Ayaway Healing invites you to embark on a transformative journey called The Initiation—a month-long exploration with a tribe dedicated to self-discovery and healing. In this sacred sanctuary, individuals shed light on unconscious habits, alchemize them, and reconnect with their spiritual mission and inner power. Ayaway’s mission is to help people break free from societal programming, heal deep wounds, and find their authentic tribe. Rooted in authenticity and a connection to nature, Ayaway believes that modern society often leaves us traumatized and disconnected from our intuitive abilities. MysticMag finds out more.
Can you tell us more about the Initiation journey offered at AYAWAY Healing Sanctuary? What is the main focus and purpose of this month-long experience?
Many people are starting to see through the illusions of the old world matrix & are looking for a new yet natural way to live life. The Initiation was created to guide people into the new world based on spiritual connection, authentic expression & harmony with all aspects of nature. The Initiation is a container for people to feel safe to discover their unique relationship to the divine & to remember who they are underneath the programs, masks & traumas they carry. The purpose is to initiate Spiritual Warriors to find their inner strength to forge their unique path to the new world. Once they accept that everything external is a mirror of the internal, they learn to let go of the fight & face their fears. By seeing through the illusion of separation, they can begin to witness the love in all. The Initiation offers a doorway into the new world, tools to guide you on your healing journey, a tribe to heal with & different perspectives on how to connect to the divine.
How does the Initiation journey facilitate deep self-reflection and healing? What specific practices or techniques are incorporated to help participants shed light on their unconscious habits?
The month-long journey incorporates countless tools like guided meditation, breathwork, trauma release, prompted journaling & more. It offers safe space for people to find their authentic voice & practice expressing from their heart. There are “homework” assignments in between meetings so Initiates can begin to integrate what they are learning into their day-to-day lives. The Initiation references aspects of many spiritual backgrounds, self-study practices & lifestyles from other cultures. The content includes aspects of the bible, Hermetic texts, Buddhism, astrology, tantra, occult mysticism, native traditions, mythology & messages channeled directly from source in order for people to find their specific resonance to discern their own truth. We ground it all in with a non-traditional sweat lodge ceremony on the last day to celebrate the transition of leaving their old life behind & being reborn into the new world.
What makes the tribe aspect of the Initiation journey significant? How does the support and connection within the tribe contribute to the transformative process?
Tribe offers mirrors for participants to see themselves deeper in the reflection of others. By learning about others’ perspectives, traumas, gifts & lessons, clarity can be shed on what makes an individual unique. Many people on the healing journey endure a lot of pain & suffering alone, so tribe offers a space to share your heart & feel supported while going through dark or difficult times. Healing is also found in conflict, so to have two or more different perspectives that are charged with energy can bring up a lot of new insight if people are willing to breathe through the tension together.
In your vision of an ideal world, conscious tribes come together to support one another while each person contributes their natural gifts for the greater good. How does AYAWAY Healing Sanctuary foster a sense of community and conscious connection among participants?
AYAWAY is a spiritual movement that was set up as a non-profit so it can be co-created by many & it thrives on volunteers collaborating consciously as a community. The Healing Sanctuary is just one aspect of the AYAWAY movement. At the Healing Sanctuary, we specialize in guiding people to discover their unique gifts & showing people how to fall in love with themselves. The Sanctuary hosts weekly Sweat Lodge Ceremonies as a service that is open to the public for people to experience connecting to spirit, nature & like-minded people in the healing community. We have hosted many special occasion events & experiences that encourage conscious connection including tantra workshops, intentional bonfires & transformational journeys. We have also hosted several clothing swaps, vegan potlucks, volunteer days, nature celebrations (like Earth Day & Summer Solstice), campouts & more to bring awareness to the benefits of living in sustainable communion with all aspects of nature including humans, plants, animals, & spirits.
Could you share some examples of how participants have experienced personal growth and transformation during their time at AYAWAY Healing Sanctuary? What are some common outcomes or breakthroughs that occur?
We have witnessed people face their fears, transition through portals, release baggage from the past, reconnect to divine inspiration, heal dis-ease & step into their power. Many share stories with us that they have never told another soul. Some break down & cry. Some like to spend their time here just listening to the sounds of nature. Many say things like “I can’t believe you understand what I’m going through.” Some say we have completely changed their lives. The general takeaway seems to be a heart-opening experience.
What sets AYAWAY Healing Sanctuary apart from other healing retreats or programs? How does your approach and philosophy support individuals in remembering their spiritual mission and reclaiming their power?
AYAWAY is a spiritual awakening. The Initiation is just the beginning of the journey. The next steps involve integrating your spiritual self with all other aspects of your life so you can embrace your soul’s true calling & start living your dharma. We have grand visions of co-creating a new abundant society that lives in harmony with nature. This starts with the people, but we don’t want to create another unconscious urban community based on fear, so we are building a natural sustainable tribe based on spirituality. Humans are so out of touch with our tribal ways, we need healing so that we can reconnect with an open heart to establish authentic relationships. This is why we created the Healing Sanctuary first. We are working on healing the damage done by the matrix so we can awaken our soul family & collectively rise in consciousness.
At the Healing Sanctuary, we provide a safe yet magic-filled container for people to find their authentic way to connect to the divine & find themselves. We acknowledge tradition, but we honor spirit & our intuition in every moment to channel the clearest messages possible. The intention is to guide people back to remembering the truth that spirit is the real healer. We are but holy witnesses. We simply want everyone to reconnect to their hearts so we can all play the game of life together in love.
If you would like to find out more about Ayaway, visit https://www.ayaway.org/