Have you ever wondered if there’s a way to unlock your true potential and overcome challenges on a deeper level? In this interview, Mystic Mag talks with Brian Green, a seasoned Holistic Hypnotherapist, who sheds light on his unique approach that blends hypnotherapy with other therapeutic modalities.
When did you first know that being a Hypnotherapist was your calling and how did it come about?
I was starting working as a staff hypnotherapist at the Hypnosis Institute. Walking along the street I was mentally debating whether or not to fully commit to this as my future path. Suddenly, a loud “voice” midair, several feet above me to the right of my head, boomed out the command, “This is your career, take it!” Was this a projection of my own Consciousness, my Higher Self, God, Life, The Universe, The Creator, The Powers That Be, It? I will never know. I just meekly said, “OK” in submission. In my eighty two years of life, I have only ever been spoken to by a disembodied “voice” twice, in case you are wondering about my sanity!
What services do you offer?
Hypnotherapy, combined with Substance Abuse/Lifestyle disorder treatment as a Certified Counselor if appropriate.
Could you tell us more about Holistic Hypnosis? How different is it from conventional Hypnosis?
Average hypnotherapy deals primarily with symptom removal and functional issues via direct suggestion. I include this but cover a much broader and deeper field. I do what is termed “Change work.” I use covert (hidden) and indirect, NLP and Ericksonian methods. I work with inner historical emotional process work in addition, somewhat parallel with Deep or Dynamic Psychotherapy. Past inner child work, trauma resolution, both physical and mental/emotional. Inner conflict resolution. Resolution of what could be more superficially be classed as medical/ physical issues. Child and Teen developmental issues, also inside presenting adults. Couples and Family, (and inner past family) issues.
Other here and now external issues, including cognitive therapy. Marriage and divorce issues. Future issues, such as deadlines, coming exams or situations. Existential or “Spiritual” issues. I thus work comprehensively with the interrelationship of the person’s inner and outer past, present and future, as a complete entity or psycho-physical energy nexus starting from where they are at the moment, the relationship to their current setting.
Holistic meaning the whole being. With addictions, including process addictions such as Sex, Gambling, and Digital, as well as the more well-known Alcohol, Drugs and Food, I work with those who are as yet not aware they this is their presenting problem, right through to those who are decades into recovery, plus any fused or accompanying issues. I am a Dual Diagnosis Counselor.
What exactly is Self-Hypnosis, and can a person really hypnotize themself?
All hypnosis is self-hypnosis, I am not inside a person’s head, they are. I can only amplify, encourage, facilitate and manipulate, (for their benefit) their own ability to induce altered states of mind and being within themselves, by overt or covert (hidden) hypnotic procedures. Just as advertisers and politicians accomplish on a regular basis, though not always for the recipients benefit! I go into this perspective in detail in my hypnosis manual, “Mind-bending For Mind-mending, Wizard Ways With Words.” I term the more formal practice of solo Self-hypnosis a “kissing cousin” to guided meditation, and no-one denies the validity of the latter. They are self-induced altered states, (hypnoses, plural) that can be utilized for a variety of positive goals.
What can a person expect from your sessions?
My slogan is, “Feel better, do better. Do better, feel better.” I try to accomplish this goal as rapidly and with the least cost as is practical, given the human limits and/or resistance to change.
My sessions are three hours, and I work very intensively. At times one session, if I can get a “Hole in one,” as in golf. More usually a handful. Complex, deeper issues longer term.
What do you love most about your profession?
Seeing the alleviation of suffering and the rapidly improving life process of my clients. I love working with teenagers – their minds are so open and flexible, a few sessions and they are transformed, and I know major benefits will be accruing for the rest of their lives. I also love knowing I am one of the few that can accomplish what I can accomplish for my client’s wellbeing, especially the more problematic ones.