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Embark on a Journey of Self-Discovery: A Guide to Hypnotherapy and Spiritual Regression

Embark on a Journey of Self-Discovery: A Guide to Hypnotherapy and Spiritual Regression

Are you seeking profound personal growth and spiritual enlightenment? In this blog post, Mystic Mag will explore the transformative power of hypnotherapy and spiritual regression, guided by the expertise of a seasoned practitioner.

When did you first know that being a Hypnotherapist was your calling and how did it come about?

Sometime in 2006 I read a book of Michael Newton Journey of Souls. It felt like – « I know all this » and at the same time « How can I get to this ? » it was really exciting. So I became an hypnotherapist on my way to getting to know my own soul and spiritual existence. But a long time before that, when I was about 10 years old, my dad listened to a BBC broadcast session about the power of hypnosis. It was a recording of a hypnotherapy session where a patient regressed to the memory of WW1. In this past life he was a soldier who got shot in the knee and was dying. I was listening and my dad was translating for me (I am of Czech origin).

The power of the recollection was so real it made my hair stand on end. It made a big impression on me. When I was a teen I read whatever was available, Bretislav Kafka’s New Foundation of Experimental Psychology was my first book about hypnosis and hypnotherapy. Then Reymond Moody. The power of hypnosis seemed like magic. I wanted to know more. Maybe I just like any kid, I wanted to have magic powers. I loved everything regarding ghosts, UFOs and the paranormal. My journey to hypnotherapy then took me via card reading as a self help journey, along with reiki that wakes up the capacity of (self) healing. Although brought up as catholic I wasn’t satisfied with the concept of heaven and hell and many other things.

More in my life started to make sense when I read the Tibetian Book of Living and Dying. Discovering and healing through past lives was then the next big move. I trained in 2008 as a regression therapist, clinical hypnotherapist and Between Lives therapist in the UK with Andy Tomlinson’s school, the Regression Academy. I had a chance to discover and re-live many of my past lives, found out that magic powers are what everyone has. I experienced my eternal soul, met souls of my loved ones, saw our relations and missions on Earth and on the spirit level. During all that l was learning the tools to accompany others on their discovery & healing journey. It was probably the most exciting and life changing part of my life.

What services do you offer ?

Holistic Regression Therapy,

Spiritual Regression Between Lives, both only in person.

Bernadette Retreat – that is basically a package of both approaches plus trips to energetically interesting places, such as parts of the Camino de Santiago, Lourdes and cromlechs and springs in the Pyrenees and on the Atlantic coast. So you come here and I look after you, we do therapy and trips together, you relax, we talk. Nature here in the Basque Country is very strong and powerful, mystic and grounding. It enhances the healing process. This immersion makes a big difference in people’s lives. Some even return for more, as their life advances.

Of course reiki is always with me, I work in person or at distance, whatever is needed.

I do card reading, psychic reading and spiritual healing.

Furthermore, I do free talks/podcasts on various topics with my astrologer colleague on my YouTube channel, only in Czech for the moment.

Also we offer a discovery course called Andromeda. We go to places (similar to the retreat programme), we discover past lives and talk about soul missions, we learn about chart readings, planet influences etc. and we observe the real night sky and celestial bodies.

I started my Getting Better School in 2013 in the Czech Republic teaching Holistic Regression Therapy and Spiritual Regression Between Lives. Now I have handed it over in the Czech Republic to my talented graduate and I do the tuition online.

My Getting Better School is recognized by EARTh Association for Regression Therapy and offers high standards in regression therapy teaching. I teach here in the Basque Country in South West France, in French and English, and in person. I feel that real human communication and sharing real space together for learning in this special place on our planet is essential.

I teach all I know in 4 different courses :

Holistic Regression Therapy,

Spiritual Regression Between Lives,

Channeling – Multiverse Communication

Reiki – it is the only course available online.

Could you tell us more about Spiritual Regression Between Lives ?

Picture yourself in a very relaxed state, like the one just before you fall asleep. You hear my voice and your conscious mind starts to slip out of your body. You are very much aware of what is happening for you in this dreamy state and you talk to me about it. The more you concentrate the clearer it becomes and the easier it is to talk about. I ask you questions, just following your line of perceptions and images on this frontier of consciousness travelling. You go to a past life, and follow it to the end. You experience your death in that past life. You see that death is just leaving your body behind and you continue beyond. You experience yourself as your soul. In this state and at your own pace and free will, you can « see » your life here and now in and other past lives you have lived.

You see other people – usually your loved ones but also your enemies or bullies – as souls. You begin to understand the bigger picture of your current life, why certain things had to happen to you and you understand the meaning of it all for your soul and other souls involved. You can see how your soul learns, experiences, advances – or not, gathers information, helps other souls, vibrates love. You are aware of what you do here as a person and what you do as soul.

You experience who you really are. You can see why you were born to those parents, the reasons for challenges and hardship in your life. You understand why you have the body you have and also can see how to look after it better. You can ask questions out there, you can meet your disembodied helpers, spirits or spirit guides, or just beings with enormous love for you. Sometimes you can touch the real unconditional love, and it will stay with you. The answers come from your soul or from other light beings that accompany you on your journeys. And you see how they are a part of you and you experience wholeness.

