MysticMag chats with Carol Prokop who has been on a spiritual healing path for several years, starting with a Mediumship class within a Spiritualist community. After retiring from teaching Special Education, she embarked on the Reiki healing path. In 2019, Carol studied and received Reiki Level I, practicing on herself, friends, and family and realizing this healing modality was her calling. In 2021, she advanced to Reiki Level II, enabling her to give long-distance Reiki therapy sessions. Attending Reiki shares and meetups during this time honed her skills and intuition as a healer. Carol attained her Reiki Master Level III in 2022, followed by the Reiki Master Teacher Level IV attunement in 2023. With a background in teaching, Carol is passionate about sharing her knowledge and skills in Reiki and spiritual growth with others.
What drew you to Reiki as a healing modality, and how has your background in Special Education influenced your approach to Reiki?
Wow! Great question! I actually was inexplicably drawn to Reiki Healing once I was planning my retirement. I just had a knowing that I wanted to learn this modality. I hadn’t even had a Reiki session when I began my Level One Reiki class. Because it was a one on one setting, she gave me a Reiki healing so I would know what it felt like to receive Reiki. It was wonderful and very enlightening.
Being a Special Educator is similar to being a Healer. You provide healing for the student as well as the family. Healing for the student comes when they improve dramatically in their academic skills because of the special techniques used and also in being in a safe setting with other students who are intelligent but have learning difficulties too. It becomes somewhat of a support group for them. The healing for the family comes with specific suggestions on how to help their child at home and seeing their child improve and be successful.
This educational background has influenced my Reiki sessions because I always provide feedback at the end of the Reiki session as to how each person’s front and back chakras were functioning at the beginning of the session (open, blocked or overactive) and what each of these mean regarding their emotions. Their chakras are usually open after a session with me. I provide specifics in writing as to how they can keep these chakras open and clear going forward.
Can you explain the concept of distance healing in Reiki and how it works energetically to facilitate healing?
Distance Reiki is one of the beautiful methods of sharing Reiki with others. It works the same way as in person Reiki but requires certain symbols that I invoke. When I am providing distance Reiki, the person whom I am working on must be laying down to receive at the same time I am doing the Reiki session. There is usually an intention for the Reiki session that we both agree upon. Although I am facilitating this healing, the person who is receiving must collaborate with me by being open and in a receiving mode. Sometimes I use a picture of the person and sometimes I write the person’s name on a paper that I send Reiki to. I also sometimes visualize the person laying on my Reiki table and move around the table as if they are with me. All of this can work because of our intentions. Intention is everything!
Rei means spiritual consciousness and Ki means life force energy. Reiki is spiritually guided life force energy. The Rei (divine consciousness) guides the ki (life force energy). We all have an energetic frequency. Reiki aims to raise one’s frequency to enable the energy to flow throughout your body freely. This promotes ultimate health, both emotionally and physically. We are all part of the same universe and therefore while there is an illusion of separation between us, we are connected by the Reiki energy that can flow through me (the conduit) to its recipient. Sounds weird, I know, but it works!
How do you tailor your Reiki sessions to meet the individual needs of your clients, both in-person and during distance sessions?
I can tailor my Reiki sessions to meet one’s individual needs by discussing the client’s reason for wanting to receive Reiki and what they hope to get out of it. Together, we put that intention into the universe prior to the session. During the session, I am intuitively guided as to where in the body one needs special attention. In addition, there are special techniques like Chakra Cord Clearing and Psychic Surgery that can be utilized depending upon the client’s specific needs. In addition, I sometimes receive messages from their loved ones or their guides that are usually very specific to that person. I share these messages at the end of the session.
Distance Reiki can work the same way by using my intuition and listening for messages I may receive for the recipient.
After each session, I share with them the information I learned about their chakras and I invite them to pick an oracle card from any of my oracle decks for additional messages from their guides. These cards usually are very accurate for whatever is happening with the client.
In addition, sometimes I am called to write a letter to the client prior to their session which is guided by Spirit. These are received well and enable a client to feel at ease and recognized by Spirit which is always a positive experience.
How has your intuition as a healer developed and improved over time, and how does it guide you during Reiki treatments?
My intuition has greatly improved since I started my Reiki training. At each level, my intuition improved greatly but once I started practicing as a Reiki Master, it reached a much higher level. It guides me during a Reiki treatment as to where in the body needs extra attention. Sometimes they show me with the color of a Chakra in my mind’s eye that needs work. Sometimes, they make a part of my body hurt for just a moment to know what’s happening with the person on my table. In other cases, I am given a message for the person. My intuition is really at work during all my Reiki sessions.
I also attend a Spirit Development class where I can work on my intuition. My teachers and fellow classmates noted a huge difference in my abilities once I became a Reiki Master. It’s very exciting and rewarding!
What advice do you have for individuals interested in becoming Reiki Practitioners and how do your training classes support their continuous development?
My advice would be to find someone who can teach you in person versus online. It would be okay to learn the information on Zoom but I would suggest that you get attuned in person. I don’t try to do attunements at a distance. An attunement is the initiation part of becoming a Reiki practitioner. In addition, I would suggest they choose someone who will give support even after they have gone through all the levels of Reiki. I offer a lifetime of support to my students. It’s especially helpful if the Reiki teacher can hold periodic Reiki shares with students at differing levels. This allows the students to practice on each other and learn from each other. I still do periodic Reiki trades with my Reiki peers. We love getting together and sharing ideas and Reiki with each other. Practicing Reiki on yourself daily and sharing Reiki with others, regularly, is crucial to developing your skills as a practitioner. I highly recommend becoming a Reiki practitioner because it is not only fulfilling but provides healing for yourself as well as those you serve.
If you would like to find out more about Carol Prokop, please visit https://www.radiantreikiwithcarol.com/