Introducing Barbara, the guiding force behind “Closer to Source.” In this interview with Mystic Mag, Barbara shares her expertise in helping individuals discover their life’s purpose and connect with their higher selves. She discusses the significance of spiritual guides, the healing aspects of her approach, and practical steps to understand one’s true existence and purpose. Join us for a conversation with Barbara, a passionate advocate for personal growth and transformation.
Could you elaborate on how “Closer to Source” helps individuals discover their true purpose and understanding in life? What specific practices or methods are involved in this soul journey?
“Closer to Source” is designed to assist individuals in their quest to uncover their true life purpose and gain a deeper understanding of themselves. This journey is facilitated by a variety of practices and methods, including:
The structure for identifying individual purpose is tailored by Source in such a way to help people to understand themselves on a level that somewhat eliminates ego and allows for connection with higher self. In these sessions we take what appears as a human problem in our lives and see it as a Soul Journey’s opportunity for fulfillment and growth. Despite the pain of our earthly circumstances the “one” that understands their purpose is that one person themself within their own higher consciousness. Creating a connection between one’s higher consciousness and themselves is the goal to reach this understanding. This connection is what uncovers the ability to discover purpose and understanding of purpose.
To guide someone in exploring their higher selves will begin to reveal “Purpose’s purpose”. This means, the reason we are here learning, growing and often struggling is our human purpose. This human purpose is given to us to fulfill our original Purpose. That is soul growth and fulfillment. What happens when you align with your higher self is that you begin to listen to yourself. Your true north, your calling, your joy. This is your higher self, introducing you to the path of fulfilling your soul’s journey. Because the direction that resides in your heart, is the direction of higher consciousness speaking with you.
To fulfill your human experience joyfully, even through pain and struggle, and to understand that the fulfillment of your human journey is the fulfillment of a higher journey, is your way back to Source. My sessions are orchestrated by Spirit. The most significant tool is channeling. This is typically where life issues are revealed. During discussion I will continue to receive imagery or words. This begins to open the door to self-discovery and reflection.
Often, guided meditations are provided by Spirit to achieve this awareness. The awareness or connection is like finding something behind a closed door that you forgot you had and now you can use it. Using meditation of any kind is a means of seeking inner wisdom, higher communication within yourself and Source itself. I encourage regular meditation whether it be in silence, grounding techniques such as gardening, hiking or physical exercise. Actively participating with the earth and yourself. It is a release from the cerebral and mental processes into awareness of inner consciousness. This may include listening to your gut and to the surrounding silence. Disconnecting from the mental distresses of the day. Allowing ego to rest and self to breathe. I also use energy therapies such as Reiki to provide integration, energy flow and silence.
You mentioned the importance of spiritual guides in this journey. Can you describe how individuals can connect and communicate with their spiritual guides?
Spiritual guides are here to assist us on your specific soul journey. They are like directors between Higher Consciousness and human consciousness. They do not interfere with our alignment and understanding of our own higher consciousness. Rather, they direct through the roadblocks and detours of life. Loved ones that have passed from this life also come through with advice and comfort. However, Closer to Source attempts to assist on a level that addresses guidance through soul journey and higher consciousness. Guides reside at a lower vibration than higher consciousness and a higher vibration than deceased loved ones in terms of communication. Spiritual guides are our best friends! They see our journey of life experience in terms of love and completion for us as individuals. They do not possess the pure knowing of an individual’s higher consciousness. But they possess the roadmap to achieve attainment of the purpose within our human life in alignment higher consciousness.
I will share a small exercise to help to become acquainted with your spiritual guides. Close your eyes, silence your mind, and be mindful of your breath. After a few moments of this centering, in your mind, call on your group of guides and remain quiet and still while they begin to arrive. You may be calling in guides, angels or deceased loved ones all at once. What may appear as a shadowy group in front of you, holds at least one guide. Ask it to come forward. Remain quiet and allow this energy to become clearer in the vision of your mind’s eye. Listen to their energy. It may be language, a journey, color, motion, a sensation or emotion, just allow their presence in gratitude as they will always arrive in love. Talk to them like a friend and advisor. Do this exercise routinely and you will begin to understand that they are a part of you. You are their shadow. You go where they go. They are our trusted leaders. Most importantly, understand that this is real. It is not imagination. You have the ability to simply and quietly call them in and recognize them in your human life. It is a real and growing relationship.
In the text you referred to “Closer to Source” as a means of healing. How does this journey facilitate healing and what types of healing is it focused on, be it physical, emotional or spiritual?
A human body is designed to heal itself. Plants, animals and the planet itself have divine intuition which is that of healing. To align spiritual energy with physical and emotional well-being, is to align the natural flow of healing which all 3 are innately designed for. Spiritual alignment is #1. Listening to your spiritual guides and your higher self is all in alignment with Source. Source is our original, divine energy. One being and beginning within love. Source is the master energy, the source of all life, journey, healing and love. Emotions are meant to be healing. Emotions are also meant to activate a connection between us and our higher consciousness. The development of a relationship between what we emotionally feel and who we are spiritually can activate this ability for emotional healing. To study and understand the emotion that is the opposite emotion of the one that you are experiencing is an example of this connection.
