This week, Mystic Mag had a chance to interview Denise Walsh, a coach with a unique background in psychology. She shares her story of empowering others and the powerful tools she uses to help clients overcome anxiety, heal from trauma, and rediscover their inner spark. Learn how to retrain your mind and body to achieve the life you’ve always dreamed of!
When did you first know that being a Life Coach was your calling and how did it come about?
My spark was lit during college when I was a camp counselor at Tri-State Christian Camp in Port Jervis, NY. This particular camp worked with NYC foster kids. These kids came to camp feeling forgotten and had experienced more trauma in their few short years than many of us will in our lifetime. However, during camp, they had a chance to be a kid. A chance to play, have fun, and be surrounded by people who cared. I saw them start to blossom, I saw their walls start to come down, and I knew that I was meant to help people know just how awesome they are so they can begin to believe it, too.
What services do you offer?
As a former Clinical Psychologist turned Dream Life Coach, I currently certify other coaches in my methodology and teach them the Dream Life Pathway – head, heart, feet. Do you know what you want, believe it is possible, and know how to get it. Coaches can then use my content and sell my programs to their clients. I also support them in building their business.
What does it mean to be a Life Coach?
I love supporting clients as they grow through grief, heal through trauma, and create a life they love by retraining their nervous system to get out of fight or flight mode and into rest and digest (the world of dreams). I do this by meeting clients where they are but also by teaching them skills and building a community in which they can grow. 90 Day U Turn – my 3-month overcoming self-sabotage program – allows clients to do just that: Align their dream life pathway, heal through past hurts, and create a vision for their future that they are excited about.
What is the best way for a person to combat Anxiety and Depression?
Utilizing daily healthy coping skills and creating a habit of exercise, drinking water, connecting with friends, journalling, listening to music, etc, can support someone who gets hit with a life situation that brings on anxiety and depression. If you are not doing these healthy habits, life can derail you and keep you off track for quite a while. However, if you have these healthy coping skills as habits, even with life circumstances, you will be able to work through it much more quickly.
Often, anxiety and depression are rooted in our automatic thoughts and beliefs about ourselves and our world. If we want to feel better, we want to evaluate our thinking first, catch ourselves in stinking thinking, and choose the next best thought.
What can a person expect from your sessions?
90-Day U Turn is my three-month program that teaches clients how to get out of fight-or-flight mode and into the world of dreams by retraining your nervous system and thought habits. In this program, you get an hour of training per week, weekly community sessions, and one-on-one coaching with a Dream Life Support Coach. It is powerfully effective training and a supportive community that facilitates long-lasting change. Learn more at www.90DayUTurn.com
What do you love most about your profession?
I love to see people win, feel fulfilled, and reignite and live out their spark.