In an exclusive interview with MysticMag, Gregory and Gail Hoag shared the inspiration behind “I Connect / Metaforms” and their journey in integrating Sacred Geometry into their products.
For over 40 years, they’ve explored how the universe’s foundational patterns—the cycles and rhythms present from atomic structures to the cosmos—guide the evolution of consciousness. Sacred Geometry, they explain, is not just a science but a universal language that shapes energy into form, creating a resonance that enhances our connection to higher levels of being.
Through “I Connect / Metaforms,” they aim to support individuals in nurturing this connection, especially in a world filled with distractions and disconnection.
What inspired the creation of “I Connect / Metaforms”, and how does Sacred Geometry play a role in supporting evolving consciousness?
That’s a big question because we see Sacred Geometry as the basis for all of creation—everything from the atomic level to the galactic level follows patterns, rhythms, and cycles. When we understand how the universe builds all of this, we can become in tune with the patterns the universe is creating.
Essentially, that’s what we’ve been studying for the last 40 years—how the moon, the Earth, and the sun work together through these particular patterns, which express themselves geometrically. When we build a geometric pattern that replicates how the universe operates, it creates resonance, much like a C-tuning fork resonating with a C tone.
What we found is that by bringing certain geometries into our environment, we start creating a stronger connection to the energetic field that underlies everything.
Luka, to start with, both of us were interested in the evolution of consciousness before we came together. We see ourselves as spiritual beings in this physical realm, and we are souls seeking to express that soul energy, that vibration, and that light. As we evolved individually, we searched for what could have the greatest impact on the evolution of consciousness.
We explored many different paths in our spiritual and life journeys, and when we discovered Sacred Geometry, we found it to be more potent than anything else. It tells the story of how pure energy enters the physical realm and creates a pathway into matter. We exist within systems, and Sacred Geometry shows us how that energy becomes form and matter. It replicates over and over again, and the unique thing is that, even though it’s based on the same system, everything has its own individuality—whether it’s people, animals, minerals, or lands. All the different kingdoms are based on these cycles, rhythms, and precise patterns, but within them, each has its own unique journey.
How do ” I Connect / Metaforms ” products help individuals enhance their spiritual growth and connection with higher consciousness?
One of the reasons we named our product line and website “I Connect to All” is that we wanted to encapsulate what we’re aiming for—connection. We start out as spiritual beings, entering this little body as an infant, trying to navigate the world, learning how to use our body and interact with everything we encounter. When children are very young, they have more direct access to higher spiritual realms. But as we grow older and become more grounded in this physical dimension, we tend to lose that connection. Many things distract us from the essential quality of who we are.
What we’ve focused on is developing products based on Sacred Geometry that support people in their journey to stay connected. When we’re connected, we not only exist physically but also maintain access to the higher levels of our being, which is key to our personal development and evolution. This is especially important right now, as there is so much fear, separation, and distraction in the world. What we really need is connection.
Beyond the fear generated globally, modern technology produces toxins and electromagnetic frequencies that disconnect us on many levels. We face the stress of modern life, which also contributes to this disconnection, along with belief systems that limit our view of reality. In truth, we are much like an iceberg—only 10% of us is visible above the water. Similarly, only a small portion of our being is seen in the physical realm. Our emotional body exists in the fourth dimension, and our mental body can reach into the fifth dimension, yet we’re not aware of how to utilize these parts of ourselves.
The tools we’ve created help address this. For example, one of our technologies works with 5G and other electromagnetic transmissions to create connections beyond these disruptions. A couple who used this tool in their home felt the difference, and when they placed it in their barn, all the horses gravitated towards it, sensing the energy. Animals feel that need for higher connection as well.
We’ve also seen how our products, like the pendants we create, impact people. A grandmother shared that before wearing the pendant, her grandkids would run away from her. Now, they crawl all over her. Prison guards have reported that prisoners treat them better when they wear the pendant, and teachers, psychologists, and even lawyers have shared similar experiences. Lawyers, for example, have put certain of our geometries in their deposition rooms, and they’ve noticed people argue less and get upset less frequently.
What we don’t realize is that much of the irritation we feel—from electromagnetic frequencies, our environment, and the pressures of modern life—stems from this deep disconnection. We need to return to that place of connection, and we can do so even in the midst of everything happening around us. We may not change the world, but we can change the way we experience it.
