In the latest edition of MysticMag interviews, Amjad Richani, a pharmacist and hypnotherapist, delves into the world of hypnotherapy, sharing how it taps into the subconscious mind to promote healing and transformation. He explains the natural state of hypnosis, the power of the subconscious, and why techniques like Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) are so effective in helping people break free from limiting beliefs and behaviors.
What is hypnotherapy and how does it work?
Hi, I’m Amjad. Oh, if you take the mad out of it, you just get AJ. So what do I do? I’m a hypnotherapist, and I’m a pharmacist, and today I’d like to talk to you about hypnotherapy. Why hypnosis is very effective and why I absolutely love it as a method amongst the many methods that are available for therapy athletes.
First of all, let me tell you something that you may not be aware of. Did you know that we all experience hypnosis on a daily basis? It’s a very natural state. Consider a time when you’ve been driving your car heading to your destination. When you arrive at said destination, have you had your full attention on the road? Have you been distracted by the other cars, the weather conditions, and whoever else is in the car with you? So, how did you get to where you were going? That’s always your subconscious mind. The next time that you have a shower, pay attention to how you naturally start off washing one side of your body. You do it without even thinking.
The next time you have a shower, start washing the opposite side of your body instead. It will feel unfamiliar and unnatural. Or the next time you brush your teeth, grab the toothbrush with your opposite hand, standing on one leg. All of a sudden it becomes a conscious behavior and it feels really unnatural. But if you do it long enough, and be consistent, using the opposite hand becomes part of your subconscious and it becomes second nature.
What is the hypnotic state and how does it affect our consciousness?
Our mind is simply made up of two parts. Don’t worry, it doesn’t mean that you have two personalities. It simply means that for 10% of our life, we live on a conscious level, which means that right now, if I feel like having a cup of coffee, I can simply get up consciously, turn on the kettle and make a cup of coffee. However, when I’m driving my car, my mind may be distracted by thinking about my next meeting, answering a phone call, the emails I need to send or the groceries I need to grab on the way home tonight. With all that going on, I will still find myself arriving at my destination. My subconscious mind has it handled and allowed me to drive the car to where I needed to go, simply because it has learned through repetition that I drive this way.
This is the road that I take. We do this every single day, so when you go into a hypnotic state, how does it feel? You feel very relaxed. It feels very natural in fact. Most of my clients are surprised to feel that they didn’t lose consciousness, that they were fully aware and they knew exactly what was going on. And here’s the thing. No one can make you say or do anything under hypnosis that you don’t want to say or do. You are in full control at all times. And you can snap out of it anytime you choose.
And yes, we’ve all seen those people that act like a chicken or a barking dog on stage as part of a hypnotist show. We are all amazed and laugh at their antics whilst under hypnosis. Well, let me tell you, the hypnotist can only make them act like a chicken or dog if that person wants to put on a show and make people laugh. If that person didn’t want to act like a chicken or barking dog, no one would be able to force them to act that way. Think about this, if you were able to hypnotize someone and make them do or say things without their free will it would be the most powerful tool in the world and everybody would be using it.
How does hypnotherapy tap into the subconscious mind, and what role does it play in shaping our behaviors and beliefs?
I told you that 10% of the mind functions as a conscious mind. What about the other 90% of the mind, what is that doing? That is the subconscious part of the mind. Think of the subconscious mind like an on/off switch that has been switched on from when you are in your mother’s womb, and has been on non-stop until right in this present moment. Believe me when I say from the womb because hearing is the very first thing that develops for a baby.
I have had clients during a session tell me ‘I’m in the womb, I can hear mom and dad arguing and saying we don’t want this baby.’ How can that be? It’s actually your subconscious mind, it is switched on 24/7. When we dream, the conscious part of our mind, that critical part that’s always filtering and always trying to tell us how we should behave is switched off. It’s in sleep mode. This lets the subconscious mind have free rein.
What is Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT)?
During hypnosis, we tell the conscious mind to go down the road and have a cup of coffee, whilst we have a conversation with the subconscious mind because that’s where we will find the answers that are already there. What does your subconscious mind do very, very well? First of all, it never, ever, ever goes against you. It does exactly what it thinks you want to do. So, if you’ve experienced something unpleasant at any time in your life, it remembers that unpleasant feeling and it will say I need to make sure AJ doesn’t experience that feeling ever again.
If I go to do anything similar to that experience and my subconscious mind thinks that I’m about to experience that unpleasant feeling, it will cause me to behave in a way that sabotages that behavior. I’m left asking myself why did I behave that way? Why is my willpower not enough to stop me from repeating that same behavior even though consciously I’ve said, I don’t want to do this. Did you know that most addictions, for example, are caused by not feeling good enough? Did you know that not feeling good enough is the most common and universal feeling that we all have? Even the most successful people in the world fall victim to not feeling good enough. So, what do we do during my sessions? I put you into hypnosis where you feel very relaxed. Then I ask the subconscious mind some very specific questions, and I do what is called regression therapy.
