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BodyTalk and Transformative Healing with Jacquie McIntyre

BodyTalk and Transformative Healing with Jacquie McIntyre

Jacquie McIntyre, an accomplished Integrated Healthcare Specialist, has made significant strides in the field of holistic healing through her work with BodyTalk. In this candid interview with MysticMag, Jacquie discusses her initial encounter with BodyTalk that set her on this path, the distinctive advantages it offers for both people and animals, and the driving force behind the creation of My Incredible Orbit Academy. Jacquie’s practical insights and experiences shed light on the effectiveness of integrative medicine, offering a grounded perspective on the potential for holistic health and healing. Join us as we explore the real-world impact of BodyTalk and Jacquie’s contributions to the field of holistic healthcare.

What was it about your first BodyTalk experience that led you to pursue a career in this field?

Before my first BodyTalk session, I had experienced significant health issues for years, including hormonal and reproductive problems and persistent lower back pain. Despite numerous doctors’ visits, surgeries, and trying different modalities, nothing provided lasting relief. My introduction to BodyTalk happened 18 years ago, thanks to my dad, who was recommended BodyTalk sessions in addition to alternative modalities by his psychiatrist for the best outcome. His profound experience convinced me to try it, even though I had to drive two hours to the nearest practitioner in Brisbane.

My first session was life-changing and an enormous “aha” moment. My practitioner explained that BodyTalk is unique because it recognizes the innate wisdom within every sentient being, which oversees the entire body-mind complex and prioritizes healing processes. She used biofeedback testing to communicate with my innate wisdom, asking what needed to be addressed first. Although I had significant issues like pain, headaches, and multiple miscarriages, the session also focused on underlying issues that might have been ticking time bombs.

The approach was different from the allopathic model of diagnose-and-prescribe, which often felt superficial to me. BodyTalk considered my entire journey and all contributing factors to my health and disease. It could address environmental influences, epigenetic factors, hereditary issues, past life experiences, and collective consciousness.

The session validated my feelings about holistic healing and highlighted the shortcomings of conventional healthcare. It opened a door to consciousness, allowing access to any necessary information or wisdom. I left the session wondering why this was my first encounter with such a profound healing method. Why wasn’t healthcare more about asking the body what it needed to heal?
Having resigned from my retail management job six months earlier, I was searching for something inspiring and fulfilling. My dad’s experience and my own BodyTalk session revealed a path that felt right. I read that animals also loved BodyTalk, which resonated deeply with my lifelong connection to the animal kingdom. I knew I was meant to work with animals through BodyTalk.

Two weeks later, I took my first BodyTalk class, managing to organize my household and kids just in time. That was 18 years ago, and my journey in BodyTalk has been incredibly eye-opening and life-changing.

How does BodyTalk differ from other holistic healing practices, and what unique benefits does it offer for both people and animals?

BodyTalk distinguishes itself from other holistic healing practices by addressing the entire body-mind complex rather than focusing on specific aspects. While some modalities concentrate solely on the psychology or the structural integrity of the body, BodyTalk integrates all aspects of a sentient being. It encompasses the physical body, all levels of consciousness, psychology, epigenetics, environment, spirit, soul, and emotions. This comprehensive approach allows BodyTalk to effectively address the whole person or animal non-invasively.

The unique benefits of BodyTalk include its ability to create significant and immediate changes. People and animals often experience instant shifts, release limiting beliefs, and perceive their world differently. Their behaviors and self-relationships improve drastically, leading to profound transformations. Sessions can be conducted both in person and remotely without any loss of effectiveness. Many clients prefer remote sessions for their convenience and reduced stress.

BodyTalk also does not diagnose or label individuals. Instead, it focuses on dissociating clients from limiting beliefs and conditioned perceptions. This approach fosters a supportive and authentic environment where clients can fully be themselves. By improving communication throughout the body and balancing all its aspects, BodyTalk incorporates various philosophies and practices, such as kinesiology, Reiki, osteopathy, chiropractic philosophy, and traditional Chinese medicine. The practitioner’s knowledge and skills are effortlessly integrated into each session, enhancing the healing process.

