In a captivating interview with MysticMag, Coventina Waterhawk shares the serendipitous origins of her unique healing approach, blending intuitive card readings with Reiki, an innovation sparked at a San Francisco health fair in 2010.
This hybrid method, affectionately termed “R&R” (Reading and Reiki), was conceived to provide a holistic healing experience, starting with card readings for employees at Fort Mason and extending Reiki services on Alcatraz Island due to overwhelming interest. Coventina delves into her practice of connecting clients with departed loved ones through mediumship readings conducted on Zoom, leveraging guided meditations and automatic writing to facilitate these profound encounters.
Her narrative is adorned with remarkable success stories, such as the “Reiki Twins,” and insights into how she navigates skepticism and tailors her services to accommodate a myriad of spiritual beliefs, all while emphasizing her commitment to healing and spiritual exploration in her dialogue with MysticMag.
What inspired you to combine intuitive card readings with Reiki in your practice?
“R&R” (Reading and Reiki together) inadvertently started at a health fair in San Francisco, CA. in 2010. I was hired to conduct card readings for the employees at Fort Mason the first day, then Reiki for the employees on Alcatraz Island the next.
When the Alcatraz employees heard from the Fort Mason employees how much they enjoyed their readings, they wanted a reading as well. So I gave each employee a five-minute card reading, then five minutes of Reiki.
How do you facilitate connections with deceased loved ones for your clients?
I always conduct mediumship readings on Zoom in order to record the session for my clients to keep. I start with a quick guided meditation to create a safe and sacred space, invite specific Archangels for guidance, and ask the client to let go of any expectations they might have of wanting to connect with certain loved ones because they might not step forward to connect.
I also let them know that sometimes a loved one will step forward only to say hello and acknowledge their relationship without a specific message. I then start a process of automatic writing. The first impression that comes to me is a number, and it’s usually connected to a certain loved one. The session ends when I’m no longer feeling anyone else stepping forward, and close with another quick meditation thanking the loved ones and Archangels.
Can you share a standout success story from your work?
There are so many success stories, however, shortly after my Reiki certifications, a dear friend of mine shared with me her heartache of multiple miscarriages and failed fertility treatments. I suggested a Reiki treatment to me and my Reiki teacher together. Halfway through the session, my teacher and I both had a vision of twin boys, only the messages of the visions were different. We decided to tell my friend what we saw.
I felt three embryos but only two births. Long story short, she ended up pregnant a month and a half later. And a few miracles regarding twins: twins are usually born early, via c-section, and have low birth weight. Her twin boys were born a day after their due date, she had them naturally and if she gave birth to one baby, it would have weighed over fifteen pounds. She also delivered the stillborn I saw. They were known in the community as the “Reiki Twins”
How do you address skepticism from new clients about your services?
With potential clients who are skeptical, I share my own skepticism that I’ve had throughout my career and experiences that I’ve had (like my very first Reiki client had her deceased paternal grandfather step forward to relay a message). I was stunned because I didn’t know I had that gift until that moment. I also invite them to visit the testimonials page on my website.
How do you tailor your services to clients with diverse spiritual beliefs?
We all have a soul within, like the center of a wheel. All spokes around the wheel represent the different beliefs and paths that lead us to our center. Whatever spoke they resonate with the most is their path. I then adapt to their beliefs and use the words they relate to, like God, Goddess, Great Spirit, the Divine, angels, or others. Clients feel more at ease when I speak their language.
What is your approach to providing grief counseling through spiritual practices?
I share my own grief journey, and the coping skills I learned along the way, and try to keep the word spiritual as simple to understand as possible, especially since it has nothing to do with religion. It can be as simple as going for a walk or writing in a journal. Reiki, crystals, and sound healing also help the grieving process. I always emphasize that spiritual methods to cope are complimentary to traditional therapy, and not replacements.
Find out more at: www.coventinawaterhawk.com