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How to Tell If a Spirit Is Attached to You (2025): 5 Main Signs

How to Tell If a Spirit Is Attached to You (2025): 5 Main Signs

Spiritual entity attachments are more common than many realize, often only becoming noticeable after they have significantly affected someone’s life. Some people may even have attachments from childhood, growing accustomed to the entity’s presence.

Living with an attachment can be detrimental, impacting your mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being. Therefore, it’s crucial to remove entity attachments as soon as possible. This guide offers all the information you need to understand these attachments and the most effective methods for removing them permanently.

A major challenge with entity attachments is the sense of isolation, as finding people who believe and understand what you’re going through can be hard. If you’re in this situation, I recommend seeking the help of a credible psychic medium with experience in this topic. They’ll help you feel understood and less alone during the process.

IMPORTANT: Some of these symptoms may be a result of medical conditions. Always consult with your doctor first to rule out any medical explanations for symptoms you may have.
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What Are Spiritual Entity Attachments?

Before talking about attachments, it’s important to clarify what an entity is. Entities are not inherently good or bad since they’re just forms of energy that come in all shapes, sizes, and frequencies. Some are benevolent, some are neutral, and some are negative. Knowing this should alleviate the fear that typically comes with talking about attachments.

Spiritual entity attachments are typically seen as negative because they’re energies of low frequency that have hooked into your auric field for energetic supply. These attachments are not the same as what people call Angels and Spirit Guides, as these types of entities are here to assist us rather than trying to gain something.

You should note there are different types of entity attachments, and the effects can manifest differently depending on the being. Attachments can form with earthbound spirits, past life spirits, and even more evil entities known as demons or evil spirits.

Many things can attract entity attachments, so you shouldn’t blame yourself. After all, most people have had an attachment at one point or another. However, aura cracks are the biggest attractor of spiritual entity attachments because they make it easier for entities to hook into your aura.

The following things can weaken your aura and lead to cracks:

  • Addictions: An addiction can be anything that creates dependency and an unhealthy obsession, such as food and heavy drug addictions. Oftentimes, earthbound spirits keep you in addictive loops because they’re living their own addictions through you.
  • Abuse: Unhealed trauma from abuse tends to create cracks in your aura. This is because traumatic events fragment your soul and attract parasitic entities. These types of attachments like to feed off the dense energy associated with the trauma from the abuse.
  • Illness: Dealing with chronic illnesses, whether physical or mental, gives you a higher chance of having an attachment. This happens because your aura is already weakened, making it easier for entities to hook into it. You’re also more susceptible to possession when dealing with a persistent illness.
  • Invasive surgeries: During invasive surgeries, you create a crack in your auric field because you’re literally cut open. Additionally, hospitals are thought to have some of the worst entities due to the frequent suffering and death that occurs there.Be aware that attachments don’t always result from cracks in the aura. Sometimes they happen because of your ancestral lineage, past life activities and people, living in certain places, sexual partners, and meddling with the spiritual world without taking precautions. For some, all it takes is to be more sensitive but ungrounded for it to happen.

5 Signs a Spirit Is Attached to You

Recognizing if a spirit has formed a connection with you is an important first step. Sometimes, you may need the help of an expert to discern this, but other times, it can be quite obvious. I recommend that you compare your experiences with common signs of spiritual attachment to see if there’s any connection.

1. Physical Disturbances

Entity attachment can lead to physical disturbances, with the most common symptom being persistent physical exhaustion and feeling disconnected from your own body. This could be due to the entity consuming your energy.

Typically the onset of an illness will accompany the never-ending feelings of fatigue. Since the entity feeds off your energy centers, you can even develop illnesses corresponding to particular chakras. For example, if the entity is feeding off your Root chakra, you can have issues with your energy, bones, blood, and immune system.

You may also find yourself dealing with physical cravings for substances like alcohol or drugs. it’s quite typical to undergo unexplained shifts in behavior, such as experiencing changes in your sleep patterns, alterations in your appetite, and disengagement from activities that typically bring you joy.

The physical signs of a spirit attachment often become more apparent through unsettling experiences like sleep paralysis or poltergeist activity. During episodes of sleep paralysis, you might feel or even see the presence of the entity causing your discomfort. Additionally, if you wake up with unexplained scratches or marks on your skin, this could also be a sign of an attachment.

In more extreme cases, physical interactions during dreams can point to a stronger attachment. These interactions can vary, from gentle touches or hair pulling to more disturbing incidents like being forcefully moved or even experiencing physical or sexual assault. While these occurrences are rare, they should be taken seriously and may indicate a situation that requires immediate professional help.

