This week, Mystic Mag had the opportunity to interview Psychic Visionary Anthony Teresi, who kindly agreed to share some information about his beginnings, popular types of readings, as he loves most about his profession.
What inspired you to start your psychic reading business?
I am a fourth-generation psychic. This means I was born into a family, where my abilities were nurtured from a very young age. Psychic occurrences and experiences happened often in my childhood and through my teen years. Music was my first love, and is what I pursued in my initial career. I played professionally for many years until I had a remarkable experience. My brother, who had been killed in an airplane crash, came to me in a vision. It was the most extraordinary experience I ever had. The full account of experiences in my book, currently out on Amazon, entitled Rippling Waves: A Spiritual Journey Through the Heart of The Universe. It was from that point forward that I began, considering shifting gears, and ultimately went on to become a full-time psychic.
What services do you offer?
I offer clairvoyant and visionary insights and interpretations, ranging from the full spectrum of claircognizant and answers to questions of a psychic nature. I am also a master of the techniques of astrology and oracle interpretation. (Tarot) Utilizing all of these techniques and my natural abilities I’m able to help my clients in many ways that other individuals are not able to.
What is the most popular type of reading that customers are looking for? What are the most common concerns that interest them?
Well, of course, love always tops the list. But in the course of a lifetime, there are many circumstances when it comes to choices, decisions, and what path to take to a person, ultimate happiness, or success. So, career, family, direction in life, money, and just overall insight primarily into choices and decisions. I never tell my clients what to do. I tell them what happens if they go down path A and what happens if they go down on path B. The choice is always theirs.
Are some types of psychic readings more demanding or difficult than others?
Yes, the two most demanding and difficult readings deal with emotional loss. Whether that loss is the loss of a loved one who has passed over or the loss of a relationship especially if there has been treachery involved. These are by far the most difficult. Telling someone that their mate has cheated on them, for example, I think is the most difficult thing to say. But I always tell the truth as I see it.
Some of the psychic sessions are still performed in person. What about you? How has your work been affected by the pandemic?
Yes, my practice was deeply affected by Covid when it came to in person readings. Fortunately, I have a national and international client base as well so that carried me through. Slowly, but surely, my in-person readings in my office have begun to return to some sort of sense of normalcy. Many clients feel they get more out of a reading if it’s in person. For me it’s the same thing either way. I’m connecting on a level that transcends limitations.
What can a person expect from a reading?
The truth. Always. I take a deep dive, as is necessary to get to the core of whatever issue we’re looking at. And while I don’t relay these in an aggressive or rude way, I certainly do find a way to communicate the truth of whatever the issue is. Sometimes, things look great, and I will say that. Sometimes the issue is clouded, and I will say that. And, of course, sometimes the issue is bleak, and I will say that – again, not in those words, but I will convey the truth of the issue.
What is the best part of your job?
The best part is the feeling of making a contribution into a person’s life. To be part of what is beneficial and helpful as far as moving them along to their ultimate happiness or success is always a joy. I know there were many times early in my life that I could’ve used my own advice. Lol! But now I feel that I’m able to help others in their experiences and that really works for me.