These sessions can take up to 6 hours and it is important that you have some previous experience with hypnosis and past lives.
I think everyone can do it, unless some medications or use of drugs prevent it. In my experience as a facilitator I see that everybody’s perceptions vary but the journey is essentially the same. I do not use any leading questions and let people discover exactly only what is relevant for them. People get their soul understanding from the standpoint in their current life.

The outcome of sessions like this are a better understanding of your life and the people in it. Fear of death disappears. You know you have a purpose and you see how you are going about it in respect of your past lives and your life now. You feel better and you love. This soul overview perspective will never leave you.
It this respect it is like NDE, only you don’t have to be near death to experience it. You just lie down and relax… following the sound of my voice…

What exactly is Regression and Past Life Regression Therapy?

Regression is to go back. Here, for the therapy, we go to the beginning of an issue, following to where the symptoms that bother you today, developed. To where for the first time this issue occurred. There are many ways to do regression therapy and access the information. Hypnosis is one, body memory another etc., but basically you have to go to an altered state of consciousness to be able to access the memory. You can visit a past life to know why things are happening, or has happend in your life.

Mostly people come to resolve an issue that very often has no explanation for them in this life. You access a memory of a past life or past lives and you are able to find solutions to your problem. Your body holds memory in your genes, your soul knows how to fix it. Epigentics and ancestry, fight, flight or freeze responses, it is your map of trauma. We tap into it, and to heal it you can do all that you could not do back in those past lives, and in your childhood.

Traumas from the past lives repeat in the current life and certain situations can trigger them. For example, fear of water, fear of heights, panic attacks, repeating problems in relationships, incapacity to say or do something, etc., these are all symptoms of your spirit energy being stuck in some other place and time. In the terms of energy and how I see things, we literally left pieces of ourselves elsewhere, we entangled with others and so made a mess for ourselves and those involved.

In regression therapy you go back there and you retrieve what you were missing and give back what it not yours. You understand, and with the touch of unconditional love, the soul you are, there is forgivness. It’s freeing.

What can a person expect from your sessions ?

Your body, as a vehicle for your soul, and here in regression therapy it is very much involved in this healing process. In therapy you do what you could not do back then. After the sessions relationships often improve, your relationship to yourself improves too, there can even be a physical relief. Limiting mental patterns disolve, stuck emotions are released. Part of regression therapy is clearing energies that don’t belong to you, so called earthbounds or agregors or lost souls etc. You feel lighter and love your life.

I compare regression therapy to a surgery. The problem is an old unhealed and infected sore wound. You open it with the most care and you do it yourslef at your own pace with all the anesthetics you want. This is only for you and I am there with you to assist you through it. With lots of care you open the wound, you clean it, take out what doesn’t belong there and find and put back in what you lost back then. And watch and feel it heal. It’s beautiful.

As a measurable success amongst my students there are over 10 babies (now some already teens) healing past and current life miscarriages or the impossiblity to become pregnant. Many more clients changed their jobs and started do what they wanted, with success. Some others moved house, some others won their court cases, divorced in peace or met their ideal partner. I could tick boxes on many more wonderful outcomes of regression therapy.

I recommend to approach not only regression therapy but any therapy with the same awareness and precaution as you would with a medical doctor’s check-up or surgery. Choose only qualified professional therapists, meet them in advance or talk, feel if and how you connect with them. The therapist of your sister might not be the right one for you.
There is one thing I need to add to all this : As long as we are here on this plane, there is always something for us to do. Nothing can be skipped in our karmic learning, regression therapy is not a shortcut to have everything resolved. Unless may be you are 95+ years old and you are headed to do a round the world trip right after you have made peace with this one issue. Then yes, I believe it was your last incarnation on this planet. But of course you want to come back here to help out.

What do you love most about your profession?

I love witnessing the change in people. Witnessing their inner dimmed light become bright like a star. I love seeing their power and capacity to love, to create. There are lots of tears and laughter during these sessions, I love them sharing. And, of course, I am grateful that people take me on their journey to the unknown history, to their unique perceptions of the spiritual world, and show me concepts and existence beyond this planet.


We rank vendors based on rigorous testing and research, but also take into account your feedback and our commercial agreements with providers. This page contains affiliate links. Advertising Disclosure
MysticMag contains reviews that were written by our experts and follow the strict reviewing standards, including ethical standards, that we have adopted. Such standards require that each review will take into consideration independent, honest and professional examination of the reviewer. That being said, we may earn a commission when a user completes an action using our links, at no additional cost to them. On listicle pages, we rank vendors based on a system that prioritizes the reviewer’s examination of each service but also considers feedback received from our readers and our commercial agreements with providers.This site may not review all available service providers, and information is believed to be accurate as of the date of each article.
About the author
Petar Vojinovic is a content editor for Mystic Mag, where he curates and oversees content related to mysticism, psychics, and spiritual practices. In his role, Petar oversees content creation, ensuring that each article, interview, and feature provides valuable insights into the mystical world. He collaborates with experts in the field to present a wide range of topics, from tarot readings to holistic healing methods, maintaining the site's reputation for authenticity and depth. Petar's interest in spirituality and mysticism has been a lifelong passion. He has a background in cultural studies, which gave him a unique perspective on ancient spiritual practices and their relevance in modern times. Before joining Mystic Mag, Petar wrote for various publications, focusing on alternative medicine and the metaphysical. Outside of work, Petar enjoys practicing meditation and studying astrology. His fascination with the occult continues to fuel his dedication to exploring the unknown.