This week, Mystic Mag presents you a story of how Eugenia Bilokin discovered the power of flower essences and became a guide for emotional well-being. We’ll explore how these gentle remedies work, the services offered, and why this practitioner finds so much joy in helping others bloom.
When did you first know that being a healer was your calling and how did it come about?
Most flower essence practitioners first discover the flower essences on their own healing journey after having a firsthand personal experience of the gentle power of flower essences to shift our emotional wellbeing and ultimately improve our physical health. My own path was a bit different. It did come out of a health crisis, though. As I was recovering from an emergency surgery back in 2019, I thought of the body-mind connection and asked myself what was missing in my life. After a deep look inside, I felt the need to bring a change into the area of professional fulfillment.
My career in law has its own rewards, but working in a business setting with mostly corporate clients, I felt that some of my strengths, such as empathy and sensitivity, were under-utilized and I did not have an opportunity to connect with other people’s inner worlds and make a positive difference. As I always do when looking for answers, I started asking almost everyone I talked to! I decided to try an Akashic Records consultation and one of the questions I asked the practitioner was about an area where I could find more fulfillment. She gazed into the mysterious ether, which is believed to contain the past, present and future of every living soul, and suggested that I check out flower essences. Curious, I immediately dived into learning and never looked back.
I was attracted by the holistic approach that working with flower essences entails, where we work not with an illness or symptom, but with a whole person. In fact, whether the client comes to a flower essence practitioner with a physical complaint, struggle with relationships, difficulty with adjustment to change or any other concern, we first and foremost focus on the emotional aspect of the problem. We do not so much ask about the story as about how the situation makes the client feel and how they tend to react. It is healthy to be able to access and feel all of our emotions, but getting stuck too much in a particular emotion usually described as “negative” is what often brings the most suffering and ultimately affects our health. Flower essences are one of the most wonderful tools helping us bring more balance into our emotional lives.
What services do you offer?
Currently I work exclusively with Bach Flower Remedies, which is the original set of 38 flower essences created in the 1930s by Dr. Edward Bach, who lived and practiced medicine in England. Every flower essence created ever since relied on the methods and philosophy developed by Dr. Bach. Making a particular emphasis on simplicity and accessibility of this healing modality, he believed that his set of 38 essences was a complete system, covering the full range of human emotions.
What I offer my clients is a consultation, usually conducted on a virtual video platform, where we discuss the client’s current situation and concerns and, together, pinpoint the most challenging emotions standing in the way of inner peace, fulfilling relationships or preventing positive action that may be necessary in the client’s life. Drawing from my in-depth knowledge of each of the Bach Flower Remedies, I then suggest a few Remedies that may be helpful in this situation.
I describe each suggested Remedy to the client and why I believe it may be relevant or helpful in this case. I also explain how to take the Remedies, which is actually simple, although the approach is different from how we usually take herbal or pharmaceutical medications. After the consultation, I prepare the client’s personalized mix of between one and seven Bach Flower Remedies in a 30 ml dropper bottle, which is included in the consultation fee. The Remedies are taken internally during three to four weeks (that is how long the treatment bottle usually lasts). At the following consultations, we discuss what shifts may have happened and what remains challenging. Every time, we adjust the formula accordingly. The healing process with the Bach Flower Remedies resembles peeling an onion: we first deal with what may be on the surface and gradually deeper layers get revealed to be addressed when the client is ready for it.
A significant part of the service is to educate the client about the Remedies and to empower the client, if they show interest, to learn enough so to be able to use them at home independently. Flower essences are among the safest remedies available: it is impossible to overdose, there are no side effects, no adverse interaction with any food, medications or supplements, and there is even no issue if an “incorrect” Remedy is chosen. The worst that can happen is that it will not help! The system was designed by Dr. Bach as a self-help system, which explains his focus on simplifying it as much as possible. As a daily user of the Remedies, I can tell you how much joy it is to be able to take what I need to bring myself back on track as soon as I feel my emotions getting “stuck” or unbalanced in any way.
If a client already knows what Remedies they need, I can also prepare a treatment bottle without a consultation. For those who are ready to take the next step and prepare their own mixes, I will be there to walk them through the process as well.
How can Flower Essences affect our wellbeing?
Flower essences help us balance our emotions and to break unhelpful emotional, mental or behavioral patterns. Each one carries a positive energetic “message” and they work by resonating with strengths and virtues that all of us already have, but which at times may be dormant or suppressed until “awakened” by the flower essence. Each essence corresponds with specific patterns of imbalance and, when we take them, they bring about the virtue that is the opposite of the imbalance.
For example, if someone is afraid of public speaking to the point of avoiding speaking opportunities at all costs, at the consultation we would explore the specific nature of the emotions that come up even at the thought of public speaking. Depending on what we discover, the client’s mix may include Larch if they lack confidence, Mimulus to overcome shyness, social awkwardness or fear of failure, and/or Rock Rose if the fear is more like a paralyzing terror.
I might also suggest Rescue Remedy, which is a combination remedy used for stressful and emergency situations when there is no time to dig deep into the emotions and prepare a personalized mix. In this example, these Bach Remedies can give the courage and confidence needed to agree to a speaking engagement in the first place and for peak performance when the time comes.
As I cannot think of any difficult situation in our lives that does not involve emotions, Bach Flower Remedies will probably be a helpful ally whatever life brings. From everyday challenges to a major loss or heartbreak, there are Remedies that will help you cope and ultimately thrive.
What is the difference between Essential Oils and Flower Essences?
Essential oils are aromatic compounds extracted from plants through distillation or mechanical methods such as cold press. As a result, they contain physical bioactive compounds extracted from plants. Most often, they are inhaled or used externally and are not intended to be ingested. It is not my area, but my understanding is that it is their smell that stimulates the limbic system and brings the healing effect.
In contrast, flower essences are energetic in nature and carry the vibration of the plant rather than any physical parts of it. They have no smell and are usually taken internally. You could say that herbal remedies are the body of the plant, essential oils are its blood, and flower essences are the spirit.
What do you love most about your profession?
Wouldn’t you love it if you had the information that was almost too good to be true and you had an open-hearted listener in front of you to receive this information? That is how some consultations feel! Flower Remedies are often the missing puzzle piece or the key that unlocks new possibilities in the clients’ healing journey.
I also love that learning and self-discovery, which comes along with using the Remedies myself and guiding others as they take them, seem endless. There is a lot more depth and nuance to each Flower Remedy than it seems when you first learn about its properties and basic indications. I love it that you can always learn more about them and what they can do for us.
If you would like to learn more about flower essences and Eugenia Bilokin, please visit flowervibrations.com