MysticMag meets Adrien Blackwell, a renowned Psychic to the Stars, who gained widespread recognition through her appearances on numerous TV and radio shows worldwide, including Playboy Radio on Sirius for a remarkable five years. Despite initially refuting claims of possessing genuine healing abilities, Adrien found herself consistently drawn towards various healing practices. During a transformative year in New Zealand, she immersed herself in spiritual growth, acquiring expertise in thirteen healing modalities.
Can you share with us how your belief in the supernatural and your psychic abilities have shaped your journey and led you to where you are today as a healer and spiritual guide?
The path to becoming a spiritual guide actually came first for me, and that journey shaped my belief in the supernatural and psychic abilities—in a way, it happened in reverse. I was always intrigued by psychics on TV, from Miss Cleo to the Psychic Friends Network, but I was taught to believe it was all a lie, faked for fortune. That people lied about these abilities to make money. I found myself wishing it were real, yet as a child, the mere concept of seeing the future was terrifying. What if I saw something bad happening? Considering how fearful I was back then, it’s astonishing to think of how far I’ve come today.
At the age of fifteen, an experience changed my perspective. I was listening to a friend recount a story, and I found myself able to fill in the gaps—I could even tell her where she was when the event occurred. She thought I was psychic, while I thought her assumption was a little crazy. However, she brought in another person who was convinced I was psychic. After they tested me by asking about a specific event that happened in their lives before they met me, I was able to recount it accurately. That moment, when they acknowledged my psychic gift, was the first time I genuinely considered the possibility.
From then on, this acquaintance would bring people to my home for readings. I was consistently accurate with information about the past, present, and future. It took me a while, though, to fully accept and understand that I was a psychic and what it truly entailed. As I continued to learn and grow, the supernatural became a normative part of my life. I developed connections with spirits and embraced mediumship, facing my fears head-on. Now, it’s an integral part of my identity as a full-time psychic healer.
Today, my psychic abilities allow me to tap into the root problems of those who seek healing from core issues. The journey has been long, but witnessing my gift unfold, while keeping my curiosity alive, has shaped my beliefs about the supernatural, psychic abilities, spiritual guidance, and the immense possibilities of the human mind and spirit.
You mentioned that as a psychic, you wanted to help people create their future instead of just reading it. Could you explain more about how you channel healing frequencies and the miraculous results you have witnessed in your clients lives?
Indeed, as a child who wished psychic abilities were real, I was always drawn to helping people. I wanted to sprinkle them with fairy dust, make them happy, and put smiles on their faces. The desire to believe in magic, I think, is what has guided me throughout my life. As a psychic, I found myself merely narrating what I saw. But I believe our lives aren’t always etched in stone. We have the ability to choose something different, even if we aren’t always aware of how to make that choice. So, as a healer, I realized I could teach people that they can change their paths—and I could show them how!
I believe that 60% of all healing stems from awareness, knowledge, and education. Thus, I help people see the world differently and expand their own consciousness. It’s amazing how rapidly emotional pain can dissipate when focusing on expanding consciousness. Prior to healing, some people wouldn’t understand deep concepts, but within the first three days post-healing, they could grasp them.
The remaining 40% involves channeling spiritual guides and ancestors, and using different brain waves and frequencies to channel energy. We can rewire subconscious beliefs and invoke assistance from potent energies simultaneously.
By employing these methods, I have witnessed remarkable healings, which are confirmed through clients’ testimonials. Illnesses have vanished, verified by doctors. Depression has lifted after a single session. Families have healed, and I’ve assisted people in finding love and attracting substantial sums of money. I request that the universe delivers these results in a miraculous way, allowing clients to recognize that they’ve initiated this transformation by seeking healing, instead of attributing it to coincidence. Together, we create miracles in their lives, and witnessing this process is nothing short of amazing. This, in essence, is the ‘fairy dust’ I wanted to sprinkle on people as a child, just in a more practical form.
Many individuals struggle to find a harmonious balance between their professional success, personal relationships, and self-care. How do you guide and support your clients in achieving this balance and nurturing a profound and lasting love life?