2. Emotional Oppression

Enduring emotional suppression is quite common, yet it can often be an overlooked symptom. You might go through constant and inexplicable feelings of sadness or low spirits that you can’t shake off. It can also come with mood fluctuations and bouts of irritability, particularly with those you are closest to.

The signs of emotional subjugation are often disregarded because they can resemble other conditions such as depression or bipolar disorder. The distinction is that you won’t exhibit the other signs usually connected with a dependency. The symptoms also appear out of the blue and won’t be associated with any genetic predispositions.

It’s been reported that people experiencing emotional oppression will feel numb or dissociated. You may feel out of touch with yourself or like something is taking over your personality. Others will notice a drastic change in your everyday mood and may even feel an eerie energy around you. Lifeless eyes are oftentimes reported with entity attachments.

In severe instances of entity attachments, one might experience a sense of emotional manipulation. Essentially, you might feel as though you’re not directing your own emotions and are trapped within your own body. Although this is less frequent, it could be a significant sign of approaching full possession.

3. Psychic Attacks

If you’re especially sensitive or more spiritually inclined, you’ll likely feel the most intense symptoms through psychic attacks. Psychic attacks target your higher chakras, so you can expect more psychic phenomena to begin manifesting. This is when the entity attached to you can start revealing its more maleficent intentions.

Experiencing psychic assaults may begin with sensing an entity near you or feeling perpetually observed. You might find yourself extremely uneasy in your surroundings and feel compelled to frequently check your surroundings. This can then evolve into witnessing unsettling images in your third eye upon shutting your eyes or enduring startling sleep terrors.

On a more serious level, you may develop paranoia about the people closest to you. You may start to think they’re out to get you and that they’re the ones causing you harm. This is a tactic to get you to isolate yourself so that it’s even easier to gain control over your energy and consciousness.

As the attack progresses, it’s common to start seeing more physical manifestations of the entity. This is because it has fed off of your energy sufficiently to start manipulating energy physically. It may begin with hearing your name called, footsteps, or knocking, all the way to seeing shadows, orbs, or the entity in physical form.

4. Mental Manipulation

When you start moving into the territory of mental manipulation, things can become overwhelming. It can feel like your worst enemy is living inside your mind, but this can vary case by case. Ultimately, it depends on how hooked into your aura the entity is and how much control it can take.

You may have very intrusive and negative thought patterns that are entirely out of character. Your insecurities will feel heightened, and like it’s a voice outside of your own that’s trying to tear you down. Entities can work through your intuition to send you negative energy while making it seem like it’s coming from yourself.

Mental manipulation’s effects can begin more subtly, like with persistent brain fog or self-sabotaging behaviors. You’ll have a hard time focusing, have little mental clarity, and begin to feel very frustrated with yourself. This can lead to self-sabotaging behaviors like impulsive or out-of-character decision-making.

It can then progress to more moderate forms, like having random or unexplained phobias. This can sometimes be accompanied by a nagging negative voice that puts illogical fear in your mind. You may suddenly fear that your house will burn down or that your loved one will die, even if you have no logical indication.

5. Environmental Conditions

The manifestation of environmental conditions is similar to psychic attacks in the sense you can’t ignore them. At this point, it will be self-evident that there is an entity attachment and that you need professional assistance. Like other signs, the environmental conditions will shift from mild to extreme.

Some mild situations include unexplained electronic glitches like the tv randomly shutting off or the lights flickering. It’s also common to start forgetting your personal items, which is when your entity starts playing hide and seek with you. For example, you may suddenly lose your car keys for weeks and have them reappear in a visible place.

The more uncomfortable displays can manifest as feeling cold spots randomly around your home, feeling a heavy presence in certain areas, and smelling foul odors without origin. These manifestations are signs that an entity is hanging around you and trying to make its presence known.

Lastly, if you have pets in the home, they may begin to act strange, like growling and staring at nothing with an energy of fear. They may even avoid areas with heavy energy and fear getting close to the person with the attachment. Since animals are susceptible to energy, they’ll typically be the first to indicate something is off.

Step-by-Step Guide: How to Get Rid of a Spiritual Attachment

Remember that no matter how extreme the case is, it’s important to remain hopeful. Entities will usually keep you fearful and hopeless, so you don’t seek external help. The following steps are crucial to getting rid of a spiritual attachment, but in more severe cases, you may need to contact a professional for relief.

1. Acknowledge the Problem

Firstly, you need to acknowledge that you could have an entity attachment and be open to receiving help. Your free will is your strongest weapon against removing the entity, and you can’t expect significant results if you’re not open to making lifestyle changes.