For example, you are feeling hurt or disappointed. The opposing emotion is love for self. Self-recognition, worthiness, strength, value and opportunity. If you were to feel angry the opposite emotion may be peace. Peace within yourself through an understanding of your own purpose, divine insight and strength. Allow yourself to experience these positive feelings and let the emotional healing begin. Now you are connecting your higher self and your human emotion. This releases an ability for emotional healing. Each person has this ability to heal themselves. It is not about the offender, revenge or distress. It is about reaching and loving and learning from your higher self. Of course, physical healing within a human body is for the hands of medical professionals. However, a greater spiritual connection with self and Source certainly provides peace and alignment to reduce stress, anxiety and promote the innate healing that a human body possesses.
I use energy therapies such as Reiki and Integrated Energy Therapy ® to help with clearing energy blocks, balancing energy, and promoting physical health. This aids in clarity, wellbeing, balance and acceptance of higher energy’s vibrations within our own energy. I am also associated with several other practitioners that work with spiritual modalities which provide healing, and self-discovery on spiritual levels. As well as a practitioner that works with integrating spiritual purpose and life purpose, and assists in creating a life plan to achieve this alignment.
The text highlights the concept of “Closer to Source” as a means of making sense of one’s life and exploring their divine essence. Can you provide more details on the practical steps or activities individuals can engage in to achieve their understanding of their true existence and purpose?
To define one’s divine essence is to come to understand yourself and to feel yourself as a much higher, unique spiritual energy. This understanding is of great importance within appreciation and gratitude for who we are. The first practice of discovering purpose and divine essence is listening to yourself or higher consciousness. With practice it will become self-evident. Separate the ego from the gut. Remove “I should”. Your gut feeling is your connection to your higher self. Pay attention to shifts in intuition. These are direction from your guides and are purposeful, even though you may not understand why at the moment. Pay attention to what you desire. Eliminate ego and experience in your mind’s eye what fulfilling this desire would feel like. That feeling is a connection with true purpose and your own divine essence. The more you connect with this higher self the closer you are to knowing and loving the divine individual that you are.
This is an exercise in recognizing and appreciating love, self-love. Through the relationship with the wisdom and knowing of your higher self, you can recognize your divine essence. It is a continuous exercise in love. As though climbing a ladder, each rung provides you with greater knowing that you are essentially divine love, provided by Source. The ability to shine in love and perpetuate this love is an honor to yourself and humanity as a reflection of Source. To be honored enough to represent the light of divine Source requires tremendous love of your divine essence. It is an opportunity to be your true purpose. Therefore, recognizing this gift of oneself being chosen as such light elevates individual self-love. Love and appreciate yourself on every level. The best activity to engage in, in embracing your divine essence, to achieve purpose, is within “gratitude”.
Focusing on gratitude for being the incarnation in this life, to experience and express such divine love and the purpose that you are striving for. This should be a daily realization and an act of mindful appreciation. It is an opportunity to take a spark of spiritual light and breathe into its essence to create an elevated flame for yourself and all to experience. Closer to Source came into being through this kind of great appreciation for someone else’s flame. That in turn elevated my own divine energy, essence and purpose. The earthly loss of a beautiful en”light”ened soul provided me with connection and understanding of my higher self. That included the gift of creating Closer to Source. I have been guided through all the steps that I have discussed in this interview, to help others engage with their divine being as well.
I have tremendous gratitude for my friends’ light, and hope I can share the gift it has provided me with. Inspirational people, or events, meditation, journaling, art, self-expression, self-reflection, earth and grounding activities provide opportunity for love and connection with the divine essence of self or others through the love that is your own divine self. Most importantly believe and understand that this process is guided divinely and very real. Earthly and scientific validation may not be available. Your journey will prove to you that direction in this life is ever-present and there for the asking.
You mentioned that your role is to assist individuals on this journey. How do you provide assistance, and what is the significance of your voice in helping others connect with their spiritual guides and true purpose?
I assist others by channeling. It may be guides, deceased loved ones or higher energies that come to help the person in front of me. I am shown the majority of the messages through imagery within context, as well as emotion. My channels are my voice and inspiration. I have many many hours of written channeled information and inspiration that I draw from to support the conference between the one being channeled and my client. This information is of great value for delivering concepts and higher spiritual intention. These personal written channels are how I learn and then share spiritual insights needed for clarification and validation as to how it applies to an individual life.
My job is also to point out evidence that someone is connecting with higher self so they can begin to understand and experience the connection themselves. This may be a shift in body feeling, emotion, new ideas, or general sense of release. Guided meditation through channeling is an amazing tool for higher self-discovery as well. My voice is simply a vehicle of communication. All communication comes at the pace and timing of the guide who accompanies the client. Continuity is important. I encourage several visits to help establish some understanding of alignment with oneself. Every client is different, and Spirit’s approach surprises me. I’m not meant to live anyone’s journey but my own. I am meant to offer my voice to the unique design that spirit has offered me to help others reach their true selves.
What do you love most about your profession?
What I love most is that I was chosen to do this job. I am always reminded of the opportunity I have been given to offer healing and love. When I witness someone growing in life and purpose and happiness, it brings me extreme joy and satisfaction. When I see tears of joy or resolution when someone connects with a deceased loved one, I feel immense gratitude for being privileged and trusted enough to be asked to be part of their relationship. I thrive on the multitude of channels I receive in terms of education, explanation and discovery. The themes and topics progress as time goes on.
This has allowed me to see life through very different eyes. I do not read or watch videos. Any spiritual knowledge that I have has come from higher sources. The content is remarkable and very useful in my practice. I feel complete in the innate knowing that my purpose on this plane is in alignment with my soul’s journey and my higher purpose, which is to help myself and others become Closer to Source.