If you are feeling off-kilter, drained, or not yourself, you may be experiencing symptoms of aura damage. Your aura, the energy field surrounding your body, could have become compromised, affecting your mood, relationships, sleep, focus, and sense of wellbeing.
Thankfully, recognizing the signs of aura distress is the critical first step in rebalancing your energy. In this guide, I’ve compiled the top 5 symptoms of aura damage plus tips to strengthen your spiritual shield again. Once aware of the subtle cues, you’ll understand why you haven’t felt like your normal self.
However, permanent aura repair requires commitment to daily upkeep. For hands-on healing from a gifted psychic or energy worker, sites like Keen provide affordable aid. Its aura experts can remotely cleanse, seal, and protect your revived aura, saving you energy and hassle.
Quick Overview: 5 Symptoms of a Damaged Aura
- Fading: An aura that is fading or dimming in brightness could indicate energy depletion and fatigue. Here is what you can do.
- Static disturbance: Flickering, pulsing, or patchy areas in the aura can point to blocked energy flow and stress. See how you can smooth things out.
- Contracting: An aura that feels tightly pulled in close to the body or seems smaller than usual reflects a protective, closed off energy. Find out how to expand your aura.
- Disconnection: Gaps between the emotional, mental, and spiritual layers of the aura signal a lack of integration and fragmentation. Learn here how to connect them.
- Energy repellence: An aura that pushes people or things away shows boundary issues and difficulty connecting. Discover how to welcome positive energy flows.
What Causes a Damaged Aura?
An aura can become compromised and damaged for a variety of reasons, allowing in negative energy and depleting its protective capacities. Avoiding these causes is key to maintaining a healthy aura. Common culprits behind a weakened aura include:
- Energetic Vulnerabilities: Cracks, holes, or tears in the aura create vulnerabilities that let in outside negative energies and attachments. This also allows the aura’s life force to leak out.
- Lifestyle Factors: Prolonged stress, lack of quality sleep, burnout, and bodily neglect can tax the aura over time. The aura dims as it becomes depleted by these lifestyle factors.
- Trauma: Traumatic events, grief, loss, and prolonged fear can jolt the aura with disturbances. This shock weakens its energetic boundary and cohesive strength.
- Energy Cords: Clingy people and past connections can create “cords” that drain energy from your aura. It loses brightness as it is tapped by these cords.
- Attachments: Dark spirits and parasitic entities seek out compromised auras they can attach to, creating additional energy drain and disturbances.
- Substance Overuse: Excessive use of alcohol, recreational drugs, or pharmaceuticals can numb and thin the aura’s boundary, making it porous to negative energy.
- Ignoring Inner Truth: Ignoring messages from your intuition and inner truth for too long can cause the aura to lose integrity and dim.
5 Symptoms of a Damaged Aura
1. Fading
A fading aura looks like your inner light is dimming, making you feel dull, cloudy, or far away from yourself. Physically, a fading aura show through lackluster skin and eyes, monotone voice quality, low motivation, and difficulty concentrating. A healthy aura glows vibrantly to match conscious presence and positivity within.
Activities, hobbies and interactions once enjoyed may start losing their color and meaning, with the world looking “grey” to match the aura’s energy drain. This fading tends to happen incrementally, going unnoticed until there are moments when the aura is transparent or paper thin.
If you notice your aura dimming and that inner luster fading, take action before it progresses further. Carve out daily time for aura-focused meditation and visualize your energy field glowing vibrantly again. Increase contact with nature’s rejuvenating life force by walking barefoot outside or sitting near trees.
2. Static Disturbance
Feeling internally and externally frazzled can be a sign of an unhealed aura. Static disturbance involves symptoms like emotional volatility, hypersensitivity to stimuli, and inability to unwind or stabilize your mood.
Those struggling with pronounced static disturbance tend to misread cues or overlay their own broken interpretations onto reality. Prolonged, their worldview grows increasingly darkened by feelings of paranoia, oxidative damage, and hopelessness about correcting course.
If you are experiencing static disturbance in your aura, make time for grounding practices outdoors, allowing nature’s frequencies to stabilize your electromagnetism. Adjust expectations of yourself that may be distorting perspectives unfairly, and set healthy communicative boundaries so you don’t feel bombarded.