Safety measures are integral to BodyTalk, ensuring that sessions are conducted with the client’s permission and at their own pace. Practitioners continuously seek consent from the client’s innate wisdom throughout the session, avoiding over-treatment and potential healing crises. This careful approach honors the natural healing process and ensures that each session is tailored to the individual’s needs.

BodyTalk’s benefits extend to both people and animals, offering safe and effective healing. Animals, in particular, respond quickly due to their lack of rigid belief systems, and healing often impacts the entire family or group matrix. BodyTalk addresses a wide range of issues, from stress and emotional trauma to disease processes, creating long-lasting changes by targeting the root causes. This holistic and comprehensive approach makes BodyTalk a powerful modality for fostering profound and enduring healing for both humans and animals.

What motivated you to establish the My Incredible Orbit Academy, and what are its core objectives?

I knew I needed a break after running a business for several years as a single parent. I took a week off to stay at a family friend’s communal holiday house in Tasmania. During my stay, I had a profound experience when a small bird made intense eye contact with me. This moment led to a significant download of information, outlining the entire program for the My Incredible Orbit Academy.

The Academy is a year-long program designed to support women in their personal growth and healing journeys. Each month, we focus on a specific agenda, such as letting go, and explore it deeply through group sessions. The goal is to facilitate strong, lasting change by addressing different aspects of personal development in a supportive, communal environment.

The Academy started in 2016, and its core objectives revolve around the journey back to self, rooted in the consciousness of love. By taking one concept at a time and collectively addressing it, we create significant transformation. The group matrix formed by the participants’ innate wisdoms ensures that each session resonates deeply with everyone involved, promoting profound growth and healing.

What advice would you give to someone who is new to BodyTalk or interested in exploring integrative medicine for themselves or their pets?

Run towards it as fast as you can! BodyTalk is an incredible journey and adventure, with endless learning opportunities. You can specialize in various areas, such as integrative sports medicine or working as a birth doula. The BodyTalk system, under the International BodyTalk Association, includes additional life science classes like MindScape, BreakThrough, and FreeFall, each offering unique benefits.

You could spend a lifetime exploring BodyTalk, as it encompasses aspects of Ayurvedic medicine, traditional Chinese medicine, anatomy, physiology, and more. Training can be for personal spiritual growth or professional practice, and it’s flexible to fit individual needs and interests.

Even if you’re not interested in training, I highly recommend trying a BodyTalk session to experience being treated as an entire body-mind complex. For those curious about BodyTalk, I teach entry-level classes for both people and animals. These classes provide practical techniques for supporting health and handling emergencies.

As for integrative medicine, there’s been a significant shift in collective consciousness, with more people seeking to understand themselves and the natural world. This trend is likely to continue growing as people explore ways to achieve harmony, tap into innate healing, follow intuition, and maintain happiness and healthy relationships.

In your experience, what are the key elements that contribute to a balanced core of happiness, bliss, and good health?

The key elements to a balanced core of happiness, bliss, and good health include staying true to oneself, focusing on what inspires you, and doing what brings you happiness rather than meeting others’ expectations. It’s essential to stay in your own lane, focusing on your needs and goals, and avoiding interference from others.
Love is the substance of our natural consciousness, the glue of universal consciousness. Anything that aligns with love, the natural state of being for humans, animals, and nature, contributes to happiness and good health. Maintaining this focus helps individuals navigate life with a sense of purpose and fulfilment.


To learn more or connect with Jacquie visit


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MysticMag contains reviews that were written by our experts and follow the strict reviewing standards, including ethical standards, that we have adopted. Such standards require that each review will take into consideration independent, honest and professional examination of the reviewer. That being said, we may earn a commission when a user completes an action using our links, at no additional cost to them. On listicle pages, we rank vendors based on a system that prioritizes the reviewer’s examination of each service but also considers feedback received from our readers and our commercial agreements with providers.This site may not review all available service providers, and information is believed to be accurate as of the date of each article.
About the author
Sarah Kirton
Sarah is a keen and passionate advocate of the spiritual and healing components within the mystical realm of the world we live in. She resides in Cape Town, South Africa, where she enjoys spending time in the outdoors, kite surfing, and playing guitar.