Abiola Abrams, Intuitive Self-Worth Catalyst & Coach, Speaker, Author and Spiritpreneur®, left behind a life of people pleasing and transformed herself into the magnificent African Goddess she is today. She tells of her journey and her passion helping other women to reclaim their power.
What is the Feminine Divine?
Duality is part of natural law, part of the earth we live on. There is male and female energy, yin and yang, and in my spiritual West African traditions Mawu-Lisa energy – sun and moon energy. These are just some of the ways that we describe the polar opposite energies surrounding us.
The Divine Feminine is the energy of Yin or the moon and has nothing to do with the gender we were assigned at birth. We all have feminine and masculine energy. However, unfortunately in our patriarchal society, most of us have a deficit of feminine energy and I refer to this as the world being ‘over-yanged’. We are now, more than ever, in need of the Feminie Divine and intuitive energy – feeling over thinking, and more of the energy that focuses on compassion and empathy.
What can you tell us about your journey from being a ‘recovering people pleaser’ to becoming the ‘womanifestation’ you are today?
For each and every one of us, our personality is who we created ourselves to be unconsciously, during our childhood in order to survive. I was raised by two people pleasers albeit their people pleasing paths were/are very different. Both my parents were immigrants who came to the US from Guyana before I was born.
They were young and new to the country when they had me, and one of the coping mechanisms they resorted to was people pleasing. I inherited this as a coping trait.
Falling back in love with myself, or the parts that I thought were not loveable or wouldn’t please others, and integrating those suppressed parts of myself back into who I am has been a key part of my manifestation journey.
Why do you think self worth has become such a huge topic of concern in our contemporary society, particularly for women?
It is an incredible privilege that self-worth has become a huge topic of concern in our contemporary society for us as women. I belong to the first generation of girls that grew up in the eighties and nineties who were told we could be and do anything we wanted. My mother never had that privilege and did not grow up thinking about self-worth, self esteem and self-love.
As we continue to evolve as a society, our conversation also evolves. We are moving from the world of things (3D) to the world of feelings (5D) – releasing the illusions of this world. I think the topic of self-worth has always existed, it is simply that we never had the luxury of being able to talk about it.
Do you believe that fear holds most of us back, even on a subconscious level?
I subscribe to the belief that there are two dominant emotions – either of love or of fear. Everything that holds us back is a face of fear, whether that be on a conscious or subconscious level.
What can you tell us about your new African Goddess Rising Oracle?
This is my fourth deck and one of which I am immensely proud. It was assigned to me by my ancestors and is a deck of Feminine Divine Energy and incarnations of the Goddess. There are ancestral and Queen cards in addition to Goddess cards. It can be used for personal development and/or divination. I invite people from all cultures to benefit from the African Goddess Rising Oracle Deck.
What can one expect to go home with after your 2022 Goddess Manifesting Retreat?
I have had the pleasure of hosting international retreats all over the world (Bali, Belize, UK, France). This is my first post-pandemic, in person, large-scale retreat. Retreats are a large part of my personal and spiritual practice and a big part of what I offer as a teacher and student. Retreats offer an immersive way to rapidly and exponentially grow and expand your consciousness. This retreat will allow me to work with people individually and in a group on some of the rituals and practices I share in my last book African Goddess Initiation: Sacred Rituals for Self-Love, Prosperity & Joy.
I am really looking forward to this retreat and working with people once again in person.