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Unlocking Clarity: Amber Price on Guiding Souls to Their True Purpose

Unlocking Clarity: Amber Price on Guiding Souls to Their True Purpose

In this exclusive interview with Amber Price, a renowned clarity coach and psychic medium, we dive deep into her journey of personal and spiritual growth. Amber shares how her passion for helping others find clarity has shaped her career, guiding individuals toward their true purpose through tailored coaching and intuitive insights. MysticMag has the pleasure.

Who is Amber Price? What is your professional story and how did you become a clarity coach?

I’m always seeking a deeper understanding of who Amber Price is. I feel like I’m constantly evolving—what I know about myself today won’t necessarily be true forever. I’m always digging deeper to explore my mindset, values, and purpose, and how they allow me to provide meaning in this world and to others. Ultimately, I see myself as someone who wants to be there for others, supporting them on their journey, helping them see the beauty within themselves, and empowering them to reach for what they want in life and truly make it their own story.

I believe my role is to help others live with purpose and meaning and to support them in achieving their dreams. Sometimes, that means helping people find out who they really are by understanding their purpose fully, exploring their mindsets and values, and how those elements shape their path to success.

I started out in the medical industry while in high school because I knew I wanted to be of service to others. I was drawn to understanding how the mind and body work together to support healthy, fulfilling lives. But as I progressed, I found myself more interested in the emotional, spiritual, and mental aspects of success. That led me to human resources and operations management, but it didn’t fulfill me. I wanted to break free from working in systems that placed obstacles in people’s paths, and instead, help individuals find unique approaches to their challenges.

That’s when I transitioned into clarity coaching. I noticed that people who were coming to me were all seeking clarity, and that’s how I built my practice. I help people reduce the noise in their lives so they can find the quiet within, tune into their intuition, and uncover the insight they need to move forward.

My journey has been about always wanting to be of service. From healthcare to human resources and eventually clarity coaching, my goal has always been to work with people one-on-one. My clarity coaching is tailored to the individual—whether they’re looking to tap into their intuition or focus on specific areas of life like mindset, career, relationships, health, or spirituality. Each journey is unique, and I’m here to support them in finding the clarity they seek.

How is your 1:1 coaching structured?

My one-on-one coaching is structured uniquely for each individual. It’s tailored to what they need at that moment. If someone is focused on developing their intuition to gain clarity, I offer an online program where they can access a student portal. This portal has lessons and exercises to help them dive deeper into self-awareness and clarity. During an one-hour Zoom session, we discuss what they’ve worked on since our last call, what their current goals are, any obstacles they’re facing, and what we want to focus on in that call.

Because I’m a psychic medium, I don’t just rely on standard coaching methods—I tap into the universe and my client’s spiritual team to receive insight. This allows me to guide them based on what their soul needs from a spiritual perspective, while also addressing what they’re seeking as a person. It’s a holistic approach, combining intuition with practical coaching to help them connect mind, body, soul, and emotions.

In our sessions, I provide insight from the universe and share it with them. After our one-hour call, they can log into their student portal where I upload additional resources, exercises, or information that will help them continue working on their self-awareness and personal growth.

I love witnessing people truly understand and embrace who they are. Seeing them accept and love themselves is such a beautiful experience, and I’m deeply honored to be part of their journey.

Can you walk me through a personal reading?

As a psychic medium, when I provide a personal reading, it can be a one-time session, either 30 or 60 minutes, or it could be something ongoing for clients who like to tap in regularly, whether once a month or every other week. During the session, I connect for the highest good of all involved. I reach out to the universe, to my client’s spirit guides, angels, guardians, departed loved ones, and my own spiritual team because we work together in those moments. I ask their team to help them be open to receiving the information, and I ask my own team for grace, respect, and patience to ensure I deliver the messages in the best possible way.

I always remind my clients that not everything will make sense immediately—sometimes the insights come later, so it’s important to hold onto what resonates now and stay open to what might unfold in the future. Timing is a big part of readings.