If you’re unsure if you have an attachment or not, I recommend seeing a psychic or spiritual advisor for clarification. They’ll be able to tell you if your symptoms result from something unrelated or if they’re directly due to an attachment. After you get confirmation, you can proceed with more confidence.

2. Identify the Attatchement’s Nature

You can identify the nature of the attachment by understanding the characteristics and behaviors of the entity, as well as what may have attracted it. These details are crucial because they’ll help you get to the root cause of the attachment and give you a better chance of removing it for good.

To do so, you’ll need to record as much information as you can about what you’ve been experiencing, since when, and any patterns you’ve noticed. This will help you profile the type of entity you’re dealing with and give you a better idea of the situation’s seriousness.

Again, you may need the help of a psychic medium to pinpoint what you’re exactly dealing with. This will also be useful in figuring out more information about the entity, which may be difficult to do on your own. If the attachment is very serious, getting the entity’s name through a medium is needed in case you need an exorcism.

3. Engage in Spiritual Practices

Incorporating spiritual practices into your daily life will help you establish a stronger connection to divine energy. Ultimately, these practices connect you to benevolent energies that can help remove entity attachments. The more you connect with divinity, the less negative entities will want to remain in your aura.

Practices such as meditation and visualization help you connect to the divine. Since meditation can connect you to other realms, it will be easier for your angels and guides to be of assistance. Try to incorporate these practices first thing in the morning, and set reminders so they can become habits that are difficult to break.

Participating in sacred medicine ceremonies can also aid in removing entity attachments. Ayahuasca, Bufo Alvarius, and Kambo are known for purging negative entities and attachments from the body. That said, if you decide to try sacred medicines, always do so in a supervised and led setting, like in a retreat or with a credible shaman.

You can’t directly die from ingesting these sacred medicines, but you should be aware there are unrelated co-factors that can result in death. These cofactors include a lack of supervision during the ceremony, taking other brews such as tobacco brews, and negative interactions between prescription drugs and the medicine.

4. Practice Energetic Hygiene

Energetic hygiene refers to practices that help maintain a clear, healthy, and strong aura. You can practice it by burning sage incense, diffusing or wearing essential oils, or taking salt baths. However, the best way to maintain a healthy aura is by taking care of your physical, mental, and emotional health.

Remember that negative entities can only survive in auras that match their low frequencies. So, by raising the frequency of your auric field, you’ll essentially starve out the entity. The more you can engage in positive and uplifting activities, the quicker you’ll be able to raise your frequency and repel spiritual entity attachments.

I also suggest addressing any bad habits that you feel are contributing to poor energetic hygiene. This can include surrounding yourself with toxic environments, people, and behaviors that don’t contribute to your growth and happiness. You can better maintain a healthy aura when you’re more conscious about nurturing your energy.

5. Connect with a Medium

If the attachment is severe or persistent, getting professional help from a spiritual healer or psychic medium may be necessary. That said, you should seek assistance from a professional who specializes in removing entity attachments. Entity removal is a niche within itself and should be handled by an experienced person.

Connecting with a credible medium can help you identify the nature of the attachment and develop an action plan. They can explain why you have the attachment in the first place and what you should avoid going forward. Doing so can even alleviate feelings of isolation and hopelessness.

Be aware that depending on the entity’s nature, it can be easy or more challenging to remove. The removal shouldn’t be as challenging if you’re dealing with an attachment from an earthbound spirit or ancestor. But, if you’re dealing with a powerful negative entity, especially one attached to the land you live on, you may need additional help.

Best Sites for Mediumship Advice in 2025

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Purple Garden is a great choice if you’d like a user-friendly app that gives you access to spiritual help anytime. If you feel things with your attachment are quickly progressing, you can begin a heartfelt session by simply opening the app. There’s no need to schedule or load up your computer since you can access its services easily.

I enjoy Purple Garden because its layout makes identifying mediums within your criteria easy. On its homepage, you can see the mediums that have been voted as the most accurate, trending, and highly rated. This ensures that you are only looking through the best of the best, which increases the likelihood of a helpful session.

Even though Purple Garden doesn’t have a psychic match tool, you can safeguard yourself with its Journeys community feature. It lets you connect with other users in similar situations and get first-hand psychic recommendations. Doing so will make finding a psychic that has helped others with spiritual attachments easier.

2. Keen — Connect to Highly Experienced Mediums for Insight

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On Keen, you can find some of the most experienced and highly rated mediums. Most of its advisors have been on the site since 2001 and, on average, have a 4.7-star rating and above. This is always helpful when you need to find a powerful and trustworthy guide in navigating an entity attachment.

