No matter what kind of day you’ve had, your pet will be waiting for you, and for some reason, they know exactly what kind of mood you’re in.
And while everyone talks to their pets from time to time, (or for some of us, all the time), we’re hardly expecting them to talk back. Except, what if they could? Read on to discover how you can form a psychic connection with your pet and open up a line of communication that you never thought possible.
How to Psychically Connect with Your Pet
1. Get on their level— literally
Obviously, you and your pet don’t share a common language, so you can hardly strike up a conversation with them and expect them to respond. But just because you can’t speak the same language, doesn’t mean you can’t communicate.
Whether your pet is big or small, get down on the floor with them so that you’re facing each other at eye level. Just as it is with humans, the eyes are the window to the soul. So looking directly into your pet’s eyes lets you into their inner worlds, and them into yours.
2. Hold your pet, or maintain some kind of physical contact
One method to establish a psychic bond with your pet involves connecting with their energy – and physical contact serves as a means to achieve this. As you hold or pet them, gently close your eyes and tune into their unique vibrations.
Given that this is a reciprocal process, the more you employ this technique, the more your pet will harmonize with your energy as well. As this bond strengthens, your energies will become more decipherable. It’s even possible that over time, you’ll begin to notice that you start to share the same emotional states.
3. Speak to them and ask them questions
Just because you can’t physically speak to your pet doesn’t mean you’re wasting your time. The more you speak to your pet, the more they will start to understand you and attempt to communicate with you.
Asking your pet questions gives them the chance to react. Dogs may respond to yes or no questions with one or two barks. Cats may meow, or hold up one or the other paw. Each pet’s way of responding is unique, so it will take some practice and understanding.
4. Pay close attention to their behaviors.
This is not just the obvious ones like tail wagging or pushing the food bowl. Watch how your pet’s ears or nose behave in different situations. This will tell you whether or not they are relaxed or alert. Getting in sync with your pet’s energies based on their body language can help you communicate better and anticipate their moods.
Your pet already pays close attention to your behavior, and this is the basis of how a psychic connection is formed. Ever notice how your pet is happy when you’re happy, or that they run over to you when they sense something is wrong? This is because they have learned your behaviors and are in sync with them.
Get Help from a Pet Psychic
California Psychics has a good selection of experienced pet psychics who can help you better communicate with your furry friends. Here are some of my top picks.
1. Robin
Robin has developed a reputation on California Psychics as an incredibly gifted pet psychic and someone who is perfectly in tune with the earth. She is clairsentient and clairvoyant and is skilled in tarot, crystals, and astrology. She has delivered over 17,000 readings on the site and has a 4.8-star rating based on over 2,800 reviews.
One client wrote, “Thank you for guiding me through the loss of my dog. I am glad she’s at peace and ready to go knowing she was loved and that she loved in return.”
2. Hana
Hana is a skilled empath and psychic medium that also has the gift of remote viewing. When working with clients she connects with their energy and that of their pets to deliver messages. She has been reading professionally for over 16 years and has delivered over 6,000 readings on California Psychics. She is rated 4.8 stars based on over 2,700 reviews. One client wrote, “Reading with Hana was a very very great experience. She’s so clear in what she sees. It’s like you can see what she sees.”
3. Gina Rose
Gina Rose is a natural-born clairvoyant and clairaudient psychic. She has over 50 years of professional experience and is a skilled pet psychic. She even has experience working in animal shelters which has honed her ability to deliver pet readings. She is rated 4.8 stars based on over 4,000 reviews. One client wrote, “As always, I enjoy my conversations with Gina. Spoke to her after a few months but she still stands by her predictions.”
4. Paige
Paige is a clairvoyant and clairaudient psychic who uses tools such as tarot to deliver psychic pet readings. She is also a highly-skilled remote viewer and is able to pick up on unspoken conversations between pets and their owners. Paige has a compassionate and inspirational style and is rated 4.8 stars based on over 3,000 reviews. One client writes, “I really enjoyed my reading with Paige. She was quick and she was able to give me answers. No run around and no hesitation. I just need to be patient.”
5. Zack
Zack is a highly-rated clairvoyant, empath, and pet psychic. He also sometimes uses tools such as angel and oracle cards to deliver his readings. He has helped a number of clients deal with the loss of their pets and find out what is troubling their pets. He is rated 4.8 stars based on over 1,500 reviews. One client writes, “Blown away by Zack and his abilities to pick up on details and energies. So much fun to talk with. Great remote viewing abilities.”
Having a strong connection with your pet is a unique and irreplaceable feeling. But taking it one step further and establishing a psychic connection with your friend is quite literally otherworldly.
This doesn’t have to be beyond your capabilities. All animals are capable of forming this connection with us, if only we open the door for them. Get help with opening up this line of communication by connecting with a professional pet psychic today.