It’s only natural to be skeptical about psychics and whether or not their abilities are real, or just a scam. In fact, this skepticism is something I encourage you to have. Why? Because it’s true, there are a lot of scammers out there who don’t actually possess the abilities they claim to. Skepticism will prevent you from wasting your time and money with fraudsters, and steer you towards the real deal.
True psychics do exist (and I’m not just talking about Nostradamus). If you’re like me, then you appreciate some tangible evidence to make you a believer. This is why I decided to research a few events that psychics predicted and got right.
#1 Coronavirus in 2020 — Sylvia Browne
(Source: NY Times)
Sylvia Browne was an American psychic and best-selling author. In 2008 she published her book, End of Days, where she wrote the following prediction:
“In around 2020 a severe pneumonia-like illness will spread throughout the globe, attacking the lungs and bronchial tubes and resisting all known treatments. Almost more baffling than the illness itself will be the fact that it will suddenly vanish as quickly as it arrived, attack again ten years later, and then disappear completely.”
Now, we don’t know whether or not the coronavirus will suddenly disappear, or if it will strike again in 10 years, but the first part of her prediction came out to be eerily true. Sylvia didn’t live to see this prediction come to pass, as she died in 2013. But during her active years as a psychic reader, she frequently appeared on t.v. shows like Larry King Live and The Montel Williams Show
#2 Donald Trump’s Impeachment — Craig Hamilton-Parker
(Source: IMDB)
Back in 2019, international television psychic medium Craig Hamilton-Parker predicted that President Donald Trump would be impeached. Maybe you’re thinking, big deal. Not much of a prediction.
Except he also predicted that the impeachment effort wouldn’t be successful, and that it would actually “empower Trump” and that he would call the effort “a deep-state Coup d’etat”. And as we saw, that’s what happened. To date, the President has been acquitted by the U.S. Senate twice.
#3 Biden’s Election Victory — Pandrea Psychic Medium, David Zara, Echo Bodine
Before election day in 2020, many psychics were making predictions about what the outcome of the elections would be, with a huge number of them predicting Trump as the winner. But Pandrea Psychic Medium, David Zara, and Echo Bodine were not among them. Not only did they correctly predict that Biden would be the winner, but they also accurately predicted the circumstances and details around the event.
Pandrea psychic medium said, “I saw him in a vision with his hands up with red, white, and blue confetti falling all around him … I see president Trump and his party attempting to verify that this was a fair election, with special concentration on mail in ballots.” David Zara said, “I have seen a complicated and bitter hand off by Trump. He will not let go easily.”
If you’re ready to get your own psychic reading, Keen Psychics is highly recommended. Plus, you get the first 5 minutes for $1.
#4 9/11 Terrorist Attacks — Twins Terry and Linda Jamison
(Source: Psychic Twins)
In a 1999 interview, twins Terry and Linda Jamison made the following prediction, “We are seeing terrorist attacks on the Federal Government, excuse me, federal buildings … Particularly South Carolina or Georgia, by July 2002 and also the New York Trade Center, the World Trade Center in 2002.”
While the attacks actually happened in 2001, the twins claim that they are the only psychics to have predicted the event. According to their website, they have made over 3,000 accurate psychic predictions, including the Boston Marathon bombings, and the Orlando Florida terror attacks.
#5 John F. Kennedy’s Assassination — Jeane Dixon
(Source: Mirror)
In 1956, well known psychic Jeane Dixon made the prediction that the upcoming election in 1960 would be “dominated by labor and won by a Democrat” who would then go on to”be assassinated, or die, in office, though not necessarily in his first term”.
Jeane made a prediction that was eerily accurate and subsequently provided advice to three presidents, namely FDR, Nixon, and Reagan. Reportedly, she also predicted several other major events, including the Munich Massacre at the 1972 Olympic games and the Exxon Valdez oil spill in 1989.
#6 Stock Market Crash of 1929 – Edgar Cayce
(Source: Lethbridge News)
Edgar Cayce, an American psychic, earned the title of “The Sleeping Prophet” due to his prophetic visions. Reports claim that he accurately foretold the stock market’s downfall twice – first in 1925, and then once more six months prior to the incident that occurred in March 1929.
Edgar Cayce, renowned for his psychic abilities, is not only remembered for this particular prediction. He is also credited with foreseeing the events of World War II, anticipating an “unprecedented alliance” between Germany, Austria, and Japan. Throughout his lifetime, Cayce made over 14,000 predictions, many of which centered around diagnosing individuals. In a trance-like, meditative state, he accurately diagnosed people’s health issues and provided insights into potential cures. His biographer attested to the efficacy of his diagnoses and treatment suggestions, with numerous individuals across the United States vouching for their accuracy.
Are Psychics Always Right?
Even though there are countless authentic individuals with extraordinary psychic abilities capable of glimpsing the future, it’s vital to recognize that their predictions are not always precise. In the realm of divination, numerous challenges arise because the outcome of an event can be swayed by a multitude of factors present throughout the universe. Even a minor change to any of these factors holds the possibility to obstruct a prophecy from evolving as expected.
The main difference between an authentic psychic and a guesser lies in the consistency and accuracy of their predictions. Authentic psychics are typically more correct in their predictions and offer specific, personal insights. They utilize their intuitive abilities to gather information, in contrast to guessers who rely on randomness and probability.
3 Quick Ways to Spot a Real Psychic From a Fake
- Real psychics will make predictions using their gifts.
This can be connecting with angels, employing numerology, or energy reading. A key indicator of authentic psychic is their ability to offer insights that go beyond readily available, everyday knowledge. For instance, merely predicting rain on a cloudy day doesn’t constitute genuine foresight; authentic psychics, as featured in this compilation, rely on their unique gifts rather than relying on widely accessible information.
- Real psychics will give you specific details.
Psychic Sylvia Brown not only predicted the occurrence of a pandemic but also specified that it would emerge in 2020. She described it as an illness similar to pneumonia, impacting the lungs, and noted its resistance to conventional treatments. This level of detail is quite remarkable. If a psychic consultant merely informs you that you might experience a common cold at some juncture in the upcoming year, this cannot be deemed a true prediction. Thus, when you engage in a consultation with an advisor in the future, remember to prompt them to provide the utmost specificity regarding their insights and forecasts.
- Real psychics will warn you about the variables.
As mentioned earlier, the primary reason verified psychics’ predictions may not materialize is due to the changing variables surrounding the circumstances. If a genuine psychic possesses true abilities, they can perceive certain factors influencing your path and will inform you about them. So, if your reader provides a prediction that doesn’t come to fruition, don’t lose hope, as conditions fluctuate constantly. For instance, a reputable psychic will caution you that unless specific actions are taken before the season changes, their prediction may not manifest as foreseen.
To get the most accurate psychic reading from a true professional, start on reputable sites like Keen Psychics – they even have a 100% satisfaction guarantee and give you the first 5 minutes for $1.
Bottom Line
Predicting the future is far from an exact science. Even psychics whose abilities have been proven in the past can make wrong predictions. But the difference between the real psychics and the frauds is that when a prediction does come true, it isn’t because of dumb luck. Ready to find a psychic? Here are our top 10 most recommended psychic reading sites.