This week, Mystic Mag meets Rev. Frederick Marschner, a spiritual consultant with a unique set of offerings. Not only is he a Reiki master and counselor, but they also provide exorcisms and connect with the spirit world through mediumship.
When did you first get introduced to reiki and how did your career develop from that point?
I was first introduced to Reiki in 1997 by a friend who had gone through the level 1 training and practiced with me. In 2002 I completed Level 1 myself. Wanting to learn more so I began attending Reiki circles in the community. I was providing free reiki at the Golden Center (no longer in operation) where I met a reiki master teacher who worked with me to complete the other levels. I completed level 2 in August, 2004 and finally the Master-Teacher (level 3) in November, 2004.
Being exposed to reiki opened up a completely different world to me. I had been searching for a religion that I felt resonated with who I am and found spirituality instead.
What services do you offer?
I offer a wide variety of services, including, exorcism, readings, reiki, House cleanse and blessing, metaphysical as well as traditional counseling. I provide education on a wide array of spiritual topics, including mediumship as well as paranormal investigation.
We also heard you perform exorcism, which is probably the most interesting gift that you have. Could you share some details from one of the sessions?
Exorcism is a calling for me. It wasn’t something I chose to do, rather it was something that the spirit world has led me to. The people I help often are referred to me by others who I have helped or by local mediums who know that I perform exorcisms. I should say that what happens in the course of a real exorcism isn’t what you find on TV or in the movies. My experiences have been far from what we see in the media. I do not charge anything for this service as I want to be able to help people, regardless of their ability to pay. I do ask for a donation if the person is able. If traveling beyond the Western New York area, I may ask for help in covering my travel costs.
The following are the notes I took on a recent exorcism I conducted in my office several weeks ago. I have changed the names to protect the family involved.
I received a phone call about a month ago from Mary who had received my information from a medium she knew. Mary stated that she was told to contact me as her 9 year old son was having issues of being scared in the house when alone. She stated that her son was hearing voices. Mary stated that she has seen some things in their home.
Her daughter was afraid to sleep alone in her room at night and has been sleeping with Mary and her husband in their room. Mary stated her daughter is 6 years old. I was being told by my guides that all four of them needed help. I encouraged Mary to bring her family in to see me. She responded that she felt she should probably come in to see me alone before bringing anyone else with her. I countered with suggesting she come in with her son, since he is the one having the most issues. Mary scheduled to bring Kevin in.
Upon arrival all appeared normal. Both came in to my office and sat down. Kevin was smiling and appeared to be in a calm and comfortable state and so did Mary. I asked them to share with me what was happening that they were here and Kevin said he didn’t really know why. Mary then stated it was related to Kevin’s having issues with being scared of being alone in the house. I asked Kevin if he heard or saw things that others didn’t see or hear and he replied that he doesn’t.
I then showed Mary the picture on my phone of the “shadow man” with glowing eyes and she promptly said no. I showed the same picture to Kevin and he shrank in his chair and said no. He was experiencing a high level of anxiety and fear and I responded with yes you have. Kevin immediately began to cry and stated he wanted to leave. He was terrified. I responded to him, telling him that he would be going home shortly and that everything was going to be alright. He continued to cry and state he wanted to leave.
His mother told him that I was here to help them and that she would hold his hand if he wanted her to. Kevin continued to cry and persist that he wanted to go home. I then told him that all I would be doing is putting my hands on their shoulders. I then offered to show him what I would be doing with his mother first and she agreed. I asked permission to put my hands on her shoulders and she agreed. I stepped behind her as Kevin looked on with fear (and tears) in his eyes, and put my hands on her shoulders for a few moments. When I finished, she said she felt more relaxed. It was now Kevin’s turn.
Kevin, with his mother’s encouragement, relented and agreed to being helped. He agreed to let me put my hands on his shoulders, in spite of the fear he was experiencing and had an immediate positive response. Kevin was back to the happy child he appeared to be when he first came into the office and sat down. Kevin was no longer fearful or crying. He was smiling and back to being interactive.
I sat and talked with Mary and Kevin for a little while longer, letting them know what happened to the “shadow man” and that they both are now being protected by angels. They were both informed that over the next week or so there could be some residual feelings that things are still going on. They were educated on hypervigilance and that this response will go away now fairly quickly. Mary thanked me and said she would be contacting me soon to help her husband and daughter.
I was being told by my guides that Kevin became terrified due to his seeing the “shadow man” across the room from him. Kevin was being told by it that if he allowed me to help him that things would only get worse for him. This is the reason Kevin wanted to leave. I also was told that he saw two shadow men, not just one and when he saw one disappear while I was working on his mother, that he then had the courage to let me help him as well.
What can a person expect from your reading sessions? How do you deal with doubters?
As a medium, I consider myself to be a psychological intuitive and a spiritual consultant. As well as helping clients connect with past loved ones and friends, I work closely with the spirit guides of my clients to make sure that the client is on the right path. I always include some form of healing, whether it be reiki, or recommendations for spiritual growth in my mediumship sessions.
In regards to “doubters”, it isn’t for me to control what people believe. In my clinical practice I have worked with Atheists as well as the strictly religious. I respect the points of view of everyone that crosses my path. My guides help me decide who I should or shouldn’t provide services to.
What is the most important detail in maintaining a relationship of mutual trust with clients?
I have been a professional counselor for over 26 years. I treat my relationships with my spiritual clients much like I do with my clients that come to me for purely clinical help with mental health and addictions. I follow a code of ethics. I take a person centered approach to the services I provide and treat each client with genuiness, warmth, and positive regard. Demographic information, including names are kept in the strictest of confidence.
What do you love most about your profession?
It gives me the opportunity to learn. Every day is a new opportunity to learn. I learn from my interactions with the spirit world as well as through my interactions with my clients. I have been blessed with a number of gifts and offer a wide variety of services. This keeps things fresh and interesting.