In a world that often moves at an overwhelming pace, finding solace and balance is essential for our well-being. Amidst the chaos, individuals like Amanda Conroy, a Certified Master Reiki Healing Therapist, stand as beacons of tranquility, guiding others on a transformative journey toward inner harmony. In this article, we delve into the realm of healing energies and spiritual rejuvenation with Amanda, exploring the profound impact of her expertise in Reiki, a practice that extends beyond the conventional boundaries of wellness. Join Mystic Mag as we uncover the unique story of Amanda Conroy, a compassionate soul dedicated to facilitating healing on a profound and energetic level.
What inspired you to establish the Ohm Peace Center for Healing, and how do you envision this tranquil space contributing to the well-being and healing of individuals?
I had gotten to a point of utter frustration and anger with the world and life not going the way I wanted and feeling despair with all the horrible things happening to innocent people.
I wanted so badly to heal, help others heal.
I wondered how we can heal anger? Anger is the cause of so much wrong in this world. Anger comes from trauma. So to heal anger you have to heal the trauma and where that came from. Seems like alot but it can happen.
I remember reading an article years ago around 2006/2007, about thousands of young children in Nepal that meditate every day. At the same time, I was doing my own soul searching trying to figure out my own path and pursuing a career at the United Nations.
I felt a calling to help people heal, find a way for ME to heal from all my own anger, pain and trauma. I thought about the children in Nepal. I wondered if we can get meditation and energy healing to children, and especially those who are really in need of healing, like people who are sick and elderly and their caregivers and those that work in a caregiving role like doctors, nurses, etc….it can help heal people to have healthy happy lives and that energy radiates out to healing others. Each individual healing can lead to a collective healing and eventually World Peace. This is how I hope my work carries out to the world
I thought it would be a great idea to create a non-profit to allow those that want to contribute to my mission ( Creating World Peace One Healing at a Time <tm> ) to do so with ease and receive a tax deduction for supporting the mission. As an incentive to help. But I also have private clients separate from the non-profit.
I will eventually be building a physical space for the Ohm Peace Center for Healing, which will be a safe space to be vulnerable, soft, calm, and healing. A warm welcoming holistic space with nature incorporated into the space. Also, a speaker series for lectures by peace leaders and experts. Healing practices like Ayurvedic therapies, Reiki, Healing and Spiritual education, and other unique healing modalities. I have ideas in the works I hope to roll out by 2025.
As a firm believer in a holistic approach to healing, could you elaborate on how you integrate various healing modalities into your practice, and what led you to embrace this comprehensive philosophy?
My Reiki Master, Lee Van Zyl, in New Jersey taught me Reiki and encouraged me to learn other healing modalities that I feel resonate with me. Through my learning, I have incorporated crystal gridding, cord cutting, healing ancestral trauma, pendulum clearing and light to my Reiki sessions and Aura cleansing. I rarely just do Reiki. I do what I feel called to do, based on the energy I am feeling from my client. It’s about intention. I also make my own cleansing sprays, potions with intentions for clients who wish to use something at home. I give clients crystals and information to use when they leave me. And also tips to help keep their energy in positive vibration to help them attract the life they want to create.
I believe knowledge is power. Healing is EMPOWERING you to have control over your own energy, and protect yourself out in the world.
I also give recommendations for foods and things to eat and drink and things to stay away from, and I tell everyone …I am not a healer. I am a vessel to source energy. I help you heal yourself, because when you leave me, you have to “do the work”. What is the work? Make better choices. Stay away from the negative people who place things that got you here. Be a part of your own healing process. Those new choices shift your energy to let go of the negative and renew with positive energy.
Nutrition is a key part of healing.
That is why the saying goes…
You are what you eat!
Let food be thy medicine
Food has energy
Everything is energy!
What type of services do you offer?
I am an empath, HSP, and highly intuitive. So I learn new healing techniques all the time. This way I am well equipped in my healing sessions to provide a thorough cleansing and re-energizing.
Some modalities for energy healing I use are:
Crystal Gridding
Feng Shui
Pendulum clearing
Cord cutting
Aura cleansing
House clearing
Having been a Master Reiki Healing Therapist since 2014, could you share a personal experience where Reiki played a transformative role in your life, and how has this firsthand experience influenced your commitment to sharing Reiki with others?
My 1st husband died in my arms in 2013. His spirit led me to Reiki. How? I went to a medium school in June 2014. I wanted to see if he came through as I had been seeing so many signs from him.
So I went to this group event. And an hour into it and 200 people in the room, the medium came back from intermission. He said I need to get through this one. This spirit has been with me since I woke up this morning. Who here had a spouse that passed away recently, young, wavy hair name starts with a K or hard C sounds like kuh….i was the only one in the room who raised their hand.
He saw me and said YES YOU! He walked fervently across the large room to me and said…who is this who passed for you? I told my husband his name was Kurt. He said YES! YES! He is with me. He said many things to validate this, things only I knew, things no one else was present for except only me. He said he used to tell you from the day he met you…you have a light over your head like a halo. He used to tell you all the time he could find you in the darkest club he always saw your light. I said yes. He said you never believed him or thought he was just being cute. I said yes. The medium then said….I see the light over you! I see this halo! I only see this in people who are healers or meant to help others heal. Go home google Reiki, mediumship, energy healing. See what resonates with you and do it. You will heal yourself from your pain and trauma through this, and help others. I had never ever heard of Reiki and was never interested in this area. But I did what he said. Within 2 months I took courses and got certified. The rest is history. Reiki healed me, continues to heal me, helped me find new love, helped stay sane, stay alive!
You mentioned witnessing positive results of energy healing in your life and the lives of others. Can you share a specific success story or testimonial that stands out, highlighting the profound impact of energy healing on an individual’s well-being?
Sure, here are some examples:
Myself- healing around anger, and pain, finding true love again, and higher levels of peace and joy. Physically seeing dreams come true. A deeper level of grace, compassion, empathy, and gratitude for the pain and trauma (this was huge). I learned how to grow into light and out of darkness and show others how to do the same.
Finding love and marriage
Healing from addictions and into very healthy lives on their own healing path.
Becoming pregnant after challenges with fertility
Able to let go of what no longer served them
Weight loss
Relief from physical pain
Improved circulation in the body
The ability to think clearer
The ability to connect spiritually with more ease.
And many more results…
For individuals considering energy healing but may be unsure or hesitant, what advice would you give them, drawing from your own experiences and observations of the transformative power of holistic healing?
I would say…You spend that money on frivolous things everyday, or on things you can do without. The best case scenario is life changing! The worst case scenario is you take a really good Nap! Lol!
Listen, a full session I charge $151 includes everything because I believe the 1st session can be most impactful. So I include all my modalities of healing as I am feeling the need for it. I ALWAYS cut cords between myself and the client. It is imperative to allow people to walk away with full control of their free will, and I keep my free will, keeping everyone protected and truly empowered to make better choices for themselves without outside energetic influences.
This is also how I know the Reiki and Energy Healing works, when they show me their improvements in their lives. This is proof! Also my pendulum is proof! It shows all energy, you just have to learn to work with your own spiritual team.
Read More – https://www.ohmpc4h.org/
Book here – https://heal.me/practitioner/amanda-conroy-founder-reiki-practitioner-energy-healer-teacher