Have you ever completely changed careers to pursue a deeper meaning in life? In this blog post, Mystic Mag is introducing you to Fiona Carson, a Shiatsu practitioner who found their passion after a disillusioning experience in the music industry. Learn how Shiatsu works, the other services they offer, and the profound impact they bring to their clients’ lives.
When did first know that being a Shiatsu Practitioner was your calling and how did it come about ?
I came across Shiatsu in my late 20s. I had been working in the music industry and DJ’ing and was becoming more and more disillusioned by how fake the music industry was. I wanted to do something more meaningful with my life. I was training in karate at this time and when we reached black belt level we were encouraged to learn shiatsu, in order to repair the damage we could inflict. I was fascinated by the concept of Ki (energy) and Taoist philosophy and how Ki could be harnessed for healing and martial arts. I had a flatmate who was studying Shiatsu and he used to practice on me . I couldn’t believe how amazing Shiatsu felt to receive ! My Mum was a healer and therapist so I had tried a lot of healing and massage modalities, but Shiatsu was in a different league for me. I did a 3 year diploma course with the European Shiatsu School and then started doing shiatsu part time alongside my day job to build up a client base. I’ve now been doing Shiatsu for 24 years and still love it just as much !
What services do you offer ?
Could you tell us more about Shiatsu and how does it help?
What exactly is Kinesiology?
Kinesiology is a really effective holistic therapy that draws and Eastern and Western therapeutic practices. It gets right to the root cause of a person’s issues. Kinesiology uses muscle response testing to identify and correct nutritional, physical and emotional and energetic imbalances. Kinesiology works fast and results can be amazing sometimes from only one session. It is great for chronic health conditions, eg chronic fatigue, IBS gut issues, allergies . It is also very powerful for clearing trauma and destructive emotional patterns.
What can a person expect from your sessions ?
Each session is unique. I like to have a good chat with the client first to find out about background health history and what they would like to achieve through the sessions, then I recommend which treatment would be most beneficial for them, or often I use a combination of all modalities . The goal of my work is to support the body’s innate healing abilities, reduce pain and tension, improve mood and vitality, and bring a greater sense of harmony to my clients’ overall health. I always give my clients some post treatment advice that they can take away with them eg dietary tips, beneficial supplements, therapeutic exercises, meditations, affirmations, acupressure points etc.
What do you love most about your profession?
I love what I do it’s definitely a vocation as well as my job. I find it immensely satisfying helping people, especially clients with complex health issues who have tried everything else and failed to find help. I remember my Mum telling me when I was 17 that I would only be happy when I was doing something to help other people… she was right!
I love being my own boss and working the hours that I want. I am constantly learning, it is a life long pursuit. Kinesiology is fascinating as you never know which direction the session will go, you just follow where the client’s body is telling you to go, it’s like being a detective , following the clues- I love the combination of intellectual and intuitive work this entails. The Tuning Forks are blowing me with how powerful they are, I have only been using these a couple of years, but use them with every client.