Angel Dawn is a born empath, gifted intuitive and rare individual who is one of the world’s few Psychic Astrologers. As a multi-talented, modern-day Mystic, she is also a Certified Evidential Psychic Medium, Animal Communicator, Energy Healer, Reiki Master, and a Spiritual Teacher. In this feature Angel shares insights in her journey, thoughts on finding fulfilment and advice on becoming more mindful and serene.
When did your passion for helping others begin and what inspired you to guide people in their life challenges?
I feel that first and foremost I have a passion for what it is I do — the mystical and spiritual arts in all of its various manifestations whether it be Astrology or Mediumship. Helping others is one of its significant rewards, but it’s not the primary reason why I do what I do. After all, one has to love what they do or no one benefits. And it certainly has to provide some tangible results for my own life that I can in turn, provide for others as well. Most professions in the world help or benefit others in some way, it’s just in this one, I get to use my spiritual gifts.
Guiding people in their life challenges is a natural evolution of this work that I didn’t necessarily think about when I was delving deep into intuitive studies. I was deeply fascinated by it and had this strong desire to keep going and see where it would lead me. I did sense that directly working with people was one of its most obvious outcomes although I may not have fully embraced it as a profession at the time. Then after more development, I was urged to take the leap by spirit and answered the call.
What services do you offer?
I offer Psychic Astrology for individual birth charts, Relationship Astrology, and Predictive Astrology. I’m also a Certified Advanced Psychic Medium and offer Psychic Intuitive Readings, Mediumship, and Animal Communication. As a spiritual teacher, I provide Spiritual Assessments for those who need more concrete insights on their spiritual development and Spiritual Guidance through one-one-one talks to fast-track people’s understanding of deeper topics.
I now offer plans and subscriptions for those who are looking for a more cost-effective way to do ongoing deep inner work to transform their lives.
It’s not often that we come across a Psychic Astrologer. How do you integrate these two disciplines in your sessions?
Yes, I realize I’m one of the few in this world to offer this unique discipline. I feel grateful to be able to so seamlessly merge these two areas.
Astrology, sometimes, does not always provide the precise answers. Many times, a good astrologer can pinpoint events with great specificity, but there are various outcomes that can still be open to interpretation though some of the chart’s more ambiguous elements. For example, the 5th house is all about creativity, self-expression, risk-taking, fun and romance. So someone here could be an artist, entertainer or into sports or simply highly invested in their kids, a creative output of the 5th house. One would have to look for clues elsewhere in the chart. With developed psychic abilities, one could pinpoint the precise answer much, much faster through the interpretation and also through the psychic hits that come up during the analysis. This information is not always so readily apparent through conventional Astrology.
In Psychic Astrology, the interplay between the analysis and intuitive interpretation cannot be so easily defined as both rely on the left and right brain. There is a complex dance happening between the left and right brain which can sometimes contradict each other. Astrology is a highly analytical activity and Psychic work is the absolute opposite, so artfully utilizing both is definitely an uncommon skill.
In your experience in working with people, what would you say is the number one thing that holds most people back from living a fulfilling life they would like to live?
I would say that not listening to one’s inner voice and its needs, wants and desires carefully holds most people back. Our spirit knows all that it needs, but oftentimes we let our negativity, fears, society’s values, family and friends, dictate what we should be doing or the kind of people we should be. We are accountable to the trajectory of our lives and no one else’s opinions matter in the end.
And it takes a lot of courage to seemingly go against the grain, but we can move in the direction of what our spirit desires with caution and measured deliberation that creates progress though little steps. There’s no need to tear down the current structures of our lives or take extreme risks to satisfy the soul’s urges.
Finally accepting what is and was, while working toward a better tomorrow helps us to reconcile an imperfect past while taking action in the limitless present.
Do you have any advice to share for someone to learn how to be more mindful and serene in their everyday life?
To achieve this, a daily practice of energy hygiene and silent time is vitally important to keep our energy, body, and mind, clear and uncluttered. With the former, it can be as simple as this exercise which is available to all: envisioning all unwanted energies being sloughed off or washed away from the self with the waters from daily showering or bathing while simultaneously setting the intention that all negative energies are being removed.
Then daily “quiet time,” for at least 15 minutes, is fantastic for clearing the mind, connecting with our eternal being, and engendering more peacefulness. This could be viewed as “meditation” or just simply sitting with stillness. This helps us to more easily quiet all the external or internal voices and just connect with our core selves while heightening our awareness of all that is. This is very centering practice which helps us essentially escape the chaos and stresses of daily life in a more constructive way.
Where can we learn more about you or get in touch?
My website, www.angeldawn.com is a good way to learn about all my services and to reach me or on [email protected].