One of the benefits of using Keen is that you can contact any medium you’re interested in before booking a session. I confirmed that my medium was the right fit for my situation by sending them an email, which cost nothing. This also allows the medium to better prepare for your session so you won’t waste any precious minutes.

Before committing to a full session, you can use Keen’s price promotion. You can get your first 5 minutes for $1 and test the waters with your selected medium. In this shorter session, you can decide if the medium can remove the attachment or if you should try someone else.

While Keen only offers limited credits for unsatisfactory readings, it has detailed search filters that can help you avoid them. They let you select a price range, skills, specialties, and tools to connect with the suitable medium. This also allows you to avoid receiving bad advice about attachments.

FAQs on Spiritual Entity Attachments

Are there different kinds of spiritual attachments?

Yes, there are different kinds of spiritual attachments that range in intensity. Since spiritual attachments look different for everybody, it’s essential to understand what you are personally dealing with. This is where getting in touch with a psychic medium or healer can come in handy with discerning your type of attachment.

Parasitic attachments are the types of attachments that generally go undetected. Since parasitic attachments feed off your pain, trauma, and overall energy, they don’t need to make their presence known. If anything, they keep a low profile, so you don’t catch on and cut off their energetic supply.

Then, there are the more malignant types of attachments that can progress into possessions. These entities seek to cause harm and bring fear to the victim and those around them. They are primarily looking for a vessel to control so they can wreak havoc in the physical realm.

Are spiritual attachments always bad?

Yes, for the most part, spiritual attachments are predominantly bad. I say this because people are typically unaware that these attachments can be the source of trouble in our lives. The word attachment in itself insinuates that the entity is clinging to your energy because it’s trying to gain something from you.

That’s why it’s important to try and remove any attachments as soon as possible because the entity will become overly reliant on you over time. The more reliant it becomes, the less inclined it will be to leave you alone. However, it’s important to remember that you have control over the entity and not the other way around.

Why do low-frequency entities feed off of negativity?

Low-frequency or negative entities feed off of negativity because it helps them survive. Everything is energetic in reality, so when it comes to non-physical beings, they need to find ways to maintain their energy. Although energy can never be destroyed, negative entities are more likely to be transmuted into positive energy if they’re weak.

Since they’re specifically looking to feed off low frequencies, they’ll seek out certain environments and individuals to get their fix. This will include places with a lot of death and suffering or people with many cracks in their aura. While the nature of entity attachments is unique to each situation, most attachments happen due to cracks in the aura.

Bottom Line

Spiritual entity attachments can be difficult to detect and are sometimes only discovered once the attachment has progressed. Because of this, knowing how entity attachments can manifest is essential, so you don’t suffer from the long-term effects. Additionally, there are many ways in which you can avoid entity attachments altogether.

When you understand entity attachments better, you can navigate your situation with a clear mind and intent. While the thought of an entity attachment can induce anxiety, several effective ways exist to remove and protect yourself from them.

However, it’s important to recognize how serious the nature of your attachment is. If you intuitively feel that you’re dealing with a malicious entity, you should seek professional assistance from a medium. They’ll help you overcome a powerful entity attachment and guide you through the whole process.

We rank vendors based on rigorous testing and research, but also take into account your feedback and our commercial agreements with providers. This page contains affiliate links. Advertising Disclosure
MysticMag contains reviews that were written by our experts and follow the strict reviewing standards, including ethical standards, that we have adopted. Such standards require that each review will take into consideration independent, honest and professional examination of the reviewer. That being said, we may earn a commission when a user completes an action using our links, at no additional cost to them. On listicle pages, we rank vendors based on a system that prioritizes the reviewer’s examination of each service but also considers feedback received from our readers and our commercial agreements with providers.This site may not review all available service providers, and information is believed to be accurate as of the date of each article.
About the author
Lillian Maclean
Senior Writer
Senior Writer
Lillian Fitzmaurice MacLean is one of Mystic Mag’s writers. She’s a professional Astrologer and practicing Psychic that dedicates her time to guiding her clients and writing helpful spiritual content. She’s specifically interested in understanding the human experience from the lens of karma, past lives, and life after death. Over the course of several years, Lillian has gathered a lot of knowledge on herbs, crystals, meditation, and spirit communication. She is passionate about sharing what she’s learned and experienced in hopes of making a positive impact on others’ lives. When she’s not writing or reading for clients, Lillian dedicates her free time to learning, helping animals in need, and meditating. She hopes to open an animal sanctuary one day and has aspirations of publishing self-help and spiritual books.