It’s MysticMag‘s pleasure to introduce Annie Lisa, a transformative practitioner with a unique journey into the world of PSYCH-K®. After years as an ad creative and copywriter, she discovered the power of the subconscious mind through seemingly supernatural experiences. In this enlightening interview, Annie Lisa discusses the profound role of the subconscious, how PSYCH-K® differs from other modalities, and shares inspirational success stories. Enjoy!
Can you please share a few details about your professional background and how you got introduced to PSYCH-K®?
I was introduced to PSYCH-K® in a very interesting way. I worked as an ad creative and copywriter for about 25 years. During this time, I had some seemingly fantastical but very real experiences related to the spiritual realm and mystical nature. I shared my experiences with my sister and more profound messages came in and we both understood that we had a mission to serve humanity in a profound way. However, before we could figure out exactly what we were supposed to do, my sister was murdered. Interestingly, it was her from the other side who actually led me to PSYCH-K®. When a Bruce Lipton video popped up on my computer, I thought “Oh my God, that’s it! That’s why nothing changes and why people just keep getting stuck in the same pattern, no matter what they do, because they’ve got this subconscious program that’s playing on repeat.”
Immediately after that, Rob Williams and PSYCH-K® popped up on my computer, and I was covered in chills. Through confirming messages, I knew it was my sister who created the synchronism that led to those two videos showing up for me. That’s when I knew that a key part of our mission began with helping people rewrite their self-limiting subconscious programs.
Can you talk about the role of the subconscious and how PSYCH-K® addresses the subconscious to help people overcome situations and conditions?
We all have changes we want to make in our lives. Some people will go to therapy or a life coach to inspire a change. However, while both of those modalities provide insight, they don’t change the subconscious programs, which is the very thing that creates our experience. The fact is that 95% of consciousness is actually subconsciousness, and only 5% is consciousness, meaning our wishes and desires. We spend 95% of our day operating from beliefs that we’ve accumulated between the ages of zero to seven. That’s an incredible time when we’re in a super-learning mode. This is why we say to parents, “Hey if you want your children to learn three languages, start teaching them between the ages of zero to seven because they learn at lightning speed during this age window. Unfortunately, they are absorbing a lot of self-limiting, fear-based beliefs. For example, if a parent repeatedly says to six-year-old Johnny, “ You’re a bad boy it becomes a belief to Johnny that he is a bad boy. And what happens to bad boys? They get punished. They are unworthy. They don’t deserve good things.
In addition to those powerful downloads between ages zero to seven, at any point in our lives, any traumatic experience is going to be recorded in the subconscious. This is the root of post-traumatic stress. So now we got all of this stuff that becomes our program. We didn’t choose any of it. It was all given to us, but now we navigate through life operating from those beliefs.
In the 5% that is consciousness, we say “I want this and that, but why isn’t it happening?” It’s because your subconscious does not hold a program that allows you to fulfill that. If someone says, “There’s a great job opportunity for you in New York,” you will choose to engage and go for that opportunity or recoil from it based on your subconscious beliefs about your worthiness, what you believe about living in New York City and perhaps many other subconscious beliefs.
It’s like driving your car to work. You’ll get there and say, “I don’t even remember the drive to get here.” That’s because you weren’t driving the car; your subconscious was. The subconscious remembers habits and instructions so we don’t have to think about how to drive the car or how to get to work. That’s why sometimes we don’t arrive in life where we consciously want to go, unless the subconscious is in agreement. The subconscious operates on auto-pilot based on the storehouse of beliefs that you’ve accumulated. It’s like your beliefs become instructions that the subconscious follows.
For example, if you have an affirmation, ‘money flows to me easily and abundantly,’ but you grew up believing that money is the root of all evil or you watched your parents work two jobs to make ends meet, that’s what your subconscious believes about abundance, and that too will likely be your experience.
Here’s the most important thing to know: The law of attraction is every bit as real as the law of gravity. We live in a vibrational universe that is responding to our thoughts, but not our conscious wishes and desires. The law of attraction is responding to our subconscious beliefs, and consciously we don’t know what those subconscious beliefs are unless we explore it through various modalities. You could say affirmations all day long, but you must have subconscious alignment in order for your wishes and desires to manifest.
There are other modalities available that address the subconscious. How is PSYCH-K® different?
In PSYCH-K® we use kinesiology, muscle testing that acts like a built-in lie detector. If a muscle test is strong when you make an affirmation, or what we call a goal statement, your subconscious is in alignment with it. If it’s weak, it’s not. We use that as a navigator. PSYCH-K® also has permission protocols in place. We always muscle test with the superconscious (Holy Spirit, higher self, or whatever one wishes to call it) for permission before doing a balance.
That brings me to my next reason why PSYCH-K® is very different. PSYCH-K® is a ‘do with’ process. I don’t do PSYCH-K® ‘on’ people. I do it with them. When you go to the hypnotherapist, they’re doing hypnotherapy on you, for example. With PSYCH-K®, I work ‘with’ the person, who we refer to in PSYCH-K® as our partner. I hold space and I facilitate a very powerful and very simple quantum tool, but the partner provides all the answers. I literally listen to what they say, and based on what they say, ask them, ‘Well, what do you want instead?” They pretty much run the session and say what they need. I don’t ever tell anybody what they need or want. They know. Magically, even if they think they don’t know, they do. I had a guy with me last night for 90 minutes, and he had a whole list of things. He said, “I want success, to open up my own business, etc.”. However, what he said that was so powerful was “I just feel blocked every time I go do something”. So, when I said, “Well, what do you want instead”, he replied, “I want to be free”. We did only that balance and it had a domino effect on his other limiting beliefs.