Can you explain the significance of Sacred Geometry in your products and how it impacts users’ energy and awareness?
We follow very, very precise patterns, but let me give you some background. When we first learned about Sacred Geometry, we were both inquisitive and eager to understand how the universe was created. One of the things that gave us clues were sacred sites, temples, and architecture. These places were built with important, mystical archetypes embedded into their designs, aimed at helping people reach a higher level of consciousness. Whether it’s the pyramids, Stonehenge, or other sacred temples, these structures were designed to facilitate a connection to higher consciousness.
What we discovered is that there are recurring geometric patterns and ratios, such as the Phi ratio, that are integral to how life and the universe are created. You’ll see this pattern in nature, in the way our bodies are structured, and in works like Leonardo da Vinci’s famous drawing of the vitruvian man with his outstretched arms. When we understand and replicate these patterns, we become resonant with the very forces that create life. Again, it’s like the tuning fork we mentioned before—when we’re in resonance with the geometry of creation, our connection to the universe is deeply enhanced, and a higher, more pristine vibrational field of energy begins to flow through us.
This understanding is at the core of how we design our products. We’ve created tools based on these resonant fields and technologies, allowing people to have experiences that go beyond their everyday, ego-driven awareness.
In our new book, Sacred Geometry: The Universal Language of Divine Alignment, we share some of these discoveries. For instance, two Polish scientists were able to image a single photon, which carries the energy of the electromagnetic spectrum. They discovered a geometry, and when we calculated the surface degrees of that geometry, it came out to 4320°, which harmonizes with the sun’s radius of 432,000 miles. This correlation between degrees and miles shows a harmonic relationship. Additionally, the number of degrees displayed by different
combinations of the five Platonic solids give us the exact diameters of the sun, moon, and Earth when translated into miles.
So, these geometries not only relate to how the sun, moon, and Earth were created, but they also reveal the harmonic relationships between them. When we work with combinations of these geometries, we can start resonating with the way the sun, moon, and Earth interact energetically.
We’ve also looked at the Great Pyramid of Giza, which I believe is much older than what current scientists estimate. Regardless of its age, it’s clear that whoever built it knew what they were doing. Recent measurements show that properly enlarging the main Giza pyramid can give us the exact diameter and circumference of the Earth, but only when it’s in a ratio of 1 to 43,200—again resonant with that photon geometry. The builders of the pyramid were working with energy and geometry in a way that amplified energy through the system. This is the same approach we take in building our structures and products. When you align with the way energy works, you can carry more energy through your designs, impacting users on a profound level.
Can you share a success story where ” I Connect / Metaforms ” products significantly transformed a user’s spiritual journey?
When I think of someone’s spiritual journey, what stands out to me is the quality of their life. When we’re truly connected, we are more in harmony—we experience more love, and less fear, and have a greater ability to manifest what we need. I love to share stories about synchronicity. When we’re in resonance, things can happen that might seem magical, but it’s just us being “in sync”, being connected to our expanded awareness. For example, you may think about someone, and moments later, that person calls you, or you unexpectedly cross paths with someone significant.
We’ve had many reports from people saying that after using our products, they feel more purposeful and aligned with the higher significance of life. Their hearts open, their relationships improve, and they feel more like themselves—more in the flow of life.
I remember one particular story from when we first started selling our pendant. A real estate agent had been struggling to close a large deal for over a year. After getting the pendant, within a week, everything came together, and the deal closed successfully. Another recent example comes from a psychologist I spoke with last week. She had been feeling uneasy about her current job situation—it just didn’t feel right. After getting one of our pendants, within a day, events unfolded that led to her leaving the organization, which allowed her to start her own practice, something she had always wanted to do. It wasn’t planned, and it took some work, but it was a clear turning point.
She called me and asked, “Do things like this really happen?” And I told her, “Yes, when you are in resonance, when you’re in sync and your soul’s energy is fully coming through, these kinds of shifts are common.” Being connected means you’re no longer stumbling around in the dark—you’re in alignment with what life has in store for you. These kinds of outcomes happen all the time with people who use our products.
How does ” I Connect / Metaforms ” integrate ancient wisdom and modern practices in the design of its Sacred Geometry tools?
