reason why is because it does not make sense to do extensive mind, body, and spirit work if you will immediately be affected by dense energies within your home.
If there are any dark entities present in your home, or on the land surrounding your home, those are also removed.
All Angel Energy Healing sessions are distance sessions. By relaxing in your own home where you already feel comfortable, you can feel more of the angelic energies flowing.
The most common benefits felt after a session are feeling more peaceful, feeling more relaxed, and being less affected by stress. Plus, feeling more uplifted. These are in addition to other personal benefits that vary between individuals.
How do angels come to our aid?
Assistance from angels can arrive in a variety of ways. It includes angel numbers and angel signs, such as seeing rainbows, feathers, or hearing your name being called. Angels also show up to help you by having other people enter your life. Or, showing up the answer to a question inside an article, book, social media post, etc.
Angels are always available to help you, however it’s important to remember the law of free will. Angels are not allowed to interfere in your life. Therefore, you must keep asking for assistance because angels can only help you one step at a time.
What angels do you usually work with?
When doing an Angel Energy Healing session, I have a large team of angels, archangels, and ascended masters that provide the client with the exact type of healing that is needed most in the present moment.
Additionally, I call in specific archangels based on what clients want from their session. For example, if a person desires inner child healing, then I start out by also calling in Archangel Haniel to assist with that aspect of the session.
Every day, I communicate with a variety of archangels, however Archangel Gabriel is always with me. When I began channeling, he showed up wanting to work with me. Since then, Archangel Gabriel and I have formed a beautiful relationship that feels like a best friendship.
Being a healer and having to consistently heal and help others, how do you conserve and protect your own energy? Are there any self-care tips that you would recommend?
The amazing and unique part about Angel Energy Healing is that the angels constantly protect my energy during sessions. They always stand between me and the client to protect both of us from directly exchanging energies. However, I am still able to easily sense where clients need extra healing energies to flow. This mostly happens through clairsentience and clairvoyance. And, occasionally through clairaudience messages that I receive from the client’s higher self.
During sessions, I often feel big releases for clients and sometimes sense their fears or intense energies. However these are only temporary when the angels are transmuting those energies. At the end of every session, the angels fully cleanse my energy along with grounding me.
Angel Energy Healing is very different from other healing modalities because I always feel uplifted after every session. Working very closely with the angels also increases my vibration and leaves me feeling energized afterward.
There are three self-care tips that I recommend for everyone.
First, protect your energy daily inside several layers of light orbs. The colors of the orbs along with the exact number depends on what feels best for you each day.
White orbs are great for the innermost layer while mirror orbs are perfect for an outer layer. A mirror orb deflects other people’s negativity which can be very beneficial if you live or work with a person who regularly acts in negative ways.
Second, cleanse your energy every night with source light. This is a great way to rinse away dense energies in your aura that you picked up from other people during the day. Also, flowing source light through all your chakras has benefits that accumulate over time.
Third, take care of yourself first. It’s important to keep filling up your own cup first before you can expect to be able to fully give to others.
When you’re feeling your best, life flows easier especially when you keep inviting angels into your life.