Embark on a captivating journey with Amy Crandall as she shares her profound spiritual awakening and the transformative path that led her to embrace her psychic abilities. As an intuitive channel and spiritual teacher, Amy offers a safe space for individuals to explore their own unique gifts and discover the power within themselves, free from fear and limitations.
What led you down this spiritual path and when did you know that it would be your calling?
I’ve always had a strong spiritual connection, and an unwavering belief in a power greater than myself. For as long as I can remember, I’ve been drawn to the world of spirit. I watched every ghost-hunting and mediumship show I could and read several books on near-death experiences. As much as I was fascinated by spiritual and metaphysical things, I was equally afraid. I lived in fear of what I couldn’t understand or fully perceive. I have had psychic and mediumship experiences my whole life but never felt like I could explore them nor did I have the understanding or vocabulary to describe what I was experiencing. I had what many would call a spiritual awakening when my father passed away at the end of 2015. It was as though every spiritual connection within me woke from a long slumber. I was seeing things with my physical eyes and hearing conversations of people that others couldn’t. I was still extremely fearful of who or what I might connect to, but now I had my dad, my safe person in spirit. When I sit and break it down to the simplest parts, his passing is what lead me to the path of truly understanding myself. My hunger for knowledge and understanding regarding all things metaphysical was and still is insatiable. As I began to learn how my abilities worked for me, I started reading for other people. This lit a passion within me that I had never known before. It was all new and exciting and yet it felt like coming home. This work is truly the work of my heart.
What exactly is an Intuitive Channel?
A channel is someone who downloads or receives information from other beings, allowing them to speak through you. I use my intuitive abilities such as clairvoyance, or clear seeing, to help bring through the messages. I love connecting with archangels, spirit guides, and other beings in this way. When channeling it’s as though a part of myself steps slightly to the side as I connect to the energy and message coming through. I know, I know. It sounded a little scary to me at first, too. Discernment is very important. I only connect with those that are of God and Universal energy. Another way to explain channeling is that instead of interpreting the messages that are coming through, I allow the being to convey the message through me. We all filter what we perceive through our own lens of experience, channeling cuts out the middleman, so to speak.
What can you tell me about your shamanic practice?
After a few years of developing my spiritual abilities, I noticed that they began to grow and shift. I was drawn to working with the energy of the earth. I studied Reiki and other energy practices. I’ve always had a desire to dig deeper, to heal where the wounds began. Shamanic practices allow me to do this through working with past lives, soul loss, and retrieval. The central focus of my shamanic work has been around ancestral healing. When we heal ourselves we have the ability to heal others in our ancestral lines. I’ve been able to see in my own immediate family how this work impacts our lives and allows us to heal what was never meant for us to carry.
What are some common misconceptions about psychic mediums and what do you say to people who have doubts about it?
Some of the most common misconceptions about being a psychic medium that I’ve run into myself are that the work I do is evil or something to be feared. It really used to hurt a lot at the beginning when those I loved saw me as something to be afraid of. I mean, I don’t even like scary movies! I can’t speak to other psychic mediums, but for myself, everything I do, I do in prayer and love. I only connect with beings that come from Divine energy. One of my favorite parts about the work that I do is watching the countenance change on the face of my clients. Many come to me in a time of mourning and grief. Some are skeptical and afraid of what may be revealed. When their loved ones come through with messages of love and evidence that they are still very much a part of our lives you can see the truth of the messages revealed on the faces of those I read for. They leave our session feeling less alone and knowing that they are loved beyond measure. That is not something I take lightly. Honesty and integrity are cornerstones of my work.
For those that have doubts, that’s ok. We all come into our own understanding of things when we are ready. It’s not for me to force something upon you and I respect what you believe in. I myself am still skeptical even doing the work that I do. I think it’s healthy to have a dose of skepticism. I know there are people out there that abuse their gifts and take advantage of those who are grieving. As with anything in life, I would say, do your research. Read the testimonials of those you may be interested in getting a reading from. Check out their social media. Visit their website. I mean, I read all of the reviews before buying something as simple as pens before making a purchase. I strongly encourage anyone seeking to work with a psychic medium, channel, or energy worker, to do their due diligence. I have faith that you will find someone that is in alignment with what you’re looking for.
What can people hope to learn from you as a spiritual teacher?
That feels like a big question. To that, I would humbly say, that I remember being afraid of the dark, long into adulthood. I remember feeling like I wasn’t alone in my room at night. I remember being afraid of what was under my bed and having to pull the blanket up over my ears so I couldn’t hear things in the dark. I remember being told as a child that different spiritual beings or “make-believe” friends weren’t real. I remember being so drawn to the world of spirit, being so curious and fascinated by it, and at the same time being utterly afraid of what I didn’t understand. I grew up being told that, “You don’t know what you’re going to invite in, so be careful, be leary, be cautious.” I remember how crazy I felt when my abilities were super heightened after my father’s passing. I also remember how alone I felt.
My sincerest hope is that people would learn from me that they don’t have to be afraid of this part of themselves. These gifts are uniquely theirs and are a part of them just as much as their sense of humor or the way their eyes light up around those they love. I help others connect to who it is that they truly are by holding space as they explore these beautiful gifts that maybe they too made dormant because of fear.