Meet Amitt Parikh, a dedicated seeker of truth and a beacon of transformation through Your Spiritual Revolution. Delve into Amitt’s journey, from his early fascination with spirituality to the creation of a platform that spreads eternal truths and holistic well-being. Discover the intricacies of Lama Fera healing, the magic of Distance Money Reiki, and a rich tapestry of healing modalities that empower mind, body, and soul. Learn more in his exclusive MysticMag interview.
Can you share a few details about yourself and the story behind Your Spiritual Revolution?
I am a seeker of Truth and I have been fascinated by the rich inner world and spiritual science since my college days. I started Your Spiritual Revolution eMagazine in June 2007 out of my love for spirituality and the mission to spread eternal truths to the seekers on a free and easy-to-access online media platform. The eMagazine was posted on our website in PDF format which then in the later years were posted using special plugins to allow readers to directly view them on the website without the need to download PDFs.
We reached out to several authors from across the world to give diverse viewpoints on various topics related to spirituality and wellness of mind, body, and soul. We have featured original articles, poems as well as spiritual arts and videos from spiritual masters, established authors as well as new authors and poets.
Some of the initial issues were focussed on a single topic with articles on that topic from authors from India, the USA, Europe, etc. Our first issue was focussed on the science and art of meditation and received a good response from the readers.
All the past issues of our eMagazine are still available to read free of cost on our website.
What is Lama Fera Healing healing?
Lama Fera healing is a spiritual healing system that originated in Tibet. Based on ancient Tibetan Buddhist principles and practices, its name can be broken down into two components: “Lama,” which means “teacher” or “guru,” and “Fera,” which means “round” or “rotation.” Together, Lama Fera can be interpreted as the “healing technique by the guru.”
Lama Fera healing is believed to work on physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels to bring about balance, harmony, and well-being. The use of specific symbols and mantras is done by the practitioners to channel energy and promote healing in the recipient. The healing process often involves the laying on of hands, where the practitioner directs the healing energy to the affected areas or chakras of the person seeking healing.
The practice can cleanse the aura, remove negative energies, and alleviate various physical and psychological ailments. It can also be often used for chakra balancing and energy clearing. Lama Fera healing is considered to be a non-invasive and complementary healing modality, and it is usually performed by trained and certified practitioners.
As with any form of alternative healing or energy work, the effectiveness of Lama Fera healing may vary from person to person, and it is essential to seek qualified practitioners and not solely rely on it as a substitute for conventional medical treatments.
How does Distance Money Reiki work?
Distance Money Reiki works the same way as the Reiki healing. The symbols and mantras used are quite different from the Reiki. The Reiki practitioner identifies the blockages & imbalances that cause hindrances in money & wealth, abundance & prosperity. The practitioner then sends healing energy to clear the blockages in the chakras and makes the individual free from financial hindrances.
What other forms of healing do you offer?
We offer a variety of healing modalities all of which are based on the issue that one is seeking healing for. Reiki healing, LamaFera healing, and Aura & Chakra healing are a few of the most popular healing modalities. Along with these, Astrology Consultation, Money Reiki healing, Emotion and Body Code healing, Pranic healing, and Spiritual healing are also offered. All of the healings at Your Spiritual Revolution are offered as remote distance healing.
Do you have any special messages for our readers?
We would like to welcome your readers to Your Spiritual Revolution brand, where we embark on a journey of self-discovery together. Our belief is simple: true transformation begins from within. Let go of what no longer serves you, nourish your mind, body, and soul, and create a life of purpose and fulfillment. We’re here to support you on this path of mindfulness, growth, and connection. Embrace the possibilities that await you on this sacred voyage. Trust the process, and let your inner light guide you to a place of harmony and abundance. Join us in the world of holistic healing and soulful awakening.
As you must be aware, the entire universe is nothing but vibrating energy and consciousness/awareness. The energies are directly affected by the consciousness of the observer as that is already proved by quantum physics. You may refer to our small video to understand this concept: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kZ0Ok35KOmM&t=31s
The human body and mind are also just vibrational energies. The entire universe works in polarity of hot/cold, up/down, positive/negative in patterns of waves. So you can further differentiate these vibrational energies affecting us human beings as positive (expansion/growth/happiness/wellness) or negative (restricting/collapsing/sadness/diseases).
Our healing services are to reduce/remove these restricting negative energies and send divine positive energies for your growth/expansion/wellness/Positivity etc.
The vibrational science proves that like attracts likes, as you can notice how a criminal-minded person gets attracted to other criminals and situations and opportunities for more crimes and how a saint/spiritual person attracts more like-minded good people and situations offering more growth in spirituality.
However, here, time also plays an important role, and many of our life situations, people around us, etc. are also a result of past karmic dues of this or several previous lifetimes. So many times, even if we have good thoughts and good intentions, we fail to attract desired situations and people.
We human beings have a dynamic body and mind and live in a dynamic world with a lot happening around us along with interactions in the real world with a lot of people. So it is impossible to guarantee any kind of defined outcome of the healing – also healing is not a quick fix for all issues. So in a nutshell, we are not offering any magic or gimmick or quick fix. Our efforts are sincere, our healers are professional with not only good experience but pure intentions and energies with good hearts.
To find out more about Amitt and Your Spiritual Revolution, you can visit yourspiritualrevolution.org