Have you ever wondered about the depths of your own consciousness? The part of you that transcends the limitations of the physical body and connects to something far greater?
In this blog post, we‘ll explore how to tap into this wise, transcendent self and how it can revolutionize your life. We’ll delve into the power of past life regression, the role of higher consciousness in healing, and practical techniques to release emotional and mental burdens.
How do you guide clients to access their wise, transcendent selves?
The first step is to understand that you are not separate from your wise, transcendent self. The evidence of this is in the evidence of reincarnation, and there is enough evidence of reincarnation that even a skeptic can believe in it these days. This means that we are multi-dimensional beings. We won’t be our body one day, but you cannot separate yourself from the consciousness that animates the body, and that means your more permanent identity is eternal, indestructible, and outside of time and space, and that is who and what you are right now as you read this.
So, the key to accessing this transcendent part of you, that you cannot separate yourself from, is to quiet the thinking mind. The thinking mind pulls us out of the present moment and keeps us identified with our bodies. As you’re anchored more in the present moment, you can more easily tune into your eternal soul self that is always based in the present moment. It has been here throughout your life and will be here until you leave your body. There are many ways to do this. I use hypnotherapy because it is an effective way to become anchored deeper into the present moment…it’s like a short cut to get into a deep state of meditation. From there I take clients on a guided journey that further deepens them in trance and out of their analytical thinking mind. Using various techniques within this inner journey, they ultimately begin to disidentify with their present body/mind personality and instead tune into and identify much more with the energy and consciousness that animates their body. The deeper they go into journeying as this soul aspect of their being, the more whole and complete they feel, fears begin to drop away, while insights, wisdom and a sense of eternal well-being take the place of subtle worries and anxieties.
What role does higher consciousness play in resolving emotional or mental stress?
Once you go within and connect to your higher consciousness, that part of you feels whole and complete, lacks nothing, and has no fears. When you are anchored in this aspect of your being, you are able to access your subconscious and unconscious mind, and you can do things like float above a timeline of your present life and become aware of whatever situation or event on your timeline created your stress. That stress will feel separate from your present moment self, and it becomes self-evident that stress is mind-created, and that it belongs to the body/mind part of you and not the present moment transcendent part of you that you are presently experiencing. From here, we can direct the stress to leave the body/mind system, and adopt a new perspective that better serves you and is based in a higher truth…a truth akin to the perspective of your permanent self that doesn’t die or get sick, and thus is not fear based, but rather feels an eagerness for life.
How does past life regression help clients release unresolved mental or emotional issues?
There are several ways to answer this. Just as the body’s instinct is to breathe, the soul’s instinct is to grow and evolve. So, when you experience a past life regression, your higher self, or unconscious mind will almost automatically show you a life or lives that benefit you the most and help you move forward, heal something or evolve in some way. Additionally, past life regression is an excellent way to access your transcendent self because you disidentify with your current body/mind system, identify with a different one that your higher mind shows you, and then when that life is over, you go deep into the spiritual realm where you can more deeply connect with your higher self and often spirit guides or loved ones that have passed over, depending on how deep you move into the higher vibration of the spirit realm.
After doing over 4,000 past life regressions, I notice that past life regression typically helps in one of three different ways:
- Release energy that limits you or is holding you back physically, mentally or emotionally. Physical or emotional trauma can sometimes carry over from a past life, especially if you die with it, and thus affect your present life. For example, my client saw a life where he was a member of a clan somewhere in Europe about 400 years ago. It was an idyllic life until the last few minutes of it when his village was invaded early one morning. The last minutes of his life were filled with fear, panic and chaos, and he died with a sword in his heart. When the soul rose up into the spirit realm, he realized that the way he died had caused a phantom pain in his chest that had been plaguing him throughout his present life, along with deep anxiety that felt like impending doom. There was no medical explanation for the chest pain, and he had been on medications for this pain and anxiety for 30 years. In the spirit realm, I had him visualize pulling out the sword and energetically releasing all of the fear and trauma from that death that had carried over into his present life, and replace it with healing energy from Source. After the session, the pain and anxiety was completely gone. Two months later, he emailed me explaining that he had weened himself off all of his medications for that issue and the pain and anxiety were still gone and he never felt better. I’ve witnessed hundreds of examples like this experience, where physical, mental and emotional ailments are eliminated by uncovering the source of it in a past life.