3. Contracting
When the aura suffers damage it starts contracting, where the energy field pulls in tightly rather than flowing openly. This manifests physically through tensed shoulders, shortness of breath, clenched jaws and affected digestion. Contracting also creates an intense self-critical inner voice fueled by underlying scarcity mindsets.
Those struggling with a contracted aura tend to get stuck in fight-or-flight mode switched perpetually “on”, and feeling hemmed in and condemned. They describe a panicked sensation similar to drowning or being buried alive with no escape. A contracting aura may show shadows around the solar plexus, or a straining inward drag on edges.
If you notice your aura contracting, pulling tight and small around you, exercises like relaxed breathwork, therapeutic massage, and craniosacral therapy can help you unwind. Start thinking positive thoughts to counteract overly critical self-condemnation and low self-esteem. Introduce gentle stretches or yoga poses to loosen mental rigidity too.
4. Disconnection
Disconnection is a sense of losing harmony between the spiritual and physical plane. Feelings of abandonment, loneliness, and despair frequently occur, along with isolating behaviors for self-protection. Mental fog descends as the emotions dull, creating disconnect between mind and heart.
You may rely heavily on constant distraction and addiction to bypass this distressing void. Without the essential tether between above and below, you float aimlessly. Unaddressed over months or years, a severe disconnected aura can lead to despondency, depression, and empathic overload.
If you are experiencing a clouded sense of disconnection between worlds, regular energy cleansing can help clarify and fortify your aura’s bridging capacity. Schedule sessions with aura and energy healers to repair points of fracture.
5. Energy Repellence
Energy repellence is when the energy field rejects rather than attracts connections. You may start rejecting social invitations and avoiding public spaces or crowds due to feeling easily drained or overwhelmed. Even during minor interactions you may feel irritable, causing others to complain you seem checked-out, impatient, or not fully present.
When your aura is compromised, it leaks chaotic energy rather than containing it. This chaotic energy then repels other people’s fields subconsciously. Unchecked long-term, this self-isolation can transform into social anxiety, misanthropy, and lost opportunities.
You can counteract this repellent effect by choosing one social activity per week to follow through on rather than automatically saying no from fatigue. Ask friends and family for additional check-ins so you don’t disconnect.
Ways To Heal a Damaged Aura
Healing a compromised aura requires an active, ongoing self-care approach. While professional interventions can help begin repairing considerable damage, daily and weekly habits sustain these aura gains long-term. A three-tiered strategy works best:
- Daily grounding activities like meditating outdoors or walking barefoot on soil to enhance aura integrity.
- Weekly rituals like taking aura-purifying baths, visualization techniques, chanting protective mantras, and space clearings.
- Monthly aura readings and energy healing sessions with reputable psychics to diagnose issues.
Additionally adopt lifestyle adjustments that support a healthy aura. Try a high vibration diet, regular direct contact with nature, relaxing pastimes like gardening, removing clutter or anything depleting from regular life.
3 Best Sites to Cleanse a Damaged Aura
1. Keen – Best Overall for Aura Healing and Cleansing
- 300+ aura cleansers/healers to choose from
- Schedule readings in advance
- Connect via chat or call
- Join the Keen rewards program
- $1 for 5 minutes
Keen has a dedicated aura cleansing category with over 300 healers to choose from. Most of them have a 4.5 star or above rating. I requested an aura cleanse from a healer after reading several glowing testimonials about her aura repair work. The session itself was deeply rejuvenating and sealed my aura’s vulnerabilities shut and reinforced its glowing boundary.
I enjoy the ability to schedule sessions in advance on Keen. Often, when I can feel my energy has been zapped, I love to reach out to my favorite healer so that she can perform some long distance Reiki and aura cleansing on me. But sometimes she is not online or too busy. Luckily, I can schedule a time with her for later in the day.
I would appreciate the ability to have video sessions with my aura healer, as I prefer to connect with my psychic face to face. But the transparent reviews on each profile helps me gauge what each psychic is like, so I can get a better idea of whether I will have a positive experience or not via remote healing.
2. Kasamba – Enjoy Aura Healing/Cleansing Sessions via Its Mobile App
- 40+ aura cleansers/healers available
- Mobile app with daily horoscopes
- Connect via chat
- Satisfaction guarantee
- 3 free minutes with 3 new healers
When joining Kasamba, I was struck by the expansive review history behind top aura healers, spanning into the thousands or tens of thousands of feedback testimonials per psychic. The consistently high star ratings across such an enormous volume of reviews assures me these are exceptionally gifted, seasoned practitioners adept at aura repair work.