For the past 40 years, we’ve been guided by higher wisdom. This all started after I experienced a profound kundalini awakening, which opened me up to higher information. Gail, my partner, has always been deeply connected to this higher guidance through her channeling, and that’s how our work came together. What we’ve brought through has always aligned with ancient teachings. Whether we look at the Bible, the Bhagavad Gita, the Rig Veda, ancient Sumerian scrolls, or Egyptian knowledge, we find similar patterns and numbers throughout. These patterns are also found in civilizations like the Mayans and Vikings—they were all working with the same numbers and symbols that reflect the fundamental principles of life.
Modern science even supports this. For instance, over 9,600 years ago, comet fragments hit the northern hemisphere, triggering rapid melting of the ice and altering the climate, which destroyed earlier civilizations. Yet, across different cultures—from the Vikings in Norway to the Mayans in Central America, and the Egyptians to ancient Chinese sects—similar numerical patterns were being used to reflect how life resonates with universal vibrational principles.
Take the number 108 in mala beads in Eastern religions, or 54 in Catholic rosaries—both are part of a system that describes the Phi ratio, which governs how the human body, DNA, and all life forms grow. This recurring use of numbers across time and culture shows us that life itself is at the core of these ancient teachings. The angles used in Renaissance churches and the ley lines across Europe and England, all correspond to sacred geometry that mirrors ancient Egyptian and Greek structures.
That’s how we know we’re on the right track—because everything we’re reading and researching aligns with what we’re creating. It’s all connected, and that’s what excites us. Our tools help people connect to what’s real—mentally, physically, and emotionally—by tapping into these ancient principles.
In addition, what’s valuable about our technology is that it allows modern people on a spiritual path to connect more deeply and efficiently. In the past, saints and spiritual practitioners would have to spend years in meditation or retreat to reach higher states of consciousness. What we’re developing streamlines this process, helping people connect more profoundly without needing to withdraw from modern life. By shifting your environment and surroundings, you can resonate with higher levels of consciousness—just as sacred sites were designed to do in ancient times.
Many ancient cultures had spirituality at the core of their existence, but modern life hasn’t always fostered this connection. However, I believe we’re now moving into an era—especially with the transition into the Age of Aquarius—where spirituality is becoming more central again, anchoring us back to who we truly are at a soul level.
What new products or innovations is ” I Connect / Metaforms ” planning to introduce to further support consciousness evolution?
Oh, there are always new ideas coming in. Sometimes it’s difficult to stop and just focus on what we already have because we’re constantly receiving new information. We’re in an ongoing dialogue with the higher aspects of ourselves, and there’s so much that our being wants to bring through to help us all evolve spiritually. I believe that a lot of what we’re experiencing today is meant to help us discern what’s truly valuable and where we should focus on our growth and spiritual evolution.
Over the past year, we’ve introduced several new, improved forms that allow the physical body to step back, creating space for higher dimensional energies to enter. This helps us connect more deeply, promoting both our health and well-being. I recently had a birthday, and I’m nearing 80 years old, but the energy, focus, clarity, and connection I feel—that’s what’s most important. It gives me the ability to continue serving. Ultimately, as human beings, our opportunity is to connect to the greater part of ourselves. Once we reach that level of consciousness and awareness, we naturally want to share it—not through preaching, but simply by being present for others with love and support.
We’ve developed many products over the past 40 years, and some core products have become incredibly powerful. We continuously evolve these to make them even more effective. For example, the pendants we wear embody the sacred geometry technologies we’ve been refining over time. We’ve taken three-dimensional concepts and brought them into a two-dimensional plane, using various antenna systems and designs that support higher connections. We also have other beautiful geometries that can be spun to energize environments—whether at home, in offices, or in healing spaces.
We’re living in transformative times. I think we can all agree it’s a bit of a crazy period with so much happening. Rather than trying to predict what’s next, Gregory and I are clearing space to be open vessels for new information. We’re staying receptive to whatever might serve this next phase of life we’re entering. I’m in a place of not knowing right now, which is interesting, but I’m allowing myself to be comfortable with that. I trust that when the time comes, we will respond with whatever product or innovation can best serve people.
Find out more at: www.iconnect2all.com