When did you first know that being a Wellness Coach was your calling and how did it come about?
I decided to become a wellness Coach as I was looking to implement my experiences as an athlete, an Occupational Therapist, as well as my knowledge of alternative healing strategies to help people to gain success. I earned a certification through Well Coaches school of coaching just before COVID started. It was perfect timing as many people wanted to take advantage of the virtual visits from the safety and convenience of their home. It was a time people were self evaluating and taking time to dream. I saw a lot of people grow, heal, and succeed.
What services do you offer?
As a Coach I assist people who dream of making a change but they are not. I help to empower people to overcome obstacles such as chronic conditions/impairments, weight loss, eating disorders, as well as championing athletes desiring to win. Coaching entails visioning, mindfulness, and goal setting to support people on their own personal journey to health. I am able to incorporate alternative healing strategies to aid in gaining progress.
What alternative healing strategies do you use?
Some of the alternative healing strategies I use are supplements, magnets, various other modalities, specific exercises, and thought patterning.
How would you describe Occupational Therapy?
Occupational therapists help people to strengthen, coordinate, and adapt to gain the highest level of independence for performance of activities required in daily life. Occupational therapists rehabilitate those recuperating from impairments resulting from physical injury, disabilities, surgery, or cognitive delay.
What is the most important detail in maintaining a relationship of mutual trust with customers?
I maintain mutual respect with my clients . I listen carefully and am committed to being nonjudgmental. I focus on clients strengths to create positive conversation and make substantial lasting changes.
What do you love most about your profession?
I love that I can be part of the process of people’s successes and love to watch people go from wanting to accomplish a goal to celebrating success. People are much more likely to live their dreams when partnering with a coach as coaches help break down something that seems so overwhelming to empower the client to take baby steps until they get to the top.
To learn more about Beth and her work, visit https://absolutelythebeth.com