Kasamba’s mobile app provides daily horoscope insights I appreciate as guidance to protect my aura’s energy. My customized horoscopes reveal potential influences, auspicious timing, self-care tips, and warnings tied to my zodiac sign’s forecast. Checking these quick aura care recommendations helps me be proactive about shielding or healing my aura as situations shift.
Kasamba lacks a 24/7 call line or live chat for customer issues. Support tickets must be submitted instead. However, its satisfaction guarantee allowing up to $50 refunds after an unsatisfying first session reassures me it prioritizes the client experience. Knowing I have recourse puts me at ease to try new psychics from its ample talented reader roster.
What is an expanded and contracted aura?
An expanded aura flows openly outward from the body, appearing smoothly vibrant with light. This reflects an inner state of receptivity, presence, and harmonic alignment between the physical self and spiritual essence. In contrast, a contracted aura pulls tightly inward, clinging close to the body in a shrunken, hardened state.
Contraction results from trauma which triggers an aura’s defense mechanism to withdraw energy as protection. This cuts you off from universal flow. Contraction manifests physically via tense muscles, anxiety, churning digestion, and scarcity mindsets. Restoring an aura’s flexibility through therapeutic expansive modalities balances its inhale and exhale motion.
What are dark spots or holes in your aura?
Dark spots or holes in an aura reflect areas of energetic vulnerability subject to outside negative attachments and harmful energy forces. Energy healers scan these damaged regions as dense energy concentrations, shadowy patches, or gaping tears emitting leakage.
Such compromised areas arose from unresolved trauma, unhealed illnesses, or chronic imbalance. Aura holes are like breaches in an eggshell’s protective coating or a building’s crumbling infrastructure. These aura holes create access points that require sealing by gifted energy and aura healers.
What is an aura?
An aura is the invisible energetic field surrounding living things that certain individuals can train themselves to visually perceive. This field emits light in various colors that shift to reflect a being’s mental, emotional, and spiritual states. Exposure to different experiences can damage the aura.
Many faith traditions and mystical practices reference the aura as a series of layers mirroring aspects of one’s whole self. The aura’s frequencies extend outward from the skin several feet based on the strength of one’s energy. A vibrant, glowing aura indicates health, stamina, and conscious awareness while a dim aura signals the opposite.
How to cleanse your aura?
There are many methods you can try to cleanse and heal your aura. Suggested methods to cleanse your aura include meditative breathing while envisioning light filling in any cracks or darkened spots. You can try repeating positive mantras and intentions, practicing yoga poses and qigong movements that activate energy flow.
Bathing in Epsom salts infused with essential oils is a great method, and burning protective incense like sage to clear stagnant energy. Envision negative energy escaping as exhaled breath while positive energy is inhaled. You can also receive reiki or aura-specific healing and cleansing sessions from reputable practitioners.
What can damage your aura?
Many factors can cause damage to your aura. This includes consistent negative thinking, unprocessed traumatic experiences, and even physical injuries.
Chronic stress and poor lifestyle habits like lack of sleep or drug overuse destabilize the aura. Toxic relationships drain essential life force, and dark energies and attachments such as thought-forms or entities can penetrate a weakened aura and leech more energy.
What happens when your aura is weak?
When your aura is damaged there are many telltale symptoms. You may experience symptoms like chronic fatigue, emotional volatility, mental confusion, and poor concentration.
A weak aura can result in hypersensitivity to environments and social interactions and feeling overwhelmed by too much stimuli. You could experience sudden bad luck streaks as the aura fails to deflect lower vibes.
Bottom Line
A damaged aura can negatively impact enjoyment of life, from clouded thinking and strained relationships to perpetual exhaustion and bad luck streaks. Spotting the symptoms early provides ample opportunity to intervene before long term damage sets in. And with the right healing methods, your aura can be cleansed.
An experienced aura reader can diagnose where your greatest vulnerabilities lie. For convenient and affordable distance aura healings starting at $1 for 5 minutes, try Keen. With an entire category dedicated specifically to aura cleansing services, Keen provides reputable talent ready to revive your aura’s vibrancy.