Brandie Banks is an Evidential Medium, Spiritual Teacher, and Author with a passion for bringing departed loved ones and the living together. Since 2008, she has dedicated herself to spiritual development, focusing on Mediumship and intuitive abilities. With over 15 years of training and personal study, Brandie is known for her compassionate and straightforward approach, providing unique and accurate experiences for her clients. Considered one of the “movers and shakers” of Mediumship in the Midwest, Brandie has honed her gift through Arthur Findlay College, workshops, and personal development, working alongside other well-known mediums. Beyond her mediumship work, Brandie teaches others to connect with their spiritual gifts and integrate spirituality into their daily lives, emphasizing family, personal development, and overall well-being. MysticMag has the pleasure of chatting with Brandie.
Brandie, can you tell us about your journey into becoming an Evidential Medium and Spiritual Teacher, and what initially drew you to this path?
I would be honored to. Just a warning though…this is a very LOADED question! lol
Everyone has a different “origin” story so to speak. Many say they are born with this gift, others realize it after a traumatic accident or event. My story isn’t that exciting. When I was around fourteen or fifteen years old, one of my classmates lost his older sister to brain cancer. I had just so happened to attend a youth group at church with her, so I knew her as well as him. I could not attend her funeral due to being fairly ill with bronchitis. That night, I dreamt about her. I was standing in the back of the church. Ahead of me, was a casket. Flowers had been placed all around, as well as a picture of her. One light illuminated it all from above. Suddenly, I looked to my left and she was standing right next to me. She was wearing a simple, white dress. All of her beautiful red hair had grown back and it was long. She was smiling and glowing and held so much peace. She began talking. Rather than her speaking like we would speak to one another, it was telepathic communication. Every word was mind-to-mind.
She asked me to tell her family that she was okay, she wasn’t in pain anymore, and that she loves them. When I woke up from the dream, my cheeks were soaked with my own tears. At that time, I told myself it was “just a dream”. I never brought it up to her family.
A few years later, a beloved high school teacher was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. At the time, I was editor of the school newspaper and co-editor of the yearbook. That meant extra hours in the editing room, which just so happened, was connected to Mr. Rogers room, via a door between the two rooms. After school he would prop that door open, turn on Elvis (whom we both loved) and we’d work on our own things. He would occasionally pop his head around the door frame and ask if I was alright or if I needed anything. Sometimes we’d talk about our shared love for Elvis or his family. When he passed that same school year, I was devastated. After his funeral (which I was able to attend), I started to dream about him as well. Other than the fact that the dreams took place outside and usually under a tree, they were very similar to the first visitation dream I had. We would stand or sit under the tree and he would telepathically talk to me about world events or tell me a story about his life. The message at the end was always the same, “Please tell my wife and daughter that I am okay. Tell them that I haven’t left them and that I love them”. I never did. Despite having opportunities (that I swear were arranged by Mr. Rogers himself) of bumping into his wife, I never could bring myself to tell her. I didn’t know how to. I didn’t know if she would believe me or think I was crazy. After several of these dreams over a two year period of time, they stopped and I have never dreamt of him again.
When I was nineteen and attending university, a dear family friend died in a freak accident. You see, Seth and I had grown up together. Our families were close and we even attended church together. When I began high school, we just sort of drifted apart. I went to a public school, while he was home schooled. The last three to four years of his life, we didn’t communicate or see each other…for no other reason than life taking us in different directions. Two weeks after his memorial service I had a visitation dream, which we call ADC’s (after death communications). Seth was sitting in the front row of chairs in the youth group room. I walked up and sat next to him. We talked about our childhoods and how much we missed each other. At the end of the dream, he looked me in the eyes and telepathically said, “Will you tell my mom I love her and that I want my green bracelet?” When I woke up, I was crying and KNEW I couldn’t just sit with this message weighing on my heart. I picked up the phone and called his mom. She thanked me for the information and hung up. Twenty-four hours later, she called me and thanked me. She then explained that she told Seth’s dad what I had said. He turned around, walked into Seth’s bedroom and pulled out the things Seth had been wearing the night he died. In those belongings was the green bracelet I had described to her. She said that the dream brought her great comfort and that she knew her son was okay.
That sparked an interest inside me. A knowing, if you will, that there was a great healing potential to what I was experiencing. If only I knew WHAT it was I was experiencing. From there, I started reading books about the afterlife, mediumship, and intuition. That led me to workshops and eventually to the Arthur Findlay College in Stansted, UK.
You are considered one of the “movers and shakers” Mediumship in the Midwest. What aspects of your approach do you believe set you apart from others in your field?
When I started my practice in 2010, I was one of the only professionals in Oklahoma openly offering mediumship sessions. In fact, I think there were only one or two others and they didn’t have a website. I was the first to offer the structured, spiritualist approach to mediumship. That instantly set me apart in this area. I was the first one in Tulsa, Oklahoma to openly teach mediumship as well. I have a standard in my own practice that overflows into my teaching style. I also teach the importance of the relationship one must have with the spirit world in order to truly do this work. While much of the US is focused on the entertainment value of this work, there is just so much more to it.
How do you choose what to tell your clients or not?
I don’t withhold. I do, however, bring tact and sensitivity to each communication. I’ve learned that it’s not my job to decide what is told to the client, however, it is my job to deliver it with sensitivity, tact, and a lack of judgment.
How do you balance your roles as a mother and a dedicated professional in the spiritual community, and how has your family life influenced your work?
This has absolutely looked different through each phase of my motherhood. There have been times, in which, I haven’t worked at all so that I could focus on the needs of my family. There have been times, in which, I was working nonstop to provide stability and felt like my “work-life” caused me to miss some important moments as a mother. What I know now, is to listen to myself when I feel like I need to be more present in one area than another. My family is my main priority, of course.
Spirit has taught me two things through each session, in the last sixteen years: 1. Our earthly connections are important. We need to be present as much as possible because it can end all too soon. 2. Spirit will always be there. So if I need to step away, they understand.
Could you share some insights into the process of teaching others to connect with their spiritual gifts and incorporate spirituality into their daily lives?
Most of us tend to think that we need to be one thing or the other. That someone is either materialistic or spiritual. That if you work in the spiritual community, that must be your entire existence. My goal is to teach that you can incorporate simple spiritual practices daily that bring you closer to both yourself, and your spirituality. Personal development and spiritual development, while different, dance together. While we are training ourselves to walk a certain number of steps each day, we can also train ourselves to say certain affirmations each day. Both lend to a healthy and well-rounded life.
What advice would you give to someone who is interested in developing their own intuitive abilities or pursuing a career in Mediumship?
For those wanting to step into their intuitive abilities, I would say…you’re already connected-you just have to realize that you are. The spiritual aspect of self is mostly subtle, so if you are looking for your “2×4 over the head” wake up call…you might be waiting too long and until it’s too late. The spiritual world moves gracefully, quietly, and gently.
For those who want to pursue a career, you need to know that it’s a life of service. Staying grounded, having boundaries, and being alright with being uncomfortable as you navigate healing your own wounds are all important aspects of this work. Also, this doesn’t happen overnight, it’s a lifetime commitment that unfolds one day at a time.
If you would like to find out more about Brandie Chrisman, please visit https://brandiechrisman.com/