Barbara Burgess, a multi-talented creative force, is a name synonymous with artistic expression in various forms. As an accomplished artist, author, songwriter, psychic medium, and animal communicator, Barbara’s diverse range of talents allows her to explore and channel her creativity through multiple avenues. With a deep connection to energy work, Barbara is a proud member of The Guild of Energists (GoE), where she utilizes her intuitive gifts to bring healing and transformation to others. MysticMag has the pleasure.
As an artist, author, songwriter, psychic medium, and animal communicator, you possess a diverse range of talents and interests. How do you find inspiration and balance in exploring and expressing these different aspects of your creativity?
As an artist, author and songwriter I am never short of inspiration. Inspiration is all around me. In nature, in people I meet or see as I go about my day. In situations I see around me. Things on the news or films and songs and just about anywhere you can imagine. There is inspiration all around me all the time. I am continually jotting down ideas for books, stories and songs in my notebook or I record ideas on my iphone while out walking with my dog. I also believe that walking my dog and being outside in open fields, on top of hills and among trees inspires me every day. I generally walk at least five miles every day with my dog and cannot imagine taking a walk without a dog. As a psychic medium I come home refreshed and ready to begin work.
With regard to finding balance, that can be a bit tricky. I either divide my day up into special times e.g. 1 hour of research for a novel, 1 hour playing the piano, one hour art and so on or I may have to focus on something special, such as doing a number of readings if these build up.
At the moment I am using my art to make children’s books. I am also writing a romance novel.
Songwriting can come along at any time of the day or night! Some song lyrics will not allow me to rest until I have written them down! With songwriting I enter my songs in The UK SongWriting Contest and so there are several deadlines throughout the year. With psychic readings people want their readings done within a short space of time. I try to do a psychic reading within 24 hours of purchase. Having deadlines helps me to sort out my priorities.
I also make sure I divide my day up well and devote some hours to each subject.
Being a member of The Guild of Energists and The Guild of International Songwriters and Composers, how have these affiliations influenced your artistic and psychic work and in what ways do they contribute to your personal and professional growth?
Being a member of The Guild of Energists has contributed enormously to both my personal and professional growth. I can honestly say that I do not feel I would be where I am today without the love, help and guidance of fellow members of The Guild of Energists who I and many others call, ‘family’. They are a family of like minds. Being psychic and even sometimes being creative can be a lonely world. You cannot exactly walk down the street and say to a complete stranger, “I saw the spirit of my uncle the other day.” They would soon steer clear of you the next time they saw you coming! So, with The Guild of Energists we are a family with the same interests and this helps enormously.
I have been on many courses and workshops with The Guild of Energists and these help expand my mind and my knowledge. The Modern Energy Art Course in particular was a big turning point in my life. I took it during lockdown. I was interested in it and also needed something to occupy my mind during the Covid pandemic lockdown.
The course included sections on writing songs and poetry and this is one way in which I began writing songs although I have had a life-long interest in music and poetry. A light bulb moment during the course that also changed my life was when Silvia Hartmann explained that, ‘nothing needs to be perfect.” You can even turn a mistake in your piece of artwork into something good in the final work. The same with songs, stories, poems, they do not have to be perfect. I feel this is why many people do not write novels or create pieces of art, they think the piece must be perfect or they think something is wrong with it and so they do not finish it or do not publish it or do not let others see it.
With regard to membership of The Guild of International Songwriters and Composers. This body too is very supportive. You can copyright your songs and works with them and that can be a load off your mind. They also do workshops and courses and have literally tonnes of useful information and helpful people at hand. Again you are with like-minded people and if you were to say that a song was not going the right way for you then there would be people who would understand and maybe help you or have sympathy with you. This can be very helpful indeed and help you to not feel alone.
What is the most rewarding aspect of being a psychic medium for you?
The most rewarding aspect of being a psychic medium is being able to put people in touch with their loved ones in spirit and helping people.
Clients ask me to ask their loved ones and their pets questions and I get answers for them. For example: Are you happy? Are you in pain? Did I sort out the funeral for you okay? A question often asked from pet owners is about whether or not it was the right time for the pet to be put to sleep. Knowing that their loved ones are happy and no longer in pain helps to heal the grieving process. Knowing that they did the right thing by their pet is also enormously helpful.
Your website mentions being a modern energist. Could you elaborate on what this entails and how you apply this practice in your work? How does energy play a role in your creative process and interactions with clients?
Being a modern energist means that I work with energy. Everything is energy, you, me, a chair, this planet, this universe. Everything is energy. People work with energy or on an energetic level without realising it. When you think of someone you are working on an energetic level. Have you ever thought of someone and the next minute you see them in the street or they phone you up? This is because your energy and their energy is connected not only all the time but more so when you think about them. It is a bit like phoning someone up on your mobile phone. You have a number and they have a number and the two numbers or two lines of energy meet and you have a conversation. This is also how psychic readings work. I tune into a person’s energy and connect to their energy and their vibration and thus do a reading. You can feel energy, like the wind. I can hold my hand near a person and feel their energy and their aura and then I can describe what I see in my mind’s eye or with my third or psychic eye.
Energy works very well for the creative process. Everything is first in the ‘non-local’, ‘all that is’ or spirit world or whatever you wish to call it. First you think of something and then you build it or create it. We create our world with our thoughts. You think of building a chair and then you build it. You think of buying a car and then you buy it. All my readings, songs, art work are first in the ‘non-local’ and then they become reality. So energy and being a modern energist plays an enormous role in just about everything I do.
As an email reader, how do you ensure that the energy and connection necessary for a psychic reading are maintained without face-to-face interaction? How do you adapt your reading process to accommodate the absence of physical presence?
To begin with, doing an email reading is far easier than doing a face to face reading. With a face to face reading it can be natural to look at the person opposite you. Their clothing, their mannerisms. When I first began doing psychic readings and did face to face readings I would ask my client to answer “yes” or “no” to anything I said. If they said “yes” then spirit would give me more things to say to them. If they said “no” then I would go back to spirit and ask them to expand on the subject or explain it better. I found that some clients would not utter a single word and this actually stopped the flow of energy and so I began looking at their faces for responses. When you do email readings you are tuning into pure energy. You have no distractions around you. I also used to visit people in their homes and again you can be distracted by things. Family photos and things like that. So doing email readings is far easier. You just tune into your client’s energy and you complete the reading. I find that when I begin the reading I type extremely fast. I feel that spirit is guiding me, it is a bit like automatic writing, and when spirit has stopped talking or dictating the reading to me then I stop typing or close the reading. Also spirit looks after you when you work for them. If I am tired or unwell then I find I do not have any readings to do. In order to keep my energy high I relax and maybe meditate during the day and also walk my dog twice a day.
I also work with the known and unknown angels. I specifically call upon Archangel Gabriel and Archangel Michael to help me with my readings and to cleanse the cards before each reading. I also work with the dragons, unicorns and many other spirit beings. As Betty Shine put in one of her books – the more the merrier!
If you would like to find out more about Barbara Burgess, visit https://www.barbaraburgessauthor.com/