In my energy healing course, I teach that the problems we face can originate from four areas. The first is our life journey—what did we agree to before we came to Earth? Everyone faces challenges, some more than others. These can be hardships, learning experiences, or growth opportunities. In my healing work, we determine if your imbalance or inability to attract what you desire is related to these initial challenges. If so, we can invite the energy of the lesson to expand our consciousness, allowing us to learn the lesson and master it once and for all. Which changes the outcomes of our lives.
The second source is our past lives. Are we stuck in a karmic loop of past life trauma, continually struggling to choose between love and work, or love and spirituality? If so, we can clear these past energies, providing you with a clean slate.
Third, we have to consider our journey in this lifetime. What experiences have held us back that we can heal from now to change our lives today?
Lastly, one of the most critical areas is our ancestry. We carry the genetic legacy of those who came before us. Like all creatures, our ancestors passed on important fears, traits, and behaviors meant for survival. But in our rapidly changing world, these survival instincts can cause hardship instead. For instance, the scarcity mindset, familial lineages filled with loss, maybe divorce, or prioritizing survival (work) over family or love may not be useful or productive today. We can also examine inherited spiritual beliefs that might limit us due to fear or the threat of social ostracism.
Once we clear these areas, we gain the free will to create the life of our choosing. So, someone who’s been single forever can finally find love. People who struggle to get noticed in their careers start earning more and gaining recognition. Family life improves, and life overall becomes more enjoyable when you are allowed to choose happiness. People don’t realize how much ancestral programming restricts almost every area of their life. It’s truly amazing to watch people gain freedom from this. We love our ancestors and can appreciate what they went through, but they didn’t suffer for us to continue suffering. Our ancestors want us to survive and thrive if we can, and nowadays, we can!”
Doubt is something many people experience when pursuing their passions and gifts. How did you overcome your own doubts and stay committed to your mission and life purpose?
Earlier, I mentioned the concept of the Journey—what we are meant to overcome. This can also be seen as our mission in life or destiny. To be honest, I don’t believe there was another path for me. I moved forward even in doubt because I recognized that doubt was a belief, and beliefs aren’t facts. Just because you believe something doesn’t make it true.
At times, I questioned whether I would make it or be able to help people in the way I envisioned. However, I had to ask myself: Did I want to give up and never know if I was right or wrong? The reality is, I don’t know everything, and I wasn’t going to pretend that I did. So, could I know for a fact that I would never be able to help others? Living life in a state of uncertainty was challenging and, at times, frightening. Yet, I saw it as the only choice I truly had. What was the alternative?
In my mind, I could either fail to succeed or fail to even try. The latter, failing to try, seemed far worse because without trying, I was doomed to fail at succeeding, no matter what else I did. I believe that was just part of my destiny. So, I moved forward through the obstacles, the disbelief, the doubt, the fear, and the constant negative reinforcement. I’m glad I was wired that way. The outcome has been truly amazing. I never overcame my doubts. I simply lived my life despite them.
You mention being available for speaking engagements, summits, retreats, podcasts, series, and shows. What topics or themes do you typically cover in your speaking engagements, and how do you inspire and empower your audience through your message?
The primary topic I cover in my speaking engagements is Miracles. I even host an online show called “Adrien Blackwell’s Making Miracles Happen Series,” which has gained the recognition of thousands. Consequently, when people invite me to speak, it’s often on this subject. I believe I have witnessed many miracles through energy healing, and though I’ve been on this spiritual, healing, psychic journey for over twenty years I specialize in helping people who are where I was five or six years ago.
My focus is on women who prioritize their careers and financial success at the expense of love. This often occurs due to past hurts that make them feel unlovable. I assist these women in breaking free from these limiting beliefs and guide them towards finding true, authentic love. This journey also encompasses achieving financial abundance and creating more time to spend on the things they enjoy.
My most inspiring message is to embrace and manifest all aspects of a fulfilling life. I aim to empower women to make their dreams a reality. In short, women should not only ask for it all but also make the effort to heal in order to have it all. Why should we have to choose between love and wealth, or between family and career? Aren’t we entitled to a good and happy life that encompasses fulfillment in all areas? Yes, we are! I truly believe we can have it all, and my mission is to make that a possibility for all women who desire it!
Adrien Blackwell