Regression just simply means I take you back and ask the subconscious mind a specific question, all to do with the behavior or feeling that you really would like to let go of from your life. And what will your subconscious mind do? It will bring up a scene where you see yourself at a certain place at a certain age and time in your life. What we are most interested in during this regression is how you are feeling. Because what you felt in that moment, is what your subconscious mind held on to and it is what it will remember. Your subconscious mind doesn’t have a sense of humor, and it doesn’t have a sense of age. Therefore, whatever the experience you’re retelling, for example, you’re only seven years old at that time, the subconscious mind still thinks you are that seven-year-old child that doesn’t want to experience that feeling. How do I know? I know because my very first hypnotherapy session, and RTT session, which is the method that I practice, or rapid transformational therapy, took me back to three specific things. One of those was at five years old. I was amazed to see that my five-year-old self was dictating my behavior as a grown man in certain situations. However, here’s the beauty of it: once you become aware of it, you can as an adult, decide that you don’t actually believe that anymore.
Once you have the awareness, it’s very easy to then create new beliefs and new suggestions. And we do that by giving you a personalized, self-hypnosis recording that you listen to for 28 days after your session. That is all part of the RTT method. So just to recap, RTT takes you through hypnosis regression, where we actually fix and let go of the issue and we become aware of it. And then you listen to the recording for 28 days to make sure that the new beliefs and habits that you want to become part of your life become permanent and automatic and your subconscious mind does them without even thinking. Just like driving your car or brushing your teeth.
What are the underlying beliefs that often hold people back from achieving their goals?
What are the three most common beliefs that people suffer from? If you want to take all the issues that people have, they fit into one of three things. The first is a belief that I’m not good enough. This is something that we all suffer from on a universal level. And that’s the first thing that I address. The second belief is I’m different, I don’t belong and I’m easily rejected. This is a big one. Think about when you were a kid or when you were in high school. The last thing you wanted was to be different from the other kids or to be rejected from the popular groups. The third belief is that I know that I want more. I deserve more but what I really, really want is not available to me.
It’s available to everyone else, but it’s not available to me. These are the three most common beliefs and every other belief that you have can fit into one of these three. If you have an addiction, if you have anxiety about returning to work, if you have any fear about doing something or feel that you will be rejected. You feel not good enough. You’re not capable. You can actually see how they all play out. One of the most common ones is that people really want to have love but they believe that love is not available to them, or that they don’t believe that they’re lovable. Which means that they’re easily rejected. Or they don’t believe that they’ll get the job because they’re not qualified or they’re too young or too old, or for whatever reason, which again comes down to I’m not good enough. So do you see how once you realize that it’s very, very easy to correct these beliefs? This is what I do using RTT or rapid transformational therapy.
How can individuals overcome past traumas and negative beliefs to improve their lives?
I would welcome you. If you’d like to learn more, book a free 15-minute discovery call with me on my website. You can find all the details on my booking page at my domain rapidhypnotherapy.com.au. You can also reach me directly on 0410 001 680 Feel free to call or message me. I’m always happy to talk to people and explain to them exactly how hypnotherapy works, how it changed my life for the better and why I believe it’s one of the most effective and fastest ways to overcome many of the difficulties that we have in our lives. I would also encourage you to seek out any form of therapy that actually appeals to you. Because I think that any therapy is better than no therapy. We all had shit happen to us in life. And we all have these little files that are waiting for someone to just open them by triggering us. And then we find ourselves exploding into behaviors or patterns that we’re not aware of now.
The key here is whatever triggers you is whatever you need to work on. For me, I found that when something bothers me, or triggers me or my behaves in a way that’s very unusual, that is the very thing that I need to go into using RTT to clear. And to also understand where the belief comes from. I began my journey many, many years ago. I had a lot of anger and resentment towards my father, who absolutely did his best. RTT was the only therapy that actually allowed me to understand that I had a five-year-old behavior, dictating my behavior today. And once I was able to change that, my whole relationship with my dad changed. Today, he’s 87 years old, and we’re best friends and I’m able to be there for him. And the best part of it all he didn’t have to do or say anything.
I was able to change my perspective of what it all meant. I understood that the man I am today does not believe what my five-year-old mind believed. Again, I’d love to invite you to book a free discovery call with me at rapidhypnotherapy.com.au or you can call or text me at 0400 016 804 and just have a free chat to find out all about why hypnotherapy and RTT can make a difference in your life as it has for many of my clients and continues to do so for me on a daily basis. Your mind is your inner world that makes everything else on the outside possible, and if you just go work on your inner world and understand what your triggers and beliefs are, you can actually fix and heal anything. You are healing you. I simply act as a lighthouse to shine the way. You always have free will to take the advice or not to.
To learn more about Amjad and his work, you can visit rapidhypnotherapy.com.au