Aiyana Fraley is an intuitive energy healer and yoga teacher that started to learn about reiki more than 20 years ago. In 2019, Aiyana created Hand to Soul School of Reiki and Healing Arts to help those seeking professional reiki training and continuing education wellness classes.
In this special interview for MysticMag we asked to Aiyana how she discovered reiki, the differences between each level and ways to decompress and relax after a hard day of work or study. Check out the interview below!
When did you discover Reiki and started to learn about it?
I learned about reiki in massage school back in 1999. A reiki master teacher came to our class to teach us the basics of reiki. I remember the feeling of receiving it for the first time was otherworldly to me. It was spiritual energy moving in me and although I had never felt this sensation before then it felt very familiar.
At the end of it, something in my heart lit up. I spent years after that trying to understand how it would spontaneously enter my hands when I would massage a client or comfort someone. It was life changing. I later realized that the nature of reiki is mystical just as we are, so I put my intellect aside and surrendered to it.
In your opinion, what are the main benefits of Reiki? Is it more recommended for people from a certain age?
The main benefits of reiki are stress relief and relaxation. The energy moves deep within the body releasing feelings of anxiousness, tension held in the muscles and joints, and it calms a busy mind. Another benefit that I see a lot is a waking up experience. It’s like reiki speaks to the soul what it needs to hear and it awakens a greater sense of awareness within. I have witnessed it be the beginning of a spiritual journey for many people.
There is no age limitation with reiki because in essence reiki is divine love and it can do no harm. I do however prefer to teach parents to connect with reiki so they can give it to their children. Reiki can be used during pregnancy, for acute or chronic illness, and for all stages of life including end of life.
Can you explain to us the differences between each level of Reiki in your classes?
Yes, of course. The reiki healing system has three levels or degrees and in each one students are given an attunement, which is a ceremony that initiates them into the healing system and connects them with the vibration of reiki corresponding to each degree.
In the first level, the foundations of reiki healing are taught. This includes the history of it, the story of Dr. Usui and how reiki made its way to the U.S., its benefits, how to channel reiki energy, how to use it for self healing and how to give it a reiki treatment to others.
In the second level, the course dives into how to use reiki for physical ,mental and emotional healing. We also learn techniques on how to give a distant reiki treatment.
The third level is for the devoted practitioner who wants to teach others. This course covers giving attunements and teaching others the practice of reiki.
What should a student know before starting your Reiki class? Do you believe that anyone can learn and be a teacher in the future?
The first thing to ask yourself is why am I interested in this course. Knowing their why is important because it brings us into our hearts and opens the door for deep listening and connection with our soul. This is necessary for reiki. We must be able to drop into our hearts and listen to what it is sharing with us.
I do believe anyone can learn reiki, because reiki awakens in us our natural state of being. We come to understand ourselves for who we are authentically, without the facade of the beliefs and things we have acquired from the outside world and others. It teaches us about ourselves. In this way, learning reiki is a remembering of who we are.
How does the Full Moon Reiki Share work?
The full moon has a brilliantly powerful energy of its own and when combined with reiki healing it elevates the connection and experience of receiving it. I have noticed that having reiki on the full moon helps with the release of many emotions and thoughts that are no longer needed or aligned with us.
In a reiki share, the group is guided into a meditative state and each person receives several minutes of reiki. The energy they received is often heightened on the nights of the full moon.
Do you have any tips or small exercises that our readers can do to improve their well-being before a long day?
One of my personal ways to decompress from a long day is to sit in meditation and clear my mind by taking long deep breaths. I do this several times, then I let it go and return back to my natural breathing rhythm. I then imagine a light moving into my body from the top of my head downward into my toes. I watch it fill up my entire body with energy, recharging and revitalizing every cell, tissue, and organ. Once my whole body is filled with this light, I let the sensation of that vibration enter my skin and I radiate it out. I then place my palms on my heart.
The sensation of this is very soothing and comforting. Don’t be surprised if your hands get warm, that’s the energy. Readers can stay in this meditative state for as long as they are comfortable and slowly come out of it by placing the hands over the eyes and opening the eyes.
If you would like to find out more about Aiyana Fraley, visit handtosoulhealing.com