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Healing Paws and Whiskers - Adele Leas, the Guiding Light of Jin Shin Jyutsu for Animals

Healing Paws and Whiskers - Adele Leas, the Guiding Light of Jin Shin Jyutsu for Animals

Adele Leas emerges as a remarkable figure, shedding light on a unique and transformative approach to animal well-being. As a dedicated teacher and proponent of Jin Shin Jyutsu for Animals, she has opened doors to a realm of healing and harmony that transcends language barriers and species. Adele’s journey is a testament to the incredible connection that exists between humans and the animal kingdom, and she is the guiding light for those seeking to enhance the lives of their beloved pets and animal friends. Jin Shin Jyutsu, a gentle and ancient Japanese art of healing, holds the key to unlocking the innate wisdom of the body and harmonizing its energy flows. Adele Leas has not only mastered this art for her own well-being but has also dedicated her life to sharing its profound benefits with animals. In this article, we will delve into the captivating world of Jin Shin Jyutsu for Animals through the eyes of Adele Leas. We’ll explore the transformative effects of this holistic practice, its potential to heal, soothe, and strengthen our animal companions, and how Adele’s teachings are empowering animal lovers around the world to deepen their connection with their four-legged friends. Join Mystic Mag on this heartwarming journey as we discover the power of healing paws and whiskers, guided by the wisdom of Adele Leas.

Jin Shin Jyutsu is often associated with human health, but you’ve extended its benefits to animals. What inspired you to explore this healing modality for animals, and how did your journey begin?

Understanding the meaning of the name help explain the work. “Jin “translates as “person of knowing” and “person of compassion,” and is who ones wants to be to practice this work. “Shin” from the Japanese word translates as “Creator,” but it doesn’t require any religious beliefs. So, if the term “Creator” poses an issue, you can simply refer to it as the energy that unites us all. “Jyutsu” simply translate as the Art. When you put it together, it translates as “The Art of the Creator thru a compassionate and knowledgeable person.”  And my part of the journey has been to share the work with animals.

My journey into this work began when I was dealing with a personal health crisis. In 1988, I was involved in a drowning accident that left me struggling to breathe for a prolonged period. This led to a compromised immune system, and conventional Western medicine wasn’t providing the answers I needed. Furthermore, my fiancéé didn’t survive the same accident, leaving me deeply grief-stricken.

I have always had a deep connection with animals and was raised with them. When people asked how they could help me during this difficult time, I felt I needed a dog by my side to keep going and to give me purpose. I began borrowing animals from friends, although they soon asked for their furry friends back, as one can imagine. That’s when a friend informed me about a collie dog that needed a new home.

This collie dog had chronic bloody diarrhea throughout his life, which posed a considerable challenge. I sought help from numerous doctors, tried various veterinary medications, experimented with homemade diets, and explored alternative therapies like homeopathy and acupuncture. Simultaneously, I was introduced to Jin Shin Jyutsu, which I found beneficial for my health. Consequently, I started using Jin Shin Jyutsu on myself daily and decided to delve deeper into this practice.

During one of my classes, the topic of energy centers, known as Safety Energy Locks, came up. I asked whether this could work with dogs. The teacher’s response was that it should work in theory but was not practiced on animals. I returned home and began applying the work to my collie dog. However, I quickly realized that I was not patient, knowledgeable or skilled enough in this practice.

Several years passed, and my collie dog continued to suffer. One day, he refused to get into the car to go to an acupuncture appointment. This dog never refused something I asked of him. It was then that I recognized the need to take matters into my own hands and began practicing the work on him daily.

Within a month, years of disharmony and a lifetime of ailments began to dissipate. The once-sick collie dog experienced significant improvements, and others noticed the transformation. People inquired about the change, and I explained that I had been diligently applying the Art for 30 days.

As a result, people started bringing their animals to me, which marked the beginning of my journey into this practice. That was around 33 years ago, and it has continued to be a fulfilling and transformative path.

Animals don’t communicate with words, so how do you assess their needs and apply Jin Shin Jyutsu effectively to promote their health and balance?

Great question, and thank you for asking. There are a couple of answers to that. When I engage with an animal initially, I take a multifaceted approach. First, I assess their physical state. I observe their movement, the clarity of their eyes, their overall weight, and their demeanor. I note whether they seem fearful, aggressive, or hyperactive. These physical attributes provide valuable insights.

When I work with clients at their homes, they often provide additional information about their animals. While this input is valuable, sometimes the full picture may differ from their descriptions. However, in rescue cases, I don’t have the luxury of such background information, so my assessment starts primarily with the physical aspects.

The application is hands-on, and it is gentle, not applying pressure like acupressure. As I place my hands on the animal’s body, I can sense a pulse or sensation within a few moments as I work with their Safety Energy Locks. These locks have specific locations on the body, and as I move through them, I notice differences, such as hardness, softness, or a crinkly sensation. These variations provide insights into the animal’s needs and where energy is stuck.

Additionally, the animal’s response during the process informs me about their preferences. Jin Shin Jyutsu is an art of balance, so whether an animal loves or hates it, both responses convey a message about their needs. Working with animals that love it is easier, but even when they dislike it, it indicates a need that we can address.

Over time, especially when my hands are in contact with the animal, this practice can lead to “hearing” the animal’s thoughts, feelings and questions. It allows me to connect and understand their needs and who they really are more profoundly.

Your book has been so well-received that it’s in its sixth printing. What do you think makes “Jin Shin Jyutsu for Your Animal Companion” resonate with readers and pet owners?