In the session, I use all of my clair senses—my knowing, seeing, feeling, smelling, tasting—to receive messages. Then, I use my own life experiences to interpret what I’m being shown or told. Sometimes, I can easily explain the message, while other times, I’ll say, “Here’s what I’m getting, but I don’t have a reference for this—does it make sense to you?” More often than not, my clients understand what their loved ones are trying to communicate.

A personal reading is an intimate experience, and I generally recommend that clients come alone to avoid introducing other energies. It’s a chance to connect with your higher self and spiritual team without outside influences. However, if someone prefers to have a supportive friend or family member present, that’s ok too. Sometimes, that extra person helps clarify messages or provides emotional support. If it’s a shared reading, I let the universe guide me, and I’ll deliver the messages to those who are open and ready to receive them.

The energy of the person being read is crucial. If someone comes into the session feeling anxious or closed off, that can block the flow of the reading. I always respect the spiritual boundaries, so if I sense someone isn’t fully open, I won’t force the connection.

It’s such an honor for me to provide personal readings because I often hear afterward—whether minutes, days, or weeks later—how life-changing the experience was or how much someone enjoyed it. Sometimes clients are initially confused, but they allow the messages to simmer, and they make sense later on. That’s what keeps me going: the fulfillment of helping people connect with their spiritual side. I believe my purpose is to plant seeds of awareness, helping others naturally grow into their higher purpose in their own time and at their own pace.

What can you tell me about the work that you do through the Clarity Academy and what courses do you offer?

Clarity Academy started because I wanted to provide information for people who were consistently asking me for support in learning how to develop their own intuition. Instead of repeating the same information to individuals one-on-one, which takes significant time, I created Clarity Academy as an online space where people can engage with these teachings. Developing intuition, aligning with your higher purpose, and understanding how your human and spiritual selves are interconnected is not a one-time event—it’s a journey that requires time and commitment. Through Clarity Academy, I aim to guide people on this path, helping them live their most peaceful, connected, and aligned lives.

Clarity Academy is structured as a series of online courses, which you can access through my website by registering like you would for any other course. Once registered, you gain access to an online student portal that includes lesson materials, exercises, worksheets (which can be printed or downloaded), and additional resources like books, websites, blogs, and podcasts that I’ve carefully selected to supplement the course content. The main course, “Clarity Academy,” is a 52-lesson program, where if you complete one lesson per week, you’ll have a year’s worth of content. It covers topics like spiritual archetypes, the clair senses (which are how we connect to intuition), purpose, alignment, and meaning. individual courses are also available and focus on energy, connecting with chakras and your aura, exploring and enhancing your clair senses, and a special course on being an empath, which is helpful for those who struggle with managing their emotions and energy around others. The empath course helps students understand how to ground themselves and regain control over their energy.

Clarity Academy is designed for anyone who feels stuck on their spiritual journey and seeks more clarity or direction. It offers the opportunity for online, self-paced learning, which is ideal for my clients who are often busy working, raising children, or traveling.

Periodically, Clarity Academy students are invited to live Zoom sessions where we go over course content and any questions they might have. Email support is available throughout the course as well. I find that this online learning model works really well for most of my students since it accommodates their busy lives, allowing them to progress through the material at their own pace. There’s also an app available, making everything accessible on any device at any time.

What other services do you offer?

In addition to the Clarity Academy courses, I also work with The Psychic Associates, where we offer a psychic development course as well as beginner, intermediate, and advanced business courses. These business courses are not just for psychics but are valuable for any lightworker, healer, acupuncturist, or holistic practitioner looking to build a business. The courses guide students through the steps of turning their idea into a real business, teaching them how to attract their ideal soulmate clients and understand the fundamentals of running a successful business in a holistic setting.

I also offer a variety of readings and coaching services. My clarity readings, for instance, are meant to provide insight and guidance on areas like love, career, family, relationships, and life purpose. These readings can help you connect with your higher self, eliminate confusion, and make conscious choices in alignment with your soul’s purpose. It’s similar to a psychic session.

My medium readings allow me to connect with a person’s loved ones in spirit, as well as their spirit guides, to offer validation and guidance. These allow a person to understand and embrace intuition in their own life and continue to make their own spiritual connections.

