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A New Balance: Solar Eclipse in Libra, October 02

A New Balance: Solar Eclipse in Libra, October 02

We’re on the tail-end of eclipse season, which is always a volatile time of transformation. This particular Eclipse in the sign of diplomatic and beauty-seeking Libra will fοrce us to look at our relationships and partnerships and renew the ones that truly make sense for who we want to be in the future, while perhaps letting other relationships that have run their circle go.

On a global scale, emotions might be running high these days because this Eclipse comes with a tense square with Mars, with a lot of frustration and miscommunication ensuing. The key is to try to maintain your equilibrium throughout it all, and avoid any big, bold moves.

Read on to find out how this Solar Eclipse/New Moon is going to impact you, based on your sign. 


Relationships are important, but so are your own needs. Try to find the perfect balance between being flexible and having boundaries.


Create a schedule that allows time for the things you need to do, and for the things you want to do.


You have so many creative ideas right now, but not the bandwidth to bring them to life. Save them for later.


Reconnecting with family members (or with your pets) is all you need to do right now. Find your roots. Honor them.


Words fly but writings stay forever. Be careful what you’re sharing with the world. Don’t be tempted to contribute to drama.


Your finances will improve, but your ability to handle your income should improve with it. Live a little, save a lot.


It feels like you want to change everything right now, but wait. Energies are super volatile. Take a step back. Reassess.


Don’t be your own worst enemy. Show kindness to your past mistakes and focus on healing your wounds, resting and recuperating.


If you feel disconnected from your friends’ group, ask yourself why. Do you perhaps need some new people in your life?


A team at work can only get you so far — and in some cases, hinder your own progress. Put yourself first.


This is the time to expand your mind and learn new things. Don’t allow your past limitations to define you anymore.


You’re seeing the truth of certain situations and certain relationships. Be extra discerning, and wait before you take action on things.

We rank vendors based on rigorous testing and research, but also take into account your feedback and our commercial agreements with providers. This page contains affiliate links. Advertising Disclosure
MysticMag contains reviews that were written by our experts and follow the strict reviewing standards, including ethical standards, that we have adopted. Such standards require that each review will take into consideration independent, honest and professional examination of the reviewer. That being said, we may earn a commission when a user completes an action using our links, at no additional cost to them. On listicle pages, we rank vendors based on a system that prioritizes the reviewer’s examination of each service but also considers feedback received from our readers and our commercial agreements with providers.This site may not review all available service providers, and information is believed to be accurate as of the date of each article.
About the author
Danai Christopoulou
Horoscope Writer
Horoscope Writer
Danai Christopoulou is Mystic Mag’s daily horoscope writer.

She’s a professional writer and editor and has been writing horoscopes for various publications since 2010. She’s also studied History of Religions, Wicca, astrology, and tarot. Her horoscope predictions focus on planetary movements and transits, daily planetary aspects, and how they influence each House for every sign.

Danai has written professionally for two decades, contributing articles about astrology, witchcraft, spirituality, and wellness to several publications in Europe and the US, such as Wicca Magazine. She was also Senior Editor for Glamour Magazine Greece and remains the resident astrologist, and a wellness columnist, for Marie Claire Greece.

When she’s not reading charts, Danai can be found doing tarot readings for friends, editing works of fiction, and focusing on her own short stories and novels.