People love their animals, want to be closer to them and help them to be healthy and happy. Some may perceive the practice as a bit mystical or exotic due to its name, Jin Shin Jyutsu, but it’s essential to understand that this is energy work.  And all life is made of energy. In JSJ, we do not say we are healers but rather that we can help another to return to their own balance. So, whether they are dogs, cats, horses, pigs, goats, or sheep, my role is to reflect their own harmony back to them. The beauty of this practice is that you can’t really do it wrong.

What makes this approach appealing to people is that it requires only two key elements: trust and patience. When you have these qualities, you can effectively assist your animal companion, and interestingly, it also benefits you. Engaging in this practice raises the energy for everyone involved, almost like giving yourself a session as well. It deepens the bond between individuals and their animals and often extends the animals’ lives. Furthermore, it can alleviate physical pain and emotional distress, making it especially valuable in rescue situations. Ultimately, practicing Jin Shin Jyutsu leaves you with a sense of well-being, connection and peace.

You’ve taught Jin Shin Jyutsu for animals in various countries. What are some interesting cultural differences you’ve observed in how people perceive and apply this healing technique to their animal companions?

A few years ago, I had the opportunity to teach in Southern Brazil and Argentina, which was quite an interesting experience. Initially, I was taken aback as my class was filled with Argentinian cowboys, and I really wondered if they would be open to the work. They began in their characteristic boisterous manner, but I have a practice where I ask everyone to work on themselves before tending to the animals. This is meant to help them feel the practice and establish a centered approach without preconceived notions or agendas.

As they worked on themselves and then applied their knowledge to the horses, something remarkable happened. They formed a deep connection with the horses, and the class became an enriching experience. Communication was a bit of a challenge due to language barriers, but they genuinely felt a new level of connection by the end of the class. This brought me immense satisfaction because most of my students are usually women, and here I was with a group of Argentinian cowboys.

In another memorable experience, I had the privilege of working twice in South Africa with semi-habituated elephants. It was fascinating to feel their pulses, although their size was incredibly overwhelming, much like holding a tree. These elephants had interacted with humans but lived in the wild, so they only did what they wanted to do. During our session, one of the elephants stood perfectly still for about half an hour, much to the astonishment of the rangers who were present. This was extraordinary, considering that the rangers followed the elephants to protect them from poachers. The indigenous Zulu culture in the region had a deep understanding of nature and the essence of animals, but they were still taken aback by the willingness of the elephant to have hands-on contact.

So, while this may not directly answer your question, it illustrates some of my unique experiences teaching Jin Shin Jyutsu to different groups of people and animals.

What type of services do you offer?

I have a human practice where I still see and work with clients, which I enjoy working as well. In addition to that, I teach classes both globally and online. On my website, you can find webinars and other resources available for purchase. These range from brief two-hour sessions to more extended eight-week classes where we work together and study topics such as the book. We also have specialized courses, like the one focusing on working with rescue animals.

I also offer one-on-one sessions with animals, either in person when it’s feasible or through online platforms like Zoom. When online, I guide people in working with their animals during these sessions. Furthermore, I’m part of the staff at a nearby refuge, and I’ve been with them for 13 years. In addition to my personal teachings, I conduct in-person classes all around the world, and I’m proud to have a team of ten faculty members who also teach.

How do you practice self care to maintain your own well-being?

It’s the core of everything… where it all begins. Much like in my classes, I emphasize starting with self-care. I’ve been practicing it daily for the past 35 years since I discovered it. My routine begins as soon as I wake up, with a practice called the Main Central Universal Harmonizing Energy Flow. This practice connects a person, through spinal energy, to the Universal source of energy. In an ideal scenario, around 4:00 in the afternoon, I perform another practice called the Daily Regenerating/ Spleen Flow. It consists of four steps and serves as an energizer and rejuvenator for the physical body.

Apart from these self-care practices, I find rejuvenation in nature and through spending time with animals. Riding my horse is one of the activities that truly fills me with energy and joy.

For seven years, I worked with the Unconditional Love program, through Alaqua Animal refuge. We took dogs from the refuge into medium security prisons, where the inmates took care of the dogs for 8 weeks at a time.  The dogs were trained in basic obedience and JSJ.  The inmates were required to practice the Art on themselves and then share it with the dogs. Needless to say, the inmates found the idea of closing their eyes, focusing on their breath and listening within their pulses to be a very strange idea at first.  But over time, so many beautiful changes occurred. These well-trained dogs were always in demand to be adopted after “graduation” and the inmates became skilled as both dog trainers and in practicing Jin Shin Jyutsu.

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MysticMag contains reviews that were written by our experts and follow the strict reviewing standards, including ethical standards, that we have adopted. Such standards require that each review will take into consideration independent, honest and professional examination of the reviewer. That being said, we may earn a commission when a user completes an action using our links, at no additional cost to them. On listicle pages, we rank vendors based on a system that prioritizes the reviewer’s examination of each service but also considers feedback received from our readers and our commercial agreements with providers.This site may not review all available service providers, and information is believed to be accurate as of the date of each article.
About the author
Katarina is a Content Editor at Mystic Mag She is a Reiki practitioner who believes in spiritual healing, self-consciousness, healing with music. Mystical things inspire her to always look for deeper answers. She enjoys to be in nature, meditation, discover new things every day. Interviewing people from this area is her passion and space where she can professionaly evolve, and try to connect people in needs with professionals that can help them on their journey. Before joining Mystic Mag, she was involved in corporate world where she thought that she cannot express herself that much and develop as a person.