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From YouTube Star to Hypnotherapy Healer: The Transformative Journey of Alex Negrete

From YouTube Star to Hypnotherapy Healer: The Transformative Journey of Alex Negrete

MysticMag had the pleasure of speaking with Alex Negrete, a hypnotherapist based in Austin, Texas, who shared his remarkable journey from YouTube stardom to discovering the profound healing power of hypnosis. After overcoming a life-threatening illness, Alex turned to spirituality and metaphysics, ultimately finding his calling in hypnotherapy, where he now helps clients worldwide heal, grow, and align with their true selves.

Can you please introduce yourself to our readers and share a few details about your professional journey?

Thanks for having me! My name is Alex, and I’m a hypnotherapist based in Austin, Texas. I see clients in-person and online from all over the world. My journey started back in high school. I started creating comedy music videos and posting them to YouTube, which was a brand new site at the time. Those videos took off, and within a few years, I became one of the top 100 most popular YouTube creators in the world. I moved to Los Angeles and was being recognized by fans in public, making money, and living the dream.

Then, the unthinkable happened. I was diagnosed with cancer. I realized that despite my outward success, I felt unhappy and disconnected inside. Thankfully, I beat the illness, which then pushed me to look for deeper meaning and purpose. I dived into spirituality, metaphysics, and holistic healing, and ultimately discovered a connection to something greater than myself. This new journey led me to hypnosis. Since starting, I now see hundreds of clients per year and have built a successful practice due to how successful my technique is.

What is your method of hypnosis and how does it work?

Hypnosis helps us connect with our true selves. I have found it to be the most effective way to heal naturally, without relying on anything outside of us. My unique method of hypnosis is great for healing the root cause of anxiety and trauma and discovering our life purpose. It utilizes a combination of techniques such as Quantum Healing Hypnosis (QHHT), Past-Life Therapy, and Age Regression Therapy. Through these methods, we dive deeper into their subconscious, uncovering the root cause of their issues.

Can you walk me through one of your hypnosis sessions?

During the sessions, we go on an adventure of inner exploration that brings clarity, healing, and self-discovery. Initially, I guide the client through a meditation and visualization exercise. As their trust in themselves develops, they start beginning to be ‘shown’ things as if they’re the witness or observer. It’s like the client is watching a movie that I can’t see, so they report back to me what’s happening. I ask questions to help move things along or let the client share what they’re experiencing in a way that feels comfortable to them.

Can you share a memorable success story?

An owner of a beauty clinic came to me dealing with extreme fear and anxiety that she couldn’t explain and didn’t make sense. We did four back-to-back sessions over four days, which was incredibly powerful and transformative. The first session helped her release childhood trauma. The second session helped her release past life issues. The third session connected her with her higher self for healing. The fourth and final session connected everything together for clarity. By the end, her anxiety was completely gone, and she walked away with a greater understanding of who she was and what she came here to do. Since then, she has started incorporating healing and therapy into her business.

Another success story was with an executive of a large tech company who came in feeling a lack of meaning and purpose. We went on a journey that enlightened him and healed the chronic pain that he was experiencing. This was the first time I had ever witnessed my work instantly heal someone, and we were both amazed at how that could happen in just one session.

What are some misconceptions about hypnosis in general that you came across?

The most common ones stem from people seeing hypnosis as entertainment, where people are hypnotized to do silly things like quacking like a duck, or mind control where people can be made to do things they wouldn’t normally do. The truth is that hypnosis cannot make you do anything against your will. In my sessions, the purpose is holistic healing. The client is in control the entire time. Another misconception is that people think they’ll be asleep the entire time and won’t remember anything. In reality, clients usually remember the entire session or a large part of it because their conscious mind is present. Clients remain aware throughout the session.

Is there anything else about your work that you’d like to share that we haven’t covered?

The main thing I want to share are two core messages. The first is about self-trust and inner knowing. Before you truly know yourself, you have to trust yourself. If you don’t trust yourself, there is an opportunity to learn how. My role is to guide clients on a journey to fully know themselves, and this journey takes time and is unique to each person. I don’t try to convince anyone because that would take away from the magic of each person’s journey. I love seeing my clients have those “a-ha!” moments where everything clicks into place. It’s amazing to witness their journey from self-doubt to self-trust, and finally to self-knowing and stepping into their true power.

The second message is about true success. I’ve discovered that real success is about being in alignment with our inner selves. When we’re aligned with the part of us that is completely whole and true, everything else falls into place. Our health improves, we attract money and abundance because we’re living our purpose, and our relationships improve as we align with our values and attract others who resonate with us. If we redefine success not as just having money, but as being in alignment, our entire life begins to change. My purpose with hypnosis is to help my clients step into alignment because with each session, everything they want starts to fall into place.


To learn more about Austin Hypnosis, you can visit www.austinhypnosis.com

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MysticMag contains reviews that were written by our experts and follow the strict reviewing standards, including ethical standards, that we have adopted. Such standards require that each review will take into consideration independent, honest and professional examination of the reviewer. That being said, we may earn a commission when a user completes an action using our links, at no additional cost to them. On listicle pages, we rank vendors based on a system that prioritizes the reviewer’s examination of each service but also considers feedback received from our readers and our commercial agreements with providers.This site may not review all available service providers, and information is believed to be accurate as of the date of each article.
About the author
Predrag is a nature and animal lover, fascinated with energy healing and hypnotherapy.