What can people expect from a session with you?
They can expect that this session will be very simple. They are in control of the session. I ask people what specifically brought them there. We hold the intention that PSYCH-K® is very simple and very profound, and I ask them to add intentions. Then, I just kick it off with something along the lines of “Hey, John! What was the reason you gave me a call and scheduled this session?” I just listen to what they say and take notes. I don’t need to know the source of the problem. It doesn’t matter where it came from. It’s irrelevant. People often have this idea that in order to change something, it takes a really long time, it’s really hard, and we have to know the source of the problem. However, with PSYCH-K® none of those things are true. All we need to know is what we want instead of what we are currently experiencing. For example, someone who complains about procrastinating might come up with a goal statement like, “I finish what I start.”
After establishing communication with the subconscious, they know what a strong muscle test feels like, which means “Yes”, “True”, and “I like it”, and what a weak muscle test feels like. From there, we start muscle testing the goal statements they identified, and they’re probably going to be weak. After we get permission that the balance is safe and appropriate, the subconscious chooses exactly which PSYCH-K® balance we’re going to do, as there are quite a few. Then we do the actual PSYCH-K®. In my practice, balances generally take anywhere from two seconds to 5 minutes, although there are some balances that can take 45 minutes. But, again, in my practice the balances are generally extremely quick because that it what I have aligned my subconscious to. Then we post-state that same goal statement and it’s strong. I’ve seen people walk in the door with long faces, all disheveled and blank, but by the time they leave, they’re sparkling and excited. They feel different because they are different. Their vibration is different. And they are physically different.
People generally want to know why PSYCH-K® works. There are two reasons. First, it increases the crosstalk between the right and left hemispheres of your brain. When we’re afraid of or resistant to something, we over-process on either the left or the right side. When that happens, any similar situation will get stored on that one side, and we become either very left-brained or very right-brained about something. PSYCH-K® gives you access to both hemispheres and therefore access to great diversity. So a previous issue now becomes less of a struggle or requires less willpower or self-motivation. When you are wholebrained, your subconscious is in alignment with your conscious wishes and desires. Again, I can’t emphasize this enough. We live in a vibrational Universe that is responding to our subconscious thoughts, not our conscious wishes and desires. Essentially, PSYCH-K® allows the law of attraction to work for you. That is the key takeaway here.
At the end of the session, the partner and I create an action step to support their goal statements so they can feel the changes they made and experience them in their life. For example, if a partner had resistance related to going back to school, they wouldn’t have to go home and register for classes, but they might start exploring available courses. The action step is like downloading an app on your phone. In order to start using the app, you have to open it. The action step is like opening the app
Can you share a memorable success story?
There are so many success stories. One of my favorite ones is about a client who a year ago was living in a town he did not want to live in, had no friends, and wanted a girlfriend. On top of that, he had a job that was ending, and didn’t know where his next job would be. He was in an incredible state of limbo. As a result, he was depressed, anxious and couldn’t sleep, so much so, that could he couldn’t even go to his 50th surprise birthday party. He was a mess. We started doing sessions, and eight months later, he got a job where he could work remotely 100% of the time and moved to a beach community that he’d been dreaming about forever. He has a wonderful girlfriend. He has more friends than anybody I know I went to go visit this person because I was in the area, and the social life that he has is just astounding. Anxiety and depression are gone, and he has everything going for him now.
However, I want to tell this story in a bit more depth. The dream house, new girlfriend, and new friends were all connected In other words the move to the new dream house put him geographically closer to this girlfriend and a large group of friends. So my client was just about to close on this dream house, and he began tp freak out. He started wondering if he was paying too much, or if the house was too small, and so many other things. I asked, “Everything that you’ve wanted is about to happen, why are you about to sabotage it? All these goals that you are finally about to attain bring great changes in your life. How do you feel about all these changes?” And without hesitation, he said, “‘Change scares me.” I said, “Well, I think that’s the balance that we need to do because everything you have already balanced for is going to create changes in your life. And if you’re not comfortable with change, your subconscious will find ways for you to sabotage everything because it wants to keep you safe. That’s also part of the subconscious’s job.” We did some balances in a very quick session around being comfortable and confident with changes. About four hours later, I got this really long text from him saying how profound that balance was. It released his anxiety and allowed him to move forward without fear. He realized that his fear of change had been the root of his lifelong self-sabotage in so many areas of his life.
What would you say is your mission when it comes to your work?
My mission is to awaken and expand human consciousness. I’ve been doing PSYCH-K® since 2016, but in the aftermath of 2020, my sister led me to understand that we have a mission to reunite humanity., I am making it my mission to help people understand that we have the power to change this planet, and we do that with our subconscious vibes. We need to vibe love not separation. If you take a look at Japanese Scientist Emoto’s “Messages in Water” you’ll understand why this works.
By using PSYCH-K® with myself and others, we can easily change our lives for the better, and through the journey, we change in profound ways. Ultimately we come to a place of peace and love within ourselves, that allows us to feel love and compassion for all.
For more information visit annielisalife.com