There are also aura readings, where I help people find clarity within their aura, understand the energy they radiate, and how it impacts their wellness, relationships, and ability to manifest their goals. The goal here is to help a person become aware of the type of energy they are putting out into the world, which can help them live a more balanced and grounded life.

I’ve also co-authored a book titled Develop Your Intuition: How to Find the Courage to Follow Your Heart and Listen to Your Soul. My chapter focuses on helping busy women develop their intuition, and in it, I explore how you can incorporate intuitive practices into a busy life without feeling overwhelmed. The book is available in softcover and as an ebook. I’ve also created several workbooks and journals that are available as PDF downloads, including the Clarity Journal, the Spiritual Journey Workbook, and Finding Clarity: Authentic Living. So essentially this one is again uncovering areas of growth and transformation as it relates to a mindful lifestyle. These resources are designed to help you find clarity, track your personal growth, and live a more mindful, authentic life.

In addition to these, I regularly organize events, both online and in person. I have an upcoming event in Niagara Falls, ON, Canada, where I’ll be providing clarity and mediumship readings to a group from the general public. I host these types of events once or twice a year, and I also speak at events organized by others, discussing topics like mindfulness, intuition development, mediumship, authentic living, aligned parenting, and following your life’s purpose.

Furthermore, I’ve recently partnered with Life’s QR, where I serve as an official retailer for their products. Life’s QR creates high-quality stainless steel signs engraved with a unique QR code that links to digital memories, allowing you to create a living memorial for a loved one, a pet, or even yourself. These memorials can include biographies, photos, videos, family trees, and more. Life’s QR is an innovative way to help people stay connected to their loved ones and their memories in a meaningful and classy way.

Another initiative I’m proud of is the Halos, the Spiritual Excellence Halo Awards, which I founded. This annual event honors spiritual practitioners and helps them connect with the general public. While the awards were on pause in 2023 and 2024 due to post-COVID restructuring, I’m excited to bring them back in the future. The event features entertainment, speakers, and an award ceremony that highlights excellence within the spiritual community. There are 12 categories, voting is done by the general public, and the awards come out between June 1st and July 31st each year, followed by a gala event held during September or October.

For those who prefer free resources, I have quizzes on my website to help people better understand their spiritual gifts—whether they’re an empath, clairvoyant, or something else. I also host a podcast called “Mind, Body, Clarity”, where I cover topics such as intuition development, mediumship, and mindfulness, echoing the themes I explore in my blog.

At the heart of all my work is a passion for helping others gain clarity and insight to live mindfully and achieve their spiritual and personal goals. I feel incredibly blessed to have the support of my husband, five children, and six grandchildren, who encourage me every day.


To learn more about Amber’s work, you can visit www.amber-price.com, www.clarityacademy.ca, and www.thepsychicassociates.com

We rank vendors based on rigorous testing and research, but also take into account your feedback and our commercial agreements with providers. This page contains affiliate links. Advertising Disclosure
MysticMag contains reviews that were written by our experts and follow the strict reviewing standards, including ethical standards, that we have adopted. Such standards require that each review will take into consideration independent, honest and professional examination of the reviewer. That being said, we may earn a commission when a user completes an action using our links, at no additional cost to them. On listicle pages, we rank vendors based on a system that prioritizes the reviewer’s examination of each service but also considers feedback received from our readers and our commercial agreements with providers.This site may not review all available service providers, and information is believed to be accurate as of the date of each article.
About the author
Predrag Vlatkovic is a Content Editor and Coordinator at MysticMag. His work includes engaging interviews with professionals from various spiritual fields, alternative medicine, astrology, energy healing, and more. With a focus on growing our blog and bringing readers insightful stories, Predrag stays connected to the latest developments in the spiritual community. His interest in the filed began at a young age. From visiting a palm reader and conducting a small interview for his personal website to now interviewing spiritual leaders from around the world, his passion for the spiritual and mystic world continues to grow. Outside of work, Predrag enjoys meditating, playing board games like chess and Dungeons & Dragons, and spending time in nature with a good book always by his side.