- Draw on beneficial energies of other lives. Sometimes when a client is experiencing low self-esteem or unworthiness, they may be expecting to see a traumatic or challenging life, but instead their higher self shows them a life where they had huge confidence, and were perhaps a respected leader, and had a deep connection with spirit and nature…a life where fear, depression and limiting beliefs about themselves didn’t exist. Their higher mind shows them this type of life so they can merge energies with their present body/mind personality to carry forward in their life. This can often have a lasting impact on their life as they no longer identify with the negative programming of their present life. I have several examples of this in the Case Studies section of my website.
- Learn soul lessons. Past life regression will often shine a spotlight on soul lessons, and/or unconscious beliefs and patterns that limit you. A common example may be dealing with loss, an inevitable part of the human experience. I’ve had many clients who were struggling with loss in their present life, and in their past life regression they saw a life where they didn’t deal with loss very well. They closed their hearts for protection, and were unable to connect deeply with anyone, even family after the loss. Many times, they covered their pain with alcohol or in other ways, and some suicided. When that life was over and viewed from the peace and joy of the soul realm, often in reunion with the ones they were pining over, they could see, feel and experience how they could have dealt with loss better and perhaps found support and maybe even have been a source of support for others who were inevitably going through loss. In the soul realm, we wake up to an inner knowing that all is well and it becomes clear that earth is the place of challenges with which to learn and grow from as a soul. The afterlife is a place of reunion and joy where we evaluate how we did when facing the inevitable challenges of earth. From the soul’s vantage point, these earth lives can feel like role plays in which we challenge ourselves, usually forgetting our true eternal identities and that we are really just role playing. Living from this awakened awareness can make life feel much more freeing.
What techniques do you use to uncover and release the root of problems?
This becomes easy when a person is connecting to a higher part of themselves that is separate from the problem and not affected by it, so I usually have a person connect first to their eternal self with hypnotherapy. If the source of the problem is in the present life, I have the client float above the timeline of their present life while they are feeling whole and complete in their permanent self. They then float above the scene or situation where the trauma or negative belief first began to take root. Since the issue began in the past, and the past only exists as a memory, which is a bunch of thoughts, feelings and beliefs stuck in the body/mind system, they can feel the raw, dense energy of that stuck pattern in their body and then release it with their will and intent, replacing it with a part of themselves that was covered up and lost when they took on that negative energy. People feel heavy energy leaving, and light, expansive energy coming back into them. We then can give that lighter vibration of peace, strength, joy, love, etc. to the younger self on the timeline that most needed it when the trauma or perhaps beliefs of “not good enough” came in.
Another technique is to visualize a door while in hypnosis and invite the source of the problem to come through the door. Often, they see a mother or father. We can feel any thought, feeling or belief in our body that we took on from that person that no longer benefits or serves us, and send it back to where it came from, and have that person in turn pass it down the generational line, and/or ultimately visualize throwing it in a big incinerator to be converted to Source energy. Again, you get back the peace, wisdom, love, etc. of your higher self to replace what you just released and integrate it into your whole being and your future self. These techniques are based in quantum science that says we are beings of energy along with everything else.
How do dreams and unconscious symbols contribute to your therapeutic process?
Dreams are often symbolic of the emotional issues we are dealing with in our present life, so they give us clues about what to deal with and work on. On rare occasions, dreams can be past life related.
While connecting to one’s higher self, often wisdom can drop in from spirit guides or perhaps the client’s own higher unconscious mind in the form of a symbol. If the client doesn’t understand what the symbol means, we can ask the spirit guide or higher mind, “what does this symbol mean?”. We usually get an answer, and if it’s still unclear we keep asking for clarification until the